I bought an Apple because I knew the system would work as a whole. I have had plenty of Dells, Compaqs, Sonys and IBMs, but non of them except for the IBM could stand up to the riggers of day-to-day use my 17" PowerBook sees. My PowerBook runs 12 hours a day 5 days a week. This system is almost 3 years old and I have not (knock on wood)had any major problems out of it. It just works, and as consultant, up time is very important. I don't have time to waste rebooting because of crashes, or reformatting disk every time something goes wrong. The success of my job depends on whether I can deliver an analysis when it is due. I can do that because I know every time I turn on my Mac, it is going to deliver.
That is why I bought an Apple computer.
That is why I bought an Apple computer.