Hi, unfortunately my wife was stolen her Android P20pro tonight, a thief pick-pocketed her jacket at the restaurant.
She's now going to switch to an Iphone but we need to purchase one straight-away, no time for research or looking at the best deal.
I'm the happy owner of an Iphone XR with applecare+ and IUP, purchased 9 months ago. We were wondering:
-does it make sense to purchase a second Iphone under my appleId in order to benefit from sharing apps?
-can we have a common applecare+ for both iphones?
-If I was to purchase a new one and give her my old Xr,
would it be easy to migrate my iphone Xr to a new 11 without using cloud?
including whatsapp and everything on it
Many thanks!
She's now going to switch to an Iphone but we need to purchase one straight-away, no time for research or looking at the best deal.
I'm the happy owner of an Iphone XR with applecare+ and IUP, purchased 9 months ago. We were wondering:
-does it make sense to purchase a second Iphone under my appleId in order to benefit from sharing apps?
-can we have a common applecare+ for both iphones?
-If I was to purchase a new one and give her my old Xr,
would it be easy to migrate my iphone Xr to a new 11 without using cloud?
including whatsapp and everything on it
Many thanks!