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*drools* I can't WAIT to get this thing workin on my iMac core duo! F.E.A.R on an iMac :D
max_altitude said:
I found it slightly disturbing. There was just something so wrong about seeing the MS logo on that beautiful iMac.

Yes indeed. I felt sort of sick to see such awful logo there...

Congrats for those guys anyway...

crees! said:
You have to be kidding me. This has been asked MULTIPLE TIMES. But.. I'll humor you. I'll give you 2 quick examples. People love using a Mac but some dip into the darkside so they can play.. oh lets say.. Half-Life 2 or Counter-Strike.. Others like me create web sites for a living where you MUST test on multiple versions of IE. Okay.. nuff said :)

Yep both the reasons I'd like to be able to dual boot.

I recenty created a website for a client and when checking on safari it was grand, on firefox - grand, on mac internet exploer 5.2 - grand........ so I thoght yeah feck it I'll stick it online.

Only when checking on a pc the next day did I see it was screwed up on IE (but not firefox) that I was glad I hadn't told the client to look at it yet...

Oh and I want to play rollercoaster tycoon (mac version on intel mac sucks and isn't announced for a uni binary)....
crees! said:
You have to be kidding me. This has been asked MULTIPLE TIMES. But.. I'll humor you. I'll give you 2 quick examples. People love using a Mac but some dip into the darkside so they can play.. oh lets say.. Half-Life 2 or Counter-Strike.. Others like me create web sites for a living where you MUST test on multiple versions of IE. Okay.. nuff said :)

No, I'm not kidding you, and thank you for taking the time out of your obviously busy schedule to explain that to me. You can now return to your self-important life of video games and talking down to other new users:) <--------smilie implies I was joking:rolleyes:
rjgonzales said:
No, I'm not kidding you, and thank you for taking the time out of your obviously busy schedule to explain that to me. You can now return to your self-important life of video games and talking down to other new users:) <--------smilie implies I was joking:rolleyes:
Actually I haven't played video games since I switch to Mac's just over 2 years ago. But I'm looking forward to playing Counter-Strike again :D
I think it is a good thing they got it running. As an earlier posted pointed out, this will help people who need to run windows get things done easier. Besides, Windows XP really is not that bad. I have used OSX and XP Pro SP2 both and, as long as you keep it updated, XP is not the devil that it is sometimes made out to be. And no I'm not trying to be a troll ;-)
hmm....interesting....but lets say you got a virus from using windows on a mac, what effect would that have?
lu0s3r322 said:
hmm....interesting....but lets say you got a virus from using windows on a mac, what effect would that have?

They would be on separate partitions most likely, but I guess they could's not likely that the virus made for windows would run or do any damage on the mac site, since Windows viruses right now, don't. Maybe a combo-virus will be invented if this gets big.
Chrispy said:
Besides, Windows XP really is not that bad. I have used OSX and XP Pro SP2 both and, as long as you keep it updated, XP is not the devil that it is sometimes made out to be. And no I'm not trying to be a troll ;-)

the devil? perhaps not, but as someone who uses osx and xp pro (and linux too for that matter) side by side, i absolutely cannot stand windows. sure, since all i use windows for these days is games, it is pretty well isolated from the outside world, thus it is trapped in what is, as far as windows is concerned, a very uncharacteristic state of always-workingness; i still find it unbearable. the windows interface is nothing more then a clumsy antique incabable of doing even the simplest of things any other os can do (e.g: updating a shortcut/alias when the linked file is moved).
lu0s3r322 said:
hmm....interesting....but lets say you got a virus from using windows on a mac, what effect would that have?
MacDrive will probably be popular with people who dual boot, so for at least some people their data would be up for grabs.

On the other hand, all this stuff (MacDrive, and dusl boot in general) is going to appeal mostly to experienced computer users. I wouldn't expect malware to be a serious issue for most.
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