wont windows need drivers for like - everything?
all the usb ports and video card and - everything?
all the usb ports and video card and - everything?
BakedBeans said:wont windows need drivers for like - everything?
all the usb ports and video card and - everything?
semaja2 said:what about the firmware, like macs use special firmware on the gpu which would mean special drivers wouldnt it
ReanimationLP said:So, yeah, I unhid all the OS files on my XP box. And guess what I found
Theres a folder on the HD called Boot.
Inside of that is a folder called EFI.
Inside of that is all the Windows XP boot files encoded to boot on a EFI based machine.
Someone try a SP2 Pro disc on their Mac and lemme know what happens!
EDIT : Added a picture to show that I'm not crazy.
ArnehWB said:In theory it should work just fine. EFI booting has been a part of Vista for quite a while now. Though I doubt there's many Intel iMac owners who also have Vista to test it with. Paul Thurrot has ordered an Intel iMac to test Vista on it http://www.windowsitpro.com/windowspaulthurrott/Article/ArticleID/49045/windowspaulthurrott_49045.html . Let's hope that someone will be able to write some definitive article soon about the matter.
DOUGHNUT said:here's a little update from someone posting at MacNN
"I've got an Intel iMac and a copy of build 5270 of Vista, and I haven't figured out a way to boot yet. None of the typical ways of dealing with selecting a boot volume work: holding down C or cmd-shift-option-delete, or selecting a startup disk in system preferences. In addition, holding down the Option key while booting up only brings up volumes formatted with Mac OS X."
Looks like it isn't gonna be a put the CD in and install type of deal even for Vista. Is it possible that the EFI implementation in Vista is not complete as of the latest build?
BakedBeans said:wont windows need drivers for like - everything?
all the usb ports and video card and - everything?
DOUGHNUT said:http://appleintelfaq.com/imac/system_profiler.html
according to the system profiler of the iMac, the audio chip is Intel, so that's easy to solve. The problem is did Apple use specialized firmware for the Radeon card? Also, what driver will work with the Airport Extreme? The Airport Extreme will be pretty important for MacBook Pro, so that must be figured out.
Spanky Deluxe said:Chances are its an Intel chip. Intel made a big hoo ha about their centrino technology which involved a specific processor, motherboard AND a specific wireless chip. I don't know about Bluetooth though, I'm not sure if Intel have any bluetooth chips out there yet.
I can't believe nobody's tried to install Vista yet! Isn't there *someone* out there with an Intel iMac and a copy of Vista Beta?!!
SiliconAddict said:Nobody that gives a crap.
howesey said:Tut tut. You are not allowed to sell WMC, like you are not allowed to sell Windows XP-64. They are all OEM and must be sold with a computer.
Stecchino said:They must sold with HARDWARE. So you can buy a $1.00 power cable and WMCE. We did it all the time in a hardware class I took.