I've been having intermittent wifi issues with my iPad and its really starting to bug the crap out of me now.
Will switching to an apple router end my misery?
I've tried all the recommended fixes with no luck and it seems to be getting worse by the day.
I've been having intermittent wifi issues with my iPad and its really starting to bug the crap out of me now.
Will switching to an apple router end my misery?
I've tried all the recommended fixes with no luck and it seems to be getting worse by the day.
I have the same router and no issues and I use the WEP security. Never had one issue.
Ok guys..my mistake.
I guess my vonage router was swapped out by them a while ago to the motorola vt2542.
I'm trying to find an upgraded firmware for this model but motorla's site doesn't even have it listed. Anyone using this router?
Is anyone successfully using the WRT54g with an iPad and having no issues?