I think Face ID is great and don’t miss Touch ID at all. Works more than Touch ID did for me as Touch ID didn’t work when fingers were wet etc. would still like to have the option tho something like an onscreen Touch id with Face ID as well
I already miss TouchID on my iPhone. Thankfully I have still kept my older iPhones that still have it for those! But my XS Max that I use for watching videos at home not having TouchID on it does already kinda bug me! FaceID is a nice idea in theory, but it's nowhere near as nice to use. Just sayin'.
Don't miss it on the phone to be honest, and with the new phones, FaceID is pretty fast and I am a fan. Having said that, I worry about the iPad implementation. If it requires the iPad to be in portrait to work, like the iPhone, I am not going to be happy since 98% of my iPad usage is landscape. Also, my iPad is not used at the same angle as my phone. FaceID is sensitive to angle. I love it on the phone. They are going to have to show me it works on the iPad.