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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2011
Hello, i have few questions.

I recently switched from my old iMac and mbp 13'' from 2009 to new i7 27'' iMac and now i run only that machine, but i have few problems.

I allready replaced display on that imac couse of some dust in it :s and now again not even 2moths from that there is new signs of the same dust returning in display.... :S and thats anoyhing ass hell, also this shuld be premium product not some cheep pc with display in it :S
So i guess this machine is not made for 24/7 :S since its have such damn problems, and still i need to keep my ofice steril cleen like im gona operate in it ... :S

So my question is, since i need machine which culd run 24/7 with out over heating and not costing 5k $ like mac pro.

Will apple ever make something between MacPro and iMac, like some case where is for example all parts like in high end iMac from 2011, and without 27'' build in display that price will be more then good for that.
Imagine example something like this: MacDesign ( :p random name )
with i7 sandy brigde procesor, with 8GB DDR3, with good graphic card, maybe raid controler build in just for two drives etc. i think that will be boom from Apple...
Can we ever espect that in future from Apple, since i think that will be grate, and it will incrise apple sales in desktop area.
A PC similar to Mac Pro costs ~1500$ from Dell for instance. SP Mac Pro just has a hefty profit margin, nothing else. Unless Apple changes that, we won't see anything cheaper.
i7 2600 3.4ghz (260-290$)
Apple Mother Board 300$
6870 1GB DDR5 180$
4GB DDR3 50-100$
AppleCase+Supply (300-400$)
Apple brand aditional price + 200-300$

And that machine will be more then enough for nice rendering, not to say it will be perfect design machine which can run 24/7 with out any problems

and that all will cost 1470$ and i have included most expensive price list, there culd be like i5 with 5780 graphic card which will lower the price...

This machine is ideal for work and even for game play, since my only need is machine which can run 24/7, since i need OS X for work, and im working in my Room like freelancer, and also that same machine is used for watching movies and some times game play.

And i dont have need for server machine like MP is, and iMac for now wont do me work, since i dont want to worry if my iMac after 1-2h of C4D rendering will melt down, or it will start showing dust like spots in display...

For example im now looking at high end iMac price

3.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
8GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x4GB
1TB Serial ATA Drive
AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB GDDR5
Apple Magic Mouse
Apple Wireless Keyboard (English) & User's Guide

Now take the price off that for 27'' Display which is something like 900-1200$
and that will leave price like 1200-1400$ and i will like to see that and will buy it ASP! and also they will earn even more, since this machines cant be used like MP for 3-4years without replaceing them, this machines will be changed like 2-3y and that will bring aditional money and customers to buy new product each year.

PS. Apple need to tace care more us who use apple machines for work, not to focus only on iPhone and iPad development.
Intel Xeon W3530 - $294
3x1GB 1066MHz DDR3 ECC - ~$50
ATI Radeon HD 5770 - ~$100
Motherboard - $300
Case and PSU - $300-400
Apple extra - $200-300

Total: ~$1250-1450

And Apple charges $2499 for that.

Thats shame, im not surre why they do that, i know its premium, but im only interested in OS X sistem, im not gona work better or faster, only couse my pc or laptop look nice, or have apple logo on it.

I think customers need to wake them self, since only product which have proper price is iMac since its not expensive when you have nice display in it and end price is not expansive.

But MP is damn overcharged, and also i think apple lacks one product, like Mac Pro lite which wont use server MotherBoard and server procesors, since i want case with apple parts in it which dont cost like hell and i dont want two procesors ( since om only working with graphic and cinema 4d to help me with some stuff) and i want to buy displays which i want, since im using 2 x high end NEC displays since im working for few local print companys like freelancer and need to have best posibles colors on display.

