Folks. The number of people here who have made impassioned comments about parenting on the basis of only the most flimsy information is staggering.
Personally, I think a psychologist could have a field day with it. Still, to set the record straight: several kids were in the pool, several parents were right by the pool. My wife was the first one to react. If she hadn't, then a split second later someone else would have.
My wife and I appreciate the feelings behind the parenting comments, but truly, the post was about the phone!
The speakers have not "come back" at all, so I believe my best option will be to take the phone in to Apple for repair.
As far as the parenting comments go , what did you expect? I think the ones that speak negatively of what happened are a little clueless and obviously have no idea what kids who haven't learned about danger yet are capable of, but hey, a kid jumping in the pool is just something people are going to comment on.. For what it's worth my son did the same thing around the same age when I was standing right next to him.. It happens, kids are quick, and after that they learn.. Your wife's a good woman- you should be proud..
As far as the iPhone goes- you're seriously going to get it repaired? What are they going to repair? water logged speakers? It's probably never going to work right- I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound negative, but this is a pretty extreme situation.. Honestly, I'd go get a new iPhone, and then get one of those little display stands that will prop the damaged iPhone up and display it in a home office with a little story card explaining the situation.. If you had a happy picture with your wife and the kid standing there soaking wet, but thrilled everything was good that'd be even cooler.. Basically, turn the iPhone into a great family memory, and a story to tell for years- because the chances of it turning into a fully functional phone again are slim to none.. Your wife will think you're a good dude if you do something like this to show everyone how proud you are of her as well.. Costs you a couple hundred bucks, but it's gonna cost you that anyway if you attempt to repair it and there won't be any guarantees it will even work..