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Looking forward to my '13 merkin. Glad to hear it's good. Firestone really never disappoints.

A arcade/craft beer bar released bourbon county today. 25¢ arcades and overpriced beer. My favorite combo.



A night for sampling and sipping a few from the excellent Founder's brewery.

First up - and delicious it was - was a bottle of Breakfast Stout. This was followed by the beer I am currently sipping, a glass of Founder's Backwoods Bastard. Both sublime.
Count me impressed. I have to persuade young enthusiasts to order it for me - which they do with pleasure.

Well, this particular station has made it a point to carry a decent selection of craft beers. I think the owner is into beer...

And it's right on the way home from the train station, so it's very easy to pop in after a long day and grab something tasty without going out of my way... :D
I am very particular about my wine or beer, specially when it comes to labels.

The label should have "wine" or "beer" in particular! :p
They're carrying it at the gas station around the corner from me now. :)

Has it not made it down south yet?

I have checked both Total Wine and BevMo and neither of them have any Founders Brew beer yet. I am in the Long Beach area of Southern Cal. So it doesn't look like it yet. My local liquor store doesn't have it yet either. :mad::mad::mad: And he can usually get me the beers I want!
Helped out a coworker from Canada with a Christmas present for her fiancé. As a thank you she brought some beers for me. The three on the right are from muskoka brewery in Canada. The other on the far left is something many of you may be familiar with. The aventinus is from 2011. The one with a tag is a barrel aged double chocolate cranberry stout. Sounds interesting. These are all new to me, so I am looking forward to trying. Anybody ever try any Of them?
Replying a bit late, but I must say that the Aventinus Eisbock is one of my favourite beers of all time. It's not for everybody, though - it's quite gnarly, if you know what I mean. ;)
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The good thing about being known as the beer guy at work is that I get beer as presents for Christmas.

View attachment 606067

I am a huge Stout and Porter guy. Have you had the Lagunitas Before? So far, I have not been impressed with the GOT line of beers. The blonde, which is what you have, is my favorite out of the three or four that I have tried.

I am the same way, I just received two new beers and a gift card to Total Wine! :D
I am a huge Stout and Porter guy. Have you had the Lagunitas Before? So far, I have not been impressed with the GOT line of beers. The blonde, which is what you have, is my favorite out of the three or four that I have tried.

I am the same way, I just received two new beers and a gift card to Total Wine! :D

I have had the lagunitas. They opened up a beautiful brewery in Chicago that I have been known to frequent. The taproom is above the production floor with catwalks that you are free to roam. Pretty cool. Plus a willy wonkaesque entrance.

I don't have the highest hopes forte GOT beer but I'll probably open it up when the new season starts.

I have had the lagunitas. They opened up a beautiful brewery in Chicago that I have been known to frequent. The taproom is above the production floor with catwalks that you are free to roam. Pretty cool. Plus a willy wonkaesque entrance.

I don't have the highest hopes forte GOT beer but I'll probably open it up when the new season starts.

That video rocks! Pretty freaking cool.

I have tried the following:

Blonde - Favorite out of the bunch, if I had to drink something lol
Black Stout - Was just ok.
Dubble Ale - Blah to ok.
Dark Saison Ale - Blah to ok.

They are drinkable, but they really did nothing for me. I am glad I was able to try them though!

I don't know where you are located, but if you like the Lagunitas and coffee stouts/porters in general. Get your hands on Smog City's Coffee Porter. The coffee overtones are over the top and the flavor is one I really like!
Several days of wine drinking---some of it extremely good wine and entirely suited to the food we were eating---have given way to tisane and carbonated water. :D

Yes, you are perfectly right.

But tonight, somehow, beer seemed more desirable…..

And this is despite the fact that - only this evening - I actually opened my own present to myself, a pair of astoundingly beautiful Art Nouveau era decanters, - