I've read in several reviews on itunes store that some people are having problems with crashes after typing up LONG emails.
Has this issue been resolved?
Is there a character limit in what Wide Email is able to handle?
This is Pat, developer of Wide Email. The problem with sending long emails was a bug in an earlier version of the app. The current version (1.2) has no problem with sending long emails .. I've tested it with a very long email and it worked fine.
Also, I've listed below some new features that are coming in version 2.0, which I've already submitted to Apple for review and should be available soon to all Wide Email users as a free update. But first, let me reply to hamiltonrrwatch:
I emailed the developer of this application 2x. I had specific questions concerning the functionality of his product. To date, I have not received a reply.
Sorry about that hamiltonrrwatch. I went through a lull in responding to help emails for 2-3 weeks because I was off getting married! I normally reply to help emails within a few days (I have a day job that keeps me busy) and I've since replied to every help email I've received. Again, sorry for the temporary silence.
Now, those update details for version 2.0:
Users can view more of the message at once while typing: subject line moved into top bar, and iPhone status bar hidden when in landscape mode.
Shortcuts can insert multiple lines. For example, "adr" could insert your whole 3-line mailing address. Also enables shortcuts to insert multiple paragraphs.
Drafts in the auto-saved, "sent drafts" list can now be deleted one at a time as well as all at once.
Fixes bug in which using the ampersand (&) would cause everything after the ampersand to be cut off when transferring text to Mail.
Other small bug fixes and improvements.
p.s. For those who are new to this thread, here's the direct link to Wide Email in the app store: