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what the most important reason you chose a mac over a pc

  • OSX

    Votes: 96 87.3%
  • Physical design, ie. Looks

    Votes: 9 8.2%
  • build in Peripherals, isight and wireless card

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • brand, the "Apple"

    Votes: 4 3.6%

  • Total voters
I bought an Apple because I knew the system would work as a whole. I have had plenty of Dells, Compaqs, Sonys and IBMs, but non of them except for the IBM could stand up to the riggers of day-to-day use my 17" PowerBook sees. My PowerBook runs 12 hours a day 5 days a week. This system is almost 3 years old and I have not (knock on wood)had any major problems out of it. It just works, and as consultant, up time is very important. I don't have time to waste rebooting because of crashes, or reformatting disk every time something goes wrong. The success of my job depends on whether I can deliver an analysis when it is due. I can do that because I know every time I turn on my Mac, it is going to deliver.

That is why I bought an Apple computer.
Whilst I absolutely love the aesthetics of Apple hardware, I love OS X. It took the aesthetics to help me purchase my first Mac, but its all about the love of OS X which drives future purchases.
It seems the more I learn about Apple's products and competing products, the more I come to not like Apple. They haven't done anything innovative in a while, they make you pay more for less than what you can get elsewhere. There are little quirks in the software, and even if you don't realize it, they don't ever get down to fixing OS issues until a few weeks before they release the next OS. They glamourize a good base application (like imovie) and gradually work out the workflow and usability, at the time expense of the user who buys the software for it's features. I think they should make larger intermittent updates (x.x.blah) and make the pay-for update for the sake of features only.

So when I say 'OSX' It's only because of my hopes for the next release. Everything from ipods to imacs are feature-full and sometimes better than similar products that are less expensive, but are always missing some feature/spec or another. OSX is general is the most promising in getting ahead of the industry and making people's lives easier and enjoyable. Hopefully Apple will get around the remaining things in OSX that are simply annoying. (Like the recent document interface, and contextual menus that don't contain things like 'open in default editor' and 'open in default viewer', etc)
Initially, I switched because I could not get work done in Windows without having to do an ungodly amount of maintenence work. This was 10.2.

Since 10.3, Expose has become so vital to the way I operate on a computer that I feel less productive on a Windows machine because I have to work the "old way."

Just my $0.02
I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and say OS X. I have a Windows machine sitting right in front of me at my desk, but I couldnt be arsed to wake it up. I cringe everytime I have to fire up the thing, and its not like its old (its a less than 3 year old Pentium 4, 2.8GHz Dell), it just... well, it SUCKS! Its slow as molasses, something is always crashing, hanging, etc. I try to resist the urge to walk around campus with my PB 12"... and sometimes, I'm successful :eek:
jsarrasinjr said:
Initially, I switched because I could not get work done in Windows without having to do an ungodly amount of maintenence work. This was 10.2.

Since 10.3, Expose has become so vital to the way I operate on a computer that I feel less productive on a Windows machine because I have to work the "old way."

Just my $0.02

I agree. I get very frustrated on a Windows machine. My productivity goes down the drain.

Expose is my life. Without it, I wouldnt get anything done in a decent amount of time. It is funny, I will do it on my laptop when I am showing someone somethings and I always hear a "Whoa".

For me its the whole package. The hardware, the software, the community, the design is lovely too.

I just love my Mac. I came from building PCs and doing that crap and it got old. I came to the Mac just to try something new, and it hooked me. :)
funkychunkz said:
It seems the more I learn about Apple's products and competing products, the more I come to not like Apple. They haven't done anything innovative in a while, they make you pay more for less than what you can get elsewhere. There are little quirks in the software, and even if you don't realize it, they don't ever get down to fixing OS issues until a few weeks before they release the next OS. They glamourize a good base application (like imovie) and gradually work out the workflow and usability, at the time expense of the user who buys the software for it's features. I think they should make larger intermittent updates (x.x.blah) and make the pay-for update for the sake of features only.
i kinda agree, on one side, I totally love OSX, on the other side, I am really disappointed for Steve Jobs' totally money driven OSX developing schedule.
PCs are boring/frustrating. Macs are fun (not to mention easy)/pro. Haven't you experienced the PC & Mac commercials? Plus my Mac looks extremely sexy...
Well out of the choices available, I went with, OS X, my main reason has been for all around stability, from the hardware and software points of view.

My main reason for buying Apple once again with my Pro (apperantly shipping this year *sigh* :( ) was software related more so though, as I want to use Logic Pro. So with that particular piece of software in mind, it kind of limited my choice in machines. Really broke my heart too ;)
I hate windows. I know this is a common question among many potential switchers. But when your on the apple side and you've been using osx for a while, the question is really rediculous. Thats how much better osx is to windows. I used xp for a while before switching, this was a few years ago and i hated it then and I still hate it. I was hesitant to switch but im so glad i did. I love osx. I dont even run virus protection, and i havnt the entire time of ownership (over a year). No problems at all. Try doing that on a pee cee. Seriously a word of advice to the OP. First slap yourself for still using windows and second find the nearest window and throw your pee cee out of it. That is all. Ill be in my cave if anyone needs me. Peace.
After I got a scary blue screen of death on my desktop PC, I asked some friends and even some PC users told me, if you don't like that... get a mac.
Well, 2 Desktop PCs died before my eyes to never wake up. Their motherboard died. I don't know the reason. Too much rebooting, mainly because of random Windows shutdowns, Blue Screens, Kernel errors, effing viruses, and countless CTRL+ALT+DEL
The last pc I really liked it. Then I bought my PowerBook. After 2 months, my desktop PC decided to kill itself maybe because of jealousy. It shut down and died. I sold its parts.
Since then, I said goodbye to all those Windows calamities. Although I installed Virtual PC once. I used it rarely, then I deleted it.
I am happy with my MacBook Pro 17-inch now.
I use a mac over a PC for several reasons
1) my dell laptop was over 2" thick, weighed over 12 pounds, crashed all the time, was slow, had crap wireless card and windows was always forcing me to reinstall it.
2) OSX, ever since I met my friend who had an iBook G4 and OSX I knew that my next computer was going to be an Apple computer.
3) The design of the computers are phenominally better than the PCs. If I'm going to be on a computer all day, do I want to look at an ugly piece of crap dell or an awesome looking Apple computer?
4) My patience ran out on my gaming PC months ago with all the wasted time I spent fixing it only to get more disk read errors and having to reinstall windows again.

The main reason was OSX though.
Because three kids already add enough stress to my life. ;)

Because my 8 year old G3 still works perfectly and their 4 year old Sony Vaio

Because they always use a Mac if they are doing something important.

Because their subscription for McAfee Security Suite expired and after 8 years
I've never once needed any of that junk on any of my machines.
none of those reasons. i already have a PC, so having a mac will compliment that very nicely.
Working simultaneously with, as I often have to do, a large number of documents and resources(PDF, Word, HTML), OS X provides a fluid and accessible way of organising and accessing all those windows. Pressing down on the mouse wheel and seeing every single document at once has become such a crucial tool that I find it irritating to readjust to other operating systems. The apps which come with the OS are streamlined and fast, helping my productivity. I don't even have to mention stability - if it crashed once a week, I would still benefit.

Easy interoperability with other systems remotely is also a boon. I use ARD a lot and also make a lot of use of the built-in HTTP and FTP servers.

Superficially, I do like the aesthetics of the machines.

Accessing my erm...."digital lifestyle" is very easy. I watch DVDs and listen to music and radio on my iMac exclusively.

I've built and used my own Windows-based machines and they were fine at the time, but now returning to them would be a step back for me.

Looking forward to being even more productive on my 24" iMac!
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