Well, im not using mine iMac for rendering nor the video files and 3d. so buying MP for me is just like some user buy high end gaming pc for office works which can cost 2-3x less money.
But for graphic design and xcode, and in some cases i use cinema 4d for some not so complex works, but still some times render can take from 10-30min, in that time i dont want to worry and touch my iMac to check temp.
Thats not giving me setisfaction while working on it.
Mine idea (i guess many users to) is to have something like iMac hardware have, but in some mini case etc. Where i shuld not worry if its gona melt down of temp. or it will show dust spots in display, and also im smoker -.- i know thats not healthy but while working in front of iMac i cant smoke!
So if Apple selling high end iMac with i7, 4-8gb ram, good graphic card etc.
Why they wont sell that same hardware but separate it from display?
In that case they wont have so much replaced displays, which i guess in that case its apple lost.
I wuld like to have high end iMac hardvare in some nice case with nice ventilation in it, where i can replace hardrive, memory and clean dust in 2min 1000x more then having iMac with all trbules it give to users.
And Mac Pro 1st one in line with price of ~2300$ is to much, since highend iMac have better scores and add on that good IPS 27'' so when you comapre that that Mac Pro is waste of money.
Some people told that new Mac Mini will be something like i need/want, but mac mini allways was HTPC sistem, and it cant be used for serius work.
iMac 27'' = 2200$ < MacLite = 1500$ + 27'' Cinema display 990$
So what Apple will lose with this idea? :S
It will gain less work, and save money on replaced iMac displays, and also users will have better setisfaction and one midle range desktop betwen MacMini and MacPro.