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macrumors G3
Sep 21, 2010
So unless the next iPP has some seriously killer hardware, I don't think I'll upgrade. Perhaps to the iPP3 I will.

I think what you are describing is, roughly speaking, also true of all iPad models. There were some exceptions in the early days like the jump to retina, but for the most part today I think that many people hang onto their iPads and skip at least a couple of models in between.

As an Apple shareholder, I'd really prefer that y'all always upgrade to the latest model every year, or even more often. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2011
Halifax, Canada
I have the 2 great iPad PRO'S 9.7's which both my wife and I love, I will be adding a 12.9 when the spec's equal or beat those of the 9.7, and do all my computing on that, and use the 9.7 for consumption device, and vica versa.
We EACH have had every iPad since the first one, and these iPAD PRO's, with their speed, sound,screen RULE

You realize the 12.9 has a higher clocked processor, double the RAM of the 9.7 and can use USB-C where the 9.7 can only use USB-3 ? Camera aside (and the gimmicky screen colour thing) the 12.9 would have to downgrade its specs to match the 9.7.

If you have a separate camera or even an iphone, the RAM and faster processor speed are well worth the upgrade. And the USB-C speeds for transferring data are icing on the cake. Overall the 9.7 is more geared to regular consumer (yes even the camera) while the 12.9 is geared for better graphics and video processing and is aimed at graphic designers etc. Most people don't use their iPad to take photos anyway and at 12.9 it's like holding up a laptop to take photos anyway.


macrumors 68000
Jan 31, 2003
higher clocked processor in the 12.9 is barely noticeable in the real world usage. The 9.7 has less pixels to drive so it's pretty much the same in that aspect. The camera, true tone feature and screen is better on the 9.7. I had the 12.9 but sold it to get a 9.7 as I find it much better overall.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2011
Halifax, Canada
higher clocked processor in the 12.9 is barely noticeable in the real world usage. The 9.7 has less pixels to drive so it's pretty much the same in that aspect. The camera, true tone feature and screen is better on the 9.7. I had the 12.9 but sold it to get a 9.7 as I find it much better overall.

RAM and USB-C? The true tone screen colour thing is just a gimmick. And how often do u actually use the iPad as a camera? The 9.7 screen is way too small to use as a laptop replacement and do actual graphics work ( it's half the size of the 12.9!). It's good as a media consumption device though. For actual work like PowerPoint, word, etc and photo editing I'll take the 12.9 easily over the 9.7. Double the ram really helps with large video and image files and the USB-C transfer speeds are way better. You will notice the processing speed too when working with large image and video files. If u only use the iPad as a media consumption device and to surf the net and play games the 9.7 is adequate.
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macrumors 68020
:(:(:(stop fighting!... ;) …Both iPads are amazingly brilliant, I think the 12.9" is the better one for work and designing, but the 9.7" is also great with all those tasks. Both have Pro's (pun not intended) and cons but that makes them pretty equal.
Both are beasts of tablets that crush all other tablets and (most laptops,) on the market by a huge margin.
I am curious for either next month or March to see the A10X fusion driven iPP... I am curious if it will be on par with an early 2013 MBP 15" (like the iPhone 7 is equal to a 2012 MBP 15".):eek::eek::eek:



macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
higher clocked processor in the 12.9 is barely noticeable in the real world usage. The 9.7 has less pixels to drive so it's pretty much the same in that aspect. The camera, true tone feature and screen is better on the 9.7. I had the 12.9 but sold it to get a 9.7 as I find it much better overall.
That is a common belief (12.9 has more pixels therefore more RAM is required) and it is true to a certain extent. The 12.9 doesn't have 2x the number of pixels and not all RAM is used for caching video/screen. As a result, there is more RAM "headroom" on the 12.9 compared to the 9.7. It is not "pretty much the same".

For you, the camera and true tone features were more important than increased clock speed and RAM. That doesn't make clock speed and RAM of no importance... in the same way that RAM (and to a lesser degree, clock speed) are more important to me than the camera and true tone... but that doesn't make them of no importance.

Another difference is that on the 12.9 iPP, split window results in the full presentation of each app in the window. On the 9.7 iPP, it displays a simpler (phone) view of each app.

I initially held off on buying the 12.9 Pro to wait to see what Apple did with a 9.7 Pro. When the 9.7 iPP was announced and I learned that it had only 2GB RAM, it made my decision easier to go with the 12.9 Pro. I wanted a device for the long haul and the greatest indicator of longevity is RAM. I always buy the iPad generation that initially bumps up the RAM (only exception was the iPad 1 which had no predecessor).

I've purchased the iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 4, iPad Air 2, and 12.9 iPP. That has worked out extremely well for me.


macrumors member
Sep 14, 2016
i would like to buy a iPad Pro, but want to wait for the new IPP2 because the actual model is already 1yo
and i am still not sure if 9.7 or 12.9 i would like to have something in between because the 12.9 is huge but the split screen is way better and 4 gig ram vs 2 is always nice
so hopefully when IPP2 get also a better display maybe i buy one ^^
is here anybody who have an IPP12.9 and use it a lot mobile ?


macrumors 6502
Nov 19, 2015
i would like to buy a iPad Pro, but want to wait for the new IPP2 because the actual model is already 1yo
and i am still not sure if 9.7 or 12.9 i would like to have something in between because the 12.9 is huge but the split screen is way better and 4 gig ram vs 2 is always nice
so hopefully when IPP2 get also a better display maybe i buy one ^^
is here anybody who have an IPP12.9 and use it a lot mobile ?