So i hope people from apple reading this and will consider making Apple case with one CPU, which will cost in normal price range.
Or i will be forced to sell my mac and return on win :(( since new win7 didnt that bad, but i will miss so much os x driven apps which is no way to be found for win.
Apples Lineup
Mac Mini Starts at $699
iMac Starts at $1,199
Mac Pro Starts at $2,499

Now I would have to say most people will go with the iMac Because its a all-in-one machine. Ideal for families or anyone who just wants a Apple computer. The mac mini is for someone who likes macs but doesn't want anything fancy and they can choose which screen etc to use with it. The mac pro on the other hand is for hardcore users. Editing/design etc. These people will appreciate the Mac Pro and use it to its potential. Yes you get server grade components and yes it is over priced. But its a mac. You should know that people who love Apple products will pay more for a mac then a PC that has the same specs.
1. Everything is made by the same company.
2. Excellent quality in my opinion.
3. Excellent OS. I have personally never had ANY problems with OS X.
4. Looks fantastic, not generic like PC's do.

I personally will never pay over $300-$500 or any PC. I would rather spend twice as much for a Mac (Lets say iMac), because of the items I listed above. You just can't get all of this with a PC. Also PC's don't last that long in my opinion. I see people buying new ones every year. I have had my mac for several Years and only upgrade because I want to. Not need to, as a PC user does.

Just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.
I would be all over a Mac Pro starting in the $1500 range which employed standard SB processors and non-ECC memory.
Also PC's don't last that long in my opinion. I see people buying new ones every year. I have had my mac for several Years and only upgrade because I want to. Not need to, as a PC user does.

If you buy a PC that is in the same price range as Macs, it will most likely last as long, or even longer. It's not fair to compare $300-500 PCs to +$1000 Macs. Of course there is going to be difference in quality and durability since you are paying 2-3 times as much. Comparing apples to oranges won't get you very far.

Most people buy those cheap PCs, and that is why they need to upgrade so often. If you went and bought a workstation from Dell or HP, I'm sure it would last years.

We have the Why is the MP so expensive? thread already so I think it is better to keep this thread in "xMac" discussion. Otherwise these may be merged.
Intel Xeon W3530 - $294
3x1GB 1066MHz DDR3 ECC - ~$50
ATI Radeon HD 5770 - ~$100
Motherboard - $300
Case and PSU - $300-400
Apple extra - $200-300

Total: ~$1250-1450

And Apple charges $2499 for that.

But apple's case looks cool ;)

I opted for a core i7 setup (if you recall), I've since then upgraded a bit, but the initial cost was under a thousand and while its not a xeon processor, I save over 1500 that similar performance. :)
I would be all over a Mac Pro starting in the $1500 range which employed standard SB processors and non-ECC memory.

Apple used to sell lower spec powermacs at that price but they stopped. My guess is that the market is there but it is too small for it to be worthwhile to Apple to get involved.

As far as low cost macs go we won't see them unless Apple has a sudden change of direction. Maybe after Steve Jobs steps down whoever the new CEO is will decide to go after that market, but don't expect it anytime soon.
No. Why should they, when they can sell at a 20-50%
premium over similar performance hardware from others and their
customers will gladly pay it. iApple would be crazy to sell
competitively priced stuff. One hundred billion in the bank. :apple:
Apple used to sell lower spec powermacs at that price but they stopped. My guess is that the market is there but it is too small for it to be worthwhile to Apple to get involved.

Yeah but now that iMacs have gotten much more powerful, there's the mac mini. There's little room in apple's line up to fit a cheaper headless desktop without cannibalizing sales on their other products
A PC similar to Mac Pro costs ~1500$ from Dell for instance. SP Mac Pro just has a hefty profit margin, nothing else. Unless Apple changes that, we won't see anything cheaper.

Apple also wants to earn some money for delivering the OS and iLife for free on it.
You can't simply compare parts vs. parts of a Mac Pro and a similar configured Dell , HP or whatever.

Apple sell the hardware because of the software. A Mac is the only computer that can run OS X (yeah.. I know of hackintoshes..:rolleyes:). If you want a computer that runs OS X out of the box, iLife, can run Final Cut Pro X etc., looks cool and performs great: get a Mac.

If you want the cheapest sum of all parts: get a Dell and live with it.
Apple also wants to earn some money for delivering the OS and iLife for free on it.
You can't simply compare parts vs. parts of a Mac Pro and a similar configured Dell , HP or whatever.

Apple sell the hardware because of the software. A Mac is the only computer that can run OS X (yeah.. I know of hackintoshes..:rolleyes:). If you want a computer that runs OS X out of the box, iLife, can run Final Cut Pro X etc., looks cool and performs great: get a Mac.

