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Aug 1, 2010
Why does one bring an iPad to the amusement park?

I have a 4S and the camera regardless of the hype can't a hold a candle next to a 7 year old Nikon SLR with less megapixels (d70s). But sometimes it's better to get a candid shot than no shot at all, and that's why I like my 4S camera. But iPad? Really? You might as well pull out your laptop and turn on the webcam.

I have no idea why people bring them to amusement parks, but I saw two people with them walking around Six Flags the other day. Does it really make sense? No. Just saying, that's what's starting to happen.


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2007
I have no idea why people bring them to amusement parks, but I saw two people with them walking around Six Flags the other day. Does it really make sense? No. Just saying, that's what's starting to happen.

First off because we have become an interconnected society thru technology. You'd be surprised on how many need to check for email or surf the web if they feel the need to. Carrying an iPad looks more socially acceptable than carrying around a PS Vita. :p
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