Yes I take my 12.9 everywhere. It's light and easy to hold. I do find the lack of stylus holder annoying, but I have not lost pencil or forgotten it yet. I find it to extremely mobile and light. 9.7 pro is too close to a phone in size. I honestly wish for a bigger tablet at times. 15 or 17". But I do visual art, so 12.9 is minimum size I would want and bare minimum specs with only 4 gb ram and I find the processor to be a little slow compared to Windows tablets. But it's the best portable digital device out there so I am grateful. But I do yearn for desktop software at times.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
i would like to buy a iPad Pro, but want to wait for the new IPP2 because the actual model is already 1yo
and i am still not sure if 9.7 or 12.9 i would like to have something in between because the 12.9 is huge but the split screen is way better and 4 gig ram vs 2 is always nice
so hopefully when IPP2 get also a better display maybe i buy one ^^
is here anybody who have an IPP12.9 and use it a lot mobile ?
I have been using my iPP 12.9 almost exclusively every day (except for 2 days where I used my 11" MBA) as my mobile device over the last 6 months. It has completely replaced both my 11" MBA and iPad Air 2 as my mobile devices.

The fact that the 12.9 presents the "full" app in split window (vs. the phone version of the app on the 9.7 iPP) makes it so much more useful (or at least ENJOYABLE).

For those times when I need access to OSX on the go, I'll remotely connect to my iMac using Jump Desktop + Citrix X1 mouse... that works great.

I have both the Apple Smart Keyboard and the Apple Smart Cover (because sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't). I have a nice felt sleeve to transport it but have only a thin clear film on the back to improve grip and prevent scratches. This helps keep the weight and thickness down making it surprisingly sleek for its size.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 2, 2015
Apple has put the iPad on the back-burner for now; Ios10 support/features are super disappointing.

And until they do a heckuva lot more software-wise, talk about new features and what upgrades you'd like to see is pretty pointless.

But have at it.
Considering Apple can't be bothered to update the iPad Pro with a dedicated Calculator, or Flashlight button or Even any new feature I doubt they have a hardware update in Mind as well as considering they have not Updated the Mac Computer line in over 500 days their focus is on yearly iPhone launches everything else is a side dish.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
I will buy the next version of the Mini or a new 9.7" Pro 2!
Considering Apple can't be bothered to update the iPad Pro with a dedicated Calculator, or Flashlight button or Even any new feature I doubt they have a hardware update in Mind as well as considering they have not Updated the Mac Computer line in over 500 days their focus is on yearly iPhone launches everything else is a side dish.

It would be easy for Apple to do a new Mini 5, since all they would have to do is take the iPhone 7+ SOC, camera, taptic engine, etc.. and literal put it into the chassis of the Mini - a new Mini 5! No cost to Apple at all - just a repackaging of components in existing models! They can buy a new more dense battery too!

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
Depends what it comes with really. Just being faster isn't enough and camera doesn't matter on a device this big.

Cheffy Dave

macrumors 68030
You realize the 12.9 has a higher clocked processor, double the RAM of the 9.7 and can use USB-C where the 9.7 can only use USB-3 ? Camera aside (and the gimmicky screen colour thing) the 12.9 would have to downgrade its specs to match the 9.7.

If you have a separate camera or even an iphone, the RAM and faster processor speed are well worth the upgrade. And the USB-C speeds for transferring data are icing on the cake. Overall the 9.7 is more geared to regular consumer (yes even the camera) while the 12.9 is geared for better graphics and video processing and is aimed at graphic designers etc. Most people don't use their iPad to take photos anyway and at 12.9 it's like holding up a laptop to take photos anyway.
YES I DO, your point is..........?


macrumors 65816
Aug 25, 2004
Pasadena, California, USA
I think you are right... my ideal setup is a an iPad mini with A10 and a larger iPad Pro with an A10X. Currently, I have the 9.7" Pro... but if the screen were brought up to par with its smaller sibling, I would definitely sell this and get two iPads to replace it!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2007
Unfortunately, the iPad Pro everyone wants is still 2 years away. Once we get into the generation of perfected 10nm, you can really have a hybrid tablet.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
In regards to the next Mini 5, Apple does not think of it as a business or performance device. It gets the leftovers from the previous iPhone components and the cameras from two or three old iPhone components! No flash capabilities is included either. Apple seems to be very protective of RAM quantities to make sure the Mini gets the least amount. I guess it is the lower rung in the iPad hierarchy like the 4.7" iPhone is in the iPhone hierarchy.


macrumors 68030
Apr 11, 2015
Bit gutted, just got mine today now debating if I should send it back and await the new one now?


macrumors 603
May 27, 2012
Bit gutted, just got mine today now debating if I should send it back and await the new one now?

At the end of the day if you happy with your purchase that's all that matters... and at this point Apple is putting their focus on the Mac line.

No need to debate about it.. enjoy your iPad Pro.


macrumors 68030
Apr 11, 2015
At the end of the day if you happy with your purchase that's all that matters... and at this point Apple is putting their focus on the Mac line.

No need to debate about it.. enjoy your iPad Pro.
Thanks for the advice! Yeah I decided to stick with it, its still what I need it for and thats all that matters :)
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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
At the end of the day if you happy with your purchase that's all that matters... and at this point Apple is putting their focus on the Mac line.

No need to debate about it.. enjoy your iPad Pro.

May the bolded comment be true...:p but right on with the request of your quote. If you love your iPP enjoy it. If you want to upgrade when the next model comes out...sure why not?

I loved my iPP and the iPad mini 4 (even more), but prices were a bit much for my situations. That said, I do hope to replace and am considering a refurb mini 4 right now because I need the older iOS.


macrumors 601
Sep 16, 2006
Down south
The only thing(s) that could get me to upgrade would be if they significantly decreased the weight (which is probably not even an option), or decreased the overall size by shrinking the bezel edge. I LOVE my iPP, and I have no desire to go to the smaller size, but less weight is always good IMO.
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