Hello, i have few questions.
I recently switched from my old iMac and mbp 13'' from 2009 to new i7 27'' iMac and now i run only that machine, but i have few problems.
I allready replaced display on that imac couse of some dust in it :s and now again not even 2moths from that there is new signs of the same dust returning in display.... :S and thats anoyhing ass hell, also this shuld be premium product not some cheep pc with display in it :S
So i guess this machine is not made for 24/7 :S since its have such damn problems, and still i need to keep my ofice steril cleen like im gona operate in it ... :S
So my question is, since i need machine which culd run 24/7 with out over heating and not costing 5k $ like mac pro.
Will apple ever make something between MacPro and iMac, like some case where is for example all parts like in high end iMac from 2011, and without 27'' build in display that price will be more then good for that.
Imagine example something like this: MacDesign (
random name )
with i7 sandy brigde procesor, with 8GB DDR3, with good graphic card, maybe raid controler build in just for two drives etc. i think that will be boom from Apple...
Can we ever espect that in future from Apple, since i think that will be grate, and it will incrise apple sales in desktop area.
I recently switched from my old iMac and mbp 13'' from 2009 to new i7 27'' iMac and now i run only that machine, but i have few problems.
I allready replaced display on that imac couse of some dust in it :s and now again not even 2moths from that there is new signs of the same dust returning in display.... :S and thats anoyhing ass hell, also this shuld be premium product not some cheep pc with display in it :S
So i guess this machine is not made for 24/7 :S since its have such damn problems, and still i need to keep my ofice steril cleen like im gona operate in it ... :S
So my question is, since i need machine which culd run 24/7 with out over heating and not costing 5k $ like mac pro.
Will apple ever make something between MacPro and iMac, like some case where is for example all parts like in high end iMac from 2011, and without 27'' build in display that price will be more then good for that.
Imagine example something like this: MacDesign (
with i7 sandy brigde procesor, with 8GB DDR3, with good graphic card, maybe raid controler build in just for two drives etc. i think that will be boom from Apple...
Can we ever espect that in future from Apple, since i think that will be grate, and it will incrise apple sales in desktop area.