If you want the cheapest sum of all parts: get a Dell and live with it.

Software is driven by your needs. If you need software that is Mac only, then a Mac is your only choice obviously. If your software is Windows only, then a PC is quite obvious choice, even though Windows runs on Macs. If your software is multi-platform, then you really need to think is the ~$1000 premium in Mac Pro justified. I don't think it is because OS X isn't that special. Saying that one OS is better than the other is dumb. Both are designed to run tasks and they both can do that.

This has all been discussed in the thread I linked above.

As for iMac:
The screen (27 inch IPS with that res) will set you back $1100,-
A Dell with the iMac's specs will set you back another $1500,-
I never was able to put a identical spec iMac together at that pricepoint. In my opinion; iMac's are cheap as hell.
Wll im just opened this thread since im designer, and in my town there is no apple store and i need to ship it and be with out it for 2-3 days which can cost me client or job im doing, and since now thats only machine i own im afraid of replacing parts etc. Since my new iMac 27'' in 3moths i allready replaces display coouse of dust in it :S and i payd like 100-150$ for trip to go to nearest Apple store, so im not satified with it, since if i pay more then 2000 for machine i want to have best posible fealing about it.

I like Apple 1000x much more then PC, but stil im not gona be sheep for apple and ackt as one, since im not satisfied.

For ex. my need are mostly in graphic design, (print industry). And also i like to use Cinema 4D often, and to render some stuff on iMac is over kill only becouse of Temeperaturs :S
And to buy MacPro for job im doing is i think overkill and wasting of money, since this high end iMac is 2x better then entry level MacPro.

So i will be more then heppy that i can buy same setUp seperatly, like have config case + display seperatly. Since in that way i wont be worry if same parts in case work 24/7/365 with out shooting mac down, and temeratures of my machine wont be anymore on mine mind every time i work or leave iMac rendering 3d sceen in cinema 4D.

So i cant wait day if it ever come to get parts like we found in iMac to be in separated case from display, in that way i will have freedom to leave my apple machine allways working and not woring and also, im using high end 24'' NEC display for graphic (colors) which is calibrated. And also i like to work more on two displays with 20-22' then on one 27''. since i used to work on two displays and help me much more in my job and make lots of things faster.

So Apple allready using SandyBridge tehnlogy, and i guess Apple inginers wont spent much time redesigning iMac mother board to be fit in case like MacPro have, or similer made for that machine.

iMac is good for office, save space, look good and its fast if you buy high end
iMac, and in office he is used only like 6-8h a day. And also i spent more time cleening my room of dust so i can keep my iMac safe from display problems.

With MacPro in other hand you dont wory for temp problems or if its on 2h or 2days, it wont to him harm. But entry level MP cost more then highEnd iMac , where you dont even get better performance not even display with him ... so adding 1000$ more for 27'' display like iMac have bring him on almost 2x price then iMac with similer performance.

So Apple shuld think to make MacPro Lite using similer iMac parts. Since i want to save 1000$ for display when i dont need it, and also to be free of thinking about temp problems and dust in display.

And about MacMini its similer thing am looking for, but he is not even close to performance of iMac i have.

2400$ iMAc - 27'' display 1000$ = MacLite 1400$ with good cpu (i7) good graphic card (6870) better memory 4GB then entry level MB (3gb), ability to make or buy raid card and make machine even faster and data safer, with out having bunch external drives. ( that will save some space) and freedom at least if not to put any memory and drives you want, even to replaced it on your own, since if user cant be that retarded to now know to replace those basic parts.

And also apple can remove 3y apple care for those machines since i think it wont be needed, since after 2y maybe that machine will have life span regarding the performance 2x less then actual high end MacPro. So in the end Apple will sell more those Macs in the end, which will meke apple to profit more, since i know at least 10ppl who will pay 500$ more for apple product, for ex. if pc with i7 cpu etc. cost like 1000$ i will pay 300-500more for Apple, but im not gona pay 2x more like lots of ppl doin it this days, sice its simple rip off, no mether how good Apple product look like or work, since not all ppl are rich and can spent 5000$ on mac pro.

