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macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2001
Denver, CO
Originally posted by alex_ant
At least I can spell it properly. :rolleyes:

Sounds like this is winding down, and I'm not inclined to continue it, but I still feel the need to defend myself on this point. You're no doubt thinking, "Occam." That's an accepted spelling with regard to the philosophical principle, but I've wondered how it got to be so. My assumption is that this is a result of notoriously nonstandardized spelling in middle ages english. However, the appropriate standardized spelling is "Ockham," as in Ockham, Surrey, the village from which William of Ockham hailed.

Incidentally, William was not so vain as to name the principle for himself. He refered to it as the "Law of Parsimony."


macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by alex_ant

I doubt you would, but I'll take your word for it.

It seems to me that this is really your purpose in arguing here.

You are making an assumption about most Mac users that is not favorable. The assumption is that most Mac users are fanatics completely incapable of unbiased thought and reasoning. This resonates through all of your statements (if MacWorld would have written this with a favorable ending, you would be praising it--I'm paraphrasing, by the way)

Personally, I'm pretty insulted by this. I am a very rational, a very level headed person and I prefer Macs because of rational and concrete reasons. But you assume differently. You assume that I'm a zealot bent on protecting Macs at all costs.

This is simply not the case. I found the article erronous and the overall tone to be a veiled attack on the Mac. But because you saw the article as something else, you immediately start accusing us of being zealots. Thats in poor taste.

If you read my posts, and my original post, you'll see that I certainly didn't agree that this was the worst article ever, but I thought it was a bad article. I'm sure we can find many other articles out there (on a variety of subjects) which our opinions on the quality of the article would differ. In those other cases would you accuse the parties who like the article of being zealots?? I doubt it. But because it is in the context of Macs, you have grouped me, and other rational people such as Gelfin in with the fanatics.

You need to rethink why you are really arguing with us.

And I would think that you would really have looked up Ockham in the dictionary before attacking Gelfin. Almost all have it listed under both spellings with Ockham being as popular and accepted as Occam. Try it:



macrumors 68000
May 24, 2002
'Toba, Canada
"The iMac came with ClarisWorks"
-What the heck are you talking about ClarisWorks for? They come with AppleWorks! And 90% of people who use office only use 10% of the features it offers, so it is great for home users.
dont worry, i know mac users who refer AppleWorks as ClarisWorks...well actually just the teachers at my school :p clarisworks disappeared years ago lol


macrumors 68020
Feb 5, 2002
All up in your bidness
Originally posted by Taft
It seems to me that this is really your purpose in arguing here.

.. (blah blah, snip snip)

No, that was only an aside. The thrust of my argument was definitely not that anyone who disagrees with the article is a Mac zealot, and I'm sorry I wasn't more clear about that. I think I laid out my purpose in arguing pretty clearly, and you and Gelfin didn't agree with me, and that's fine.
And I would think that you would really have looked up Ockham in the dictionary before attacking Gelfin. Almost all have it listed under both spellings with Ockham being as popular and accepted as Occam. Try it:
I stand corrected.



macrumors 68040
Feb 24, 2001
All this PC bashing is making Bill sad....


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