I've been playing on getting an iPad Pro 12.9, but today I also found myself looking at the Surface Pro
So just wondering, if you were looking at either of these 2 devices why you opted to go for the iPad?
My reason at the moment is I have several Apple products, but apart from that why would the iPad be a better option over the Surface? Can anyone that has used both comment as to how the 2 devices compare?
Surface Pro if you want a real laptop replacement. If you want a better tablet - iPad is a better experience.
For me, the deciding factor, though, is the Apple Pencil. As an illustrator, the quality of the pen is the most important aspect (especially now that there is really good illustration software on the iPad) and Apple Pencil is still a lot better for drawing than the Surface pen (though if you want just to scribble notes, both are fine).
Also, for me, iPad is a companion device. I carry my MBP and iPad Pro with me and it's the best combination for me. Surface is, in a way, both of these devices in just one device (which is certainly a plus) - but the quality of both "parts" is, in my opinion, lower. iPad is a better tablet and offers better drawing experience while MBP is a better computer (15" is quad core and, of course, macOS).
However, this obviously doesn't apply to everyone. Surface seems like a good computer. If you like Windows, that is.
Have a 15 MBP, 12.9 iPad, 10.5 iPad and a Surface Pro 4 for work (I work at a software company). Love my iPads for consumption and LIGHT work, but for my uses, unless they ever give mouse and real access to the file system, it will be a secondary device as it's just too limiting.
Exactly. Currently, a lot of my workflow requires a mouse, also, standard computers are still more flexible when it comes to certain things (window management, file management, etc.) But, mostly, it comes down to the mouse and keyboard - and I wonder if this is just me set in my old ways and if I will be able to all these precise UI things on a tablet one day.
However - when it just comes to illustration, iPad Pro blows everything else - from Wacoms to Surfaces - out of the water. Also, it is best for tablet stuff, like reading comics or surfing websites from the couch.
For me, the current solution is a MBP 15" and the iPad Pro. I love this combination, I prefer it to the Surface in many ways, though I hope one day I will be able to have all that in one device.
Surface Pro is kind of a laptop first, tablet second. I know a lot of people don't agree with me
I agree 100%