No simultaneous voice & data. iMessage uses data, standard text messages do not.
With iMessage enabled and on a call, I do not receive messages for 5-6 minutes (tested this exhaustively with my sister), as the phone will eventually revert to automatically sending the message as an SMS after what appears to be a 5 minute timeout.
My options:
A. Get some of my messages delivered on a 5+ minute delay if I'm on a call.
B. Get my messages with no delay with an unlimited texting plan.
I went with option B and disabled iMessage.
Advantage: AT&T.
You receive iMessages while on a phone call.
It's not that they don't let you. It's not possible on CDMA. It's also not possible on AT&T when you don't have 3G.
Isn't CDMA like ancient technology?
iMessages don't show up in my Lockinfo display so I disabled iMessage. We've got unlimited texting anyway.
I actually prefer the green bubbles over the blue anyway.
iMessages don't show up in my Lockinfo display so I disabled iMessage. We've got unlimited texting anyway.
I actually prefer the green bubbles over the blue anyway.
Isn't CDMA like ancient technology?
I don't get these complaints about receiving messages while in a phone call...If you are in a phone call on CDMA, it will just revert back to text.
is everyone missing the point of imessage?
imessage is always set at default if turned on, if it is able to delivery as imessage, then it will, if it doesnt, then it will send as regular SMS.
if you're talking on the phone with CDMA, then obviously it doesnt delivery as imessage and will come through as SMS.
here is a good thread about imessage if you're still confused-