So, if this is a scam "like reported on CNN", your friends have been getting emails asking for money? Right? If not, I'm not seeing how it's a scam like the article you linked to.
You don't have to worry about somebody downloading your iPad content to their iPad. At least not through through MobileMe. As a previous poster pointed-out, your iPad backup lives on your computer.
To clarify, MobileMe backs-up and syncs SOME of your data (bookmarks, calendar, contacts). Your apps, configuration, and app data are backed-up locally on your computer's hard drive when you sync to iTunes. Somebody who has access to your MobileMe account could sync that limited data that it syncs onto another device. That could be an iPad, iPhone, or Mac system.
Hopefully, you didn't put your credit card numbers, passwords, etc. as notes on your own Contacts entry as a friend of mine did! (I found out when he "Bump"ed me his contact information...)
You still haven't said if you use OSX or Windows.
If OSX, look under your home directory, Library/Application Support/MobileSync. You should see one or more directories named with long hex codes. Unfortunately, I don't think the hex code will identify your device. Look one created recently, it's probably for your iPad. If you only have one, you only have the backup for your iPhone.
Note that I seem to have TWO for my iPad - not sure if they backup for iPad is split into two parts for some reason, or if something is messed-up. I assume there are some utilities you can download for working with these directories and giving you a better indication of what you have and possibly recover some or all of the data.
Sorry for the skepticism, but just as there are people who get a kick out of crime, even if they don't do well at it (I always say there are some people who would rather make a crooked dime than an honest dollar...), there are those who get a kick out of lying - especially on forums like this. Nothing personal, it's just when stuff like this is posted that is short on detail, I'm afraid my first impression is that it's BS.
You don't have to worry about somebody downloading your iPad content to their iPad. At least not through through MobileMe. As a previous poster pointed-out, your iPad backup lives on your computer.
To clarify, MobileMe backs-up and syncs SOME of your data (bookmarks, calendar, contacts). Your apps, configuration, and app data are backed-up locally on your computer's hard drive when you sync to iTunes. Somebody who has access to your MobileMe account could sync that limited data that it syncs onto another device. That could be an iPad, iPhone, or Mac system.
Hopefully, you didn't put your credit card numbers, passwords, etc. as notes on your own Contacts entry as a friend of mine did! (I found out when he "Bump"ed me his contact information...)
You still haven't said if you use OSX or Windows.
If OSX, look under your home directory, Library/Application Support/MobileSync. You should see one or more directories named with long hex codes. Unfortunately, I don't think the hex code will identify your device. Look one created recently, it's probably for your iPad. If you only have one, you only have the backup for your iPhone.
Sorry for the skepticism, but just as there are people who get a kick out of crime, even if they don't do well at it (I always say there are some people who would rather make a crooked dime than an honest dollar...), there are those who get a kick out of lying - especially on forums like this. Nothing personal, it's just when stuff like this is posted that is short on detail, I'm afraid my first impression is that it's BS.