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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 29, 2004
Why is it better that other music downloading/buying programs?
Because it plays and organises music on your computer, but it is also a store and it integrates perfectly with your iPod.

Download it and try it for free. You're not compelled to use it if you don't like it...
It manages your music for you.
It syncs and extends your iPod.
It can burn music CDs.
It can import CD music and encode, all in one step.
It can be used in Party Shuffle mode and acts like a jukebox at parties.
It can buy music off the net.
It can stream to your home stereo.
It can share with other computers.
It can play internet radio.
It's easy to use.
Apart from all the points already mentioned there are plenty of plug ins and complimentary apps for iTunes.

Which other apps are you comparing iTunes too? Of course if you prefer them, you're free to use them!
joey4127 said:
Sounds cool...But 99c is a lot for 1 song.

I have over 3500 songs on my Mac. Not one has been bought from the iTMS... they have all been ripped from my own CDs.

Besides, 99 cents is excellent value. Name something else that costs a dollar and can give you as much pleasure as a song you like...
joey4127 said:
Sounds cool...But 99c is a lot for 1 song.

I think you're confusing iTunes (the music cataloging app) with the iTunes Music Store (the music download store).

Oh and I think you'll find .99c is pretty competitive! I think the price for an album is $8.99.
I think that it's an awesome application IMHO. Such and easy way to store music and to play songs fro the iTMS or my CD's. $0.99 per song is a good deal and even better when purchasing an album. I currently have 180 songs the majority are free. Some from last years Pepsi promotion, actually when I got started with my collection. There is also the weekly free download from the store. Occasionally Apple will have a collection of 10 or more songs that you can download for free as an album, just keep your eye out. Mercedes Benz also has a site that allows a download of free songs.
Yes I agree, iTunes is such a great application to store all your songs and even your created songs. In fact, it is my organiser - couldn't do it without iTunes.

Sorry to hijack your thread slightly, saves me having to start another thread for a pathetic question - I need to buy some new ear headphones - will the iPod in-ear headphones work in my Powerbook socket for listening to tracks on iTunes?

All the reasons were listed there from within the program, but its what you can do outside the program that really counts.

You can burn playlists for FREE - other services charge per song
You can rip the CD to any computer
You can play the CD in your car
You can sync with the iPod
You can shuffle the songs
You can remove duplicate songs from your library
Its very stable
Windows: It is the best program for windows, made by apple.
Blue Velvet said:
I have over 3500 songs on my Mac. Not one has been bought from the iTMS... they have all been ripped from my own CDs.

Besides, 99 cents is excellent value. Name something else that costs a dollar and can give you as much pleasure as a song you like...

5123 Songs on my Mac and also not 1 from iTunes.

Own the original bar less than a couple.
Value for money wise wait for a sale, iTunes is too expensive and too limiting for true muisc lovers.
Redbull said:
I need to buy some new ear headphones - will the iPod in-ear headphones work in my Powerbook socket for listening to tracks on iTunes?

They're standard headphone jacks with the in-ear headphones so they'll work just fine with your PB, and any other standard headphone socket :)
iTunes is one of Apple's greatest apps. It performs well and is simple and efficient and I love the rendezvous (er, I mean "bonjour" ;) ) sharing features. Oh and the iTunes Music Store is icing on the cake - I love it - as is iPod integration. And the visuals are cool (and if you don't like them, there are tonnes of different ones to download).

So many, many ppl make this same mistake...there is a difference between iTunes the application and the iTunes music store.
You DON'T HAVE to download songs from the iTunes music store to be able to use iTunes, it's just convenient. The iTunes application is free and does a tremendous amount of wonderful things.
So...use the iTunes app, but import your own CDs. That is what the majority of users do anyway.
At the moment I have 8816 songs in my iTunes library, and iTMS hasn't even opened here in Norway (if it ever will)...

Just think of iTunes as a jukebox on your computer, you fill it with your favorite music, ripping your own and close friends and relatives CDs, <coughing>whatever mp3s you have lying around</coughing> and top it up by adding songs form the integrated online music store cheaper than buying CDs. You organize playlists whith your favorite tunes, sync with your iPod and/or burn CDs with one click... what else is there to want from a music player... No other music library/jukebox program comes even close to iTunes when considering ease of use, style and price (it's free, after all ;)) for Windows or Mac OS X.

...iTunes was like a wet dream for me back in the 80's when I spent countless hours compiling mixed tapes from my vinyl albums, when I started using it a couple of years ago it just made sense, this was what I'd waited for... ;)
joey4127 said:
Sounds cool...But 99c is a lot for 1 song.

I hear this a lot, but I have to disagree with that. Let's say at a store a CD cost ~$10 + with 10 songs on it. That's $1.00 a song which is pretty much what ITMS is. So it's actually an even deal. Then some people say that the record companies rip us off, they make money regardless of how many CDs they sell, yada yada yada yada. Even if the song/artist isn't worth squat to pay for (if a person thinks someone can't sing), that does NOT excuse you to steal that song. If you don't like a particular artist and aren't willing to pay for it, then don't got off illegally downloading it just because you (not you just people in general) you think its "fair".

Sorry got a bit off topic there, but to me .99 is an awesome price for a song, IMO.
I have used iTunes for about 2 years now and I love it. But I've NEVER bought a song from the music store. All are ripped from CDs. Anyways I think $.99 is great for the times you only want a couple songs from an album.

But when it comes to a complete album, like the afformentioned Hendrix album, where you'd want every song on the album $.99 seems a bit high. Especially when it's $9.99 for all 20 songs on CD. When it comes to buying complete albums that's when I think Apple shoud be more competitive.
acedickson said:
But when it comes to a complete album, like the afformentioned Hendrix album, where you'd want every song on the album $.99 seems a bit high. Especially when it's $9.99 for all 20 songs on CD. When it comes to buying complete albums that's when I think Apple shoud be more competitive.
Not sure I'm following the logic there. That breaks down to about $.50 a tune and the convenience of not having to leave the house to get it or pay for shipping - not bad at all. There are definitely instances where an album is more expensive via iTunes that in the store, but generally, an album off iTunes is cheaper than buying it in a store.
sjpetry said:
Why use a Mac............same reasons. :cool:

Excellent response, and so true. My manager recently bought a 60GB iPod Photo for his 8 year old son and after spending some time using the Windows version of iTunes he's decided he (the father) needs a Mac. I've spent the last few months trying to force him to buy a Mac so I know 1 other person IRL with 1, and all it took was a few minutes with a well designed Apple application. and him to pick at its faults and me saying "Oh that doesn't happen on the Mac version.".
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