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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
North Texas
It wasn't made for my demographic (teenager). The demos on the stage of the Keynote were all supposed to be in a den environment for people who have the time and want to sit down on a weekend afternoon and read the paper, surf the web, and catch up on their latest iBook. This just doesn't fit me and I don't think it fits into the majority of my demographic. I don't see myself in the near future sitting down for an extended period of time and reading an ibook, surfing the web for more than 10 minutes at a time, or anything else that I can't already do on my Macbook Pro. If I want to look up a quick webpage or check out a funny YouTube video I could easily do that on my iPhone. Maybe I am completely wrong when I make this point but there has to be other people that feel the same way about the iPad. Right?
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