Any estimates on how many current WiFi owners will return their iPads to get the new 3G version on Friday?
+1They should have made the restocking fee 35%
Pretty scummy to buy something so you can just use it because you have no self control of your urges like a 3 year old, and expect a full refund. No wonder **** is so screwed up in the US.
Well, I hope there are more users here than that... there are over 600 people viewing the forum now and recently!To put things in perspective. If Apple has sold 700,000 ipads to date, and there are 1,000 ipad users on this forum and all 1,000 users decide to exchange for the 3G model, that would be 0.1%.
They should have made the restocking fee 35%
Pretty scummy to buy something so you can just use it because you have no self control of your urges like a 3 year old, and expect a full refund. No wonder **** is so screwed up in the US.
They should have made the restocking fee 35%
Pretty scummy to buy something so you can just use it because you have no self control of your urges like a 3 year old, and expect a full refund. No wonder **** is so screwed up in the US.
Any estimates on how many current WiFi owners will return their iPads to get the new 3G version on Friday?
I think it's pretty lame to buy something with the intention of returning it later, even if Apple doesn't care.
If Apple doesn't care and the retailers don't care, then your opinion means absolutely nothing.
Yes it does... we end up paying, through higher prices, for the returns...
Yes it does... we end up paying, through higher prices, for the returns...
They should have made the restocking fee 35%
Pretty scummy to buy something so you can just use it because you have no self control of your urges like a 3 year old, and expect a full refund. No wonder **** is so screwed up in the US.
WiFi here with no interest in getting the 3G