None, unless price is a factor.
In October 2017 we had a lengthy conversation thread on the size of Pages files and the use of iWorks.Whats the advantage of using Pages over Word? Besides the launch time on my Mac which is an advantage of Pages.
Having said that, there are many times that I need to use MS Office. My preference is to use Pages whenever possible and if there is something that I can't do in Pages, I'll try Pages '09, and only go to Word as a last resort.
I agree with member @sracer. I used MS Office for years - Windows and macOS. And unless I have to exchange documents with someone or some business that absolutely needs it in Office format, I will use Pages. In my opinion MS Office has devolved into bloatware and numerous updates that just seem to cause problems. I do have Office 2011 that I keep handy for those times when it is necessary. My copy of Office 2016 is sitting on the shelf over my desk along with other no longer used software. I suppose I may be forced to install it if Office 2011 should not function with the next version of macOS.
Same here. I'll open a .docx in Word if I have to, but only long enough to get the info I need. Word is just too bloated, slow and erratic for me. Pages is very smooth and has (near? total?) feature parity with the iOS version, so I can easily pop open a .pages file on my phone if I need to. I guess if I needed more Word-specific features or collaborated in a Microsoft-centric environment more I'd use it.
As for more advanced formatting, well, I'll open InDesign for that, thanks![]()
Install Office 2016 its much better than 2011 and runs better as well.
To me Office files take forever to launch because I am using a spinning HD. Pages files open MUCH faster.
Definitely that's it. I have suspected that Microsoft is using some sort of WINE-like wrapper around some Windows-based code for it's Mac version of Office. File size was one clue. At one point in time, fonts used by MS Office for Mac were separate from OSX fonts, that was another.Even on my SSD-based MacBook, Word takes longer than it should to open. Maybe this has something to do with it:
View attachment 762893
Word's subscription model has been known to leave people stranded without access to their docs.
OTOH 6 years down the line when Apple comes out with "Paragraphs" you won't be able to read Pages Docs either.
Apple has long strings of abandonware.
For my limited needs, I go with LibreOffice, which at least has an open document format.
Plain text, as from BBEdit, has a nice long file-usability lifetime. So that's good too.
With cell phones displacing most computers, this is a bad time to rely on what may very well turn out to be ephemeral file formats.
Pages, Numbers and Keynote will import from and export to .docx, .xls and .ppt file formats -- albeit with varying degrees of fidelity.When your Office 365 subscription expires it goes into a limited function mode. You can still read and access your documents, you just can't do anything with them.
Pages is well over a decade old at this point and totally backward compatible. Any loss of compatibility would have a long lead time. But yeah, it's always important to keep an eye on this stuff. For my writing these days I'm huge on plain text, either .markdown or .fountain, and I know there's no way plain text is going away anytime soon.Word's subscription model has been known to leave people stranded without access to their docs.
OTOH 6 years down the line when Apple comes out with "Paragraphs" you won't be able to read Pages Docs either.
Apple has long strings of abandonware.
For my limited needs, I go with LibreOffice, which at least has an open document format.
Plain text, as from BBEdit, has a nice long file-usability lifetime. So that's good too.
With cell phones displacing most computers, this is a bad time to rely on what may very well turn out to be ephemeral file formats.
When your Office 365 subscription expires it goes into a limited function mode. You can still read and access your documents, you just can't do anything with them.
Damn why pay for this crap?? These two are free and work fine..
My guess is if you're asking this question, then you really don't need what MS Word has to offer.Whats the advantage of using Pages over Word? Besides the launch time on my Mac which is an advantage of Pages.
My guess is if you're asking this question, then you really don't need what MS Word has to offer.
That said, you should stick with Pages, which is very good and has a plus…
It's free.![]()
Unless you're in an organisation that uses MS Office, or do have a specific need, if I were you, I would stick with Pages.I use them both for writing letters. Word takes a long time to launch for the first time on my HD while pages launches in seconds.
I pretty much have to use Word. It has unparalleled power and features that Pages simply doesn’t have (heading navigation in long documents for one - thumbnails don’t cut it!). But there's one thing about Office in general I detest - the ribbon. I’ve been using Word for years and I still can’t find stuff. It’s a dreadful piece of UX and completely redundant on the Mac where there are still drop-down menus.
Me too - that’s what I meant. The Mac version has both drop-downs and the ribbon; why does it need the latter? Libre/OpenOffice adopt the ‘old’ MS Office look which are more appropriate on the Mac as the drop-downs are persistent.Hey I prefer the drop down menus! I hate the Windows version which lacks these.