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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 4, 2008
San Francisco, CA
Here's a custom .ipsw for iPhone 3G's on OFFICIAL carriers (like ATT). Do not use if you're not locked to a carrier. Credit goes to SMCRACK. I have used this and it is legit. If you don't trust it, don't use it.

I am off to catch a movie, so I can't answer any questions for a couple hours...but I wanted to share this with those PC users agonizing over waiting for QuickPWN. Again, all credit goes to smcrack. His OP:

here is a Custom Restore for an iPhone 3G.

Restore has:
595MB Partition Size
OpenSSH installed
SBSettings Installed

Does NOT have:
ICY installed. If you want it, just go into Cydia and install it from there.
There are no custom Boot images

This firmware will not activate your phone. You have to be a legit ATT user for this firmware

Happy PWNing!
I'm sorry if I'm asking obvious questions, but this is my first jailbreak, and I thought I understood things, but since Pwnage Tool is only working on Intel Macs right now, I got a bit confused. I'm looking for the custom firmware that Pwnage Tool would have built. This will work for me, right?

I have a 3G on AT&T, and I'm trying to jailbreak so I can unlock to sell.
im no expert here,
but if i read this correctly, you can download this file, restore your phone from this .ipsw from within itunes, then you need to restore from your last back up to get your contacts/data back.

i could be wrong, dont shoot the messenger!
I would wait until ultrasnow is out if I were you.

Well, shoot! I thought I read it was out and on Cydia. :( I must be reading too many blogs/comments/forums and got confused.

Okay, so it's not out, but I still have to JB in order to unlock, so why not do that now? I'm asking seriously. I appreciate your help.
Can someone plz post a link to a 2G custom firmware with exactly the same specs?
(no custom pics mainly :p)

I don't think they're gonna release quickpwn today, so even though I'm on a very slow connection, I suppose downloading the firmware is my only option.

Edit: I just noticed it has no activation.. so it doesn't work for me!
Thanks for the file but unfortunately iTunes is giving me a 1604. I saw on the dev team comments that other people are having this too. I'm restoring to stock 3.0 and trying again.

Has anybody on windows gotten this to work yet?
Thanks for the file but unfortunately iTunes is giving me a 1604. I saw on the dev team comments that other people are having this too. I'm restoring to stock 3.0 and trying again.

Has anybody on windows gotten this to work yet?

the same here. restored to stock and tried again no luck.
the same here. retored to stock and tried again no luck.

Just tried again with no luck. Bah, I guess we'll just have to wait for windows tool to be released :(

I guess the two tools make slightly different ipsws?

EDIt: Can somebody else upload an ipsw? According to musclenerd himself, it should work.

@rywalter yep you can restore to a custom ipsw that you *trust* even if you're on windows
@zaksaid Since there isnt a PC version of the 3.0 pwnage tool yet, I'm thinking about heading the the apple store to jailbreak/unlock my phone there.

someone on twitter said that, but how long is the process?? I see people go in the Apple store to make phone calls and check email, but jailbreak their long is the jailbreak process??
Ok, I know why the ipsw doesn't work. All of us are trying to jailbreak from 3.0, right? Well, the firmware posted above requires an already jailbroken phone (2.2.1, basically).

So the options are to:
A. Downgrade to 2.2.1, jailbreak, and then install custom firmware
B. Wait for the windows version of quickpwn
C. Can anybody on a mac please create a firmware with the setting "Has your phone been pwned before" disabled? :D

another vote for the custom firmware with unlock for the 2g please. Also on windows and i stuck at the activation screen for days waiting for the unlock....

Would appreciate... thanks
Sorry guys. I forgot to mention that if you're getting an error, it's because you had already upgraded to 3.0, meaning you can't use this custom firmware. Your only way is by QuickPwn, unless you're on jailbroken 2.0 - 2.2.1.

Other than that, this firmware works fine.
I just tried and failed twice, but the third time actually worked for some reason.

I'm now restoring to get my other stuff back, but I'm a bit confused, wont this revert it back to the older firmware? guess I'll see soon enough, but its taking a while to restore...
Got it working.

For anyone else struggling with 1600 error message from iTunes,
you can get past that with winpwn 2.5 and iPhone1,2_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw.

Run winpwn until it crashes with a white screen.
Run iTunes - it sees this as a jailbroken iPhone in DFU mode, and will restore it.

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