As for iMac:
The screen (27 inch IPS with that res) will set you back $1100,-
A Dell with the iMac's specs will set you back another $1500,-
I never was able to put a identical spec iMac together at that pricepoint. In my opinion; iMac's are cheap as hell.

Agree, only product worth the price is iMac, but new iMac's still have problems like old ones, which is not good, for premium product.
And imagine 1500$ macLite :p with iMac performance? I guess you will see boom in sales. But for some reason apple dont want that.... :S and they are now focuses like only on iPhone, iPAd market :S :( which is shame.
I haven't compared prices in a while (since January, IIRC), but I don't think that near-identical spec workstations from the likes of Dell and HP are $1000 cheaper than the MacPro. It was more like $500-700 for the single-CPU models and closer still for the dual-processor models.

Some of this premium is offset by the better resale value of MacPros.

Nevertheless, there really is no reason why the entry-level MacPro can't profitably sell for $1999.
Software is driven by your needs. If you need software that is Mac only, then a Mac is your only choice obviously. If your software is Windows only, then a PC is quite obvious choice, even though Windows runs on Macs. If your software is multi-platform, then you really need to think is the ~$1000 premium in Mac Pro justified. I don't think it is because OS X isn't that special. Saying that one OS is better than the other is dumb. Both are designed to run tasks and they both can do that.

This has all been discussed in the thread I linked above.

Not only needs, also wants
But like you said, let's not go into the huge amounts of threads about that discussion ;)
There are so many misconceptions in your post i can't really start :p

If you're a print designer; don't buy an imac. Not because of your reasons, but because of the glossy display; hard to calibrate!

You need a professional display (above 1000) more than a high spec computer for print.

If you want a iMac without the screen, get a Mac mini.

I never had a mac overheat. Ever. And i push them. They're designed to run fairly hot.
I don't think it is because OS X isn't that special. Saying that one OS is better than the other is dumb. Both are designed to run tasks and they both can do that.​


And any woman will do, as they can perform the same tasks.
Any house will do; you can live in it.
Any car will do if it drives.

Just, buy a dell :p
There are so many misconceptions in your post i can't really start :p

If you're a print designer; don't buy an imac. Not because of your reasons, but because of the glossy display; hard to calibrate!

You need a professional display (above 1000) more than a high spec computer for print.

If you want a iMac without the screen, get a Mac mini.

I never had a mac overheat. Ever. And i push them. They're designed to run fairly hot.

i have 2 x allready 24'' displays (LCD2490WUXI2-BK) left from my old mac pro, and this iMac i got since i didnt had money for MacPro and to buy entry level MB is waste of money.

And now im not even useing one display. x)
How can i work on MacMini with PS,AI and ID opened in same time, all have large files opened in them? It wont do, since its to slow and dont ofer not nearly good performance as i7 iMac.

So i will like to have choice to buy MacPro with one core, and with out server parts which will cut down the price almost at half.
So i will like to have choice to buy MacPro with one core, and with out server parts which will cut down the price almost at half.

It won't. Like I already said, the only reason why Mac Pro is $2500 instead of $1500 is because Apple likes their +$1000 profit. Using iX parts and non-ECC RAM instead wouldn't cut the costs by more than a hundred at most. Xeons cost as much as their iX counterparts. ECC RAM is more expensive but not that much, especially not 3x1GB. Server motherboard costs a bit more too but again, we aren't talking about costs that would justify the $2499 price tag.
Fair on the displays,
The mac mini will be updated soon with the i7's,
The macbook pro's are an option for you i think.
Otherwise; you want too much for too little $. (i have the same problem)
Use it as a motivation ;-)
It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.

As long as we keep shelling out the premium for a MacPro, Apple is not gonna lower their prices.

If we stop buying them, they will be discontinued.
But apple's case looks cool ;)

I opted for a core i7 setup (if you recall), I've since then upgraded a bit, but the initial cost was under a thousand and while its not a xeon processor, I save over 1500 that similar performance. :)

imo alienware :D

if you want cheap mac just make a hackintosh :/

you can make an i5 machine with a 6870 1gb for about 1000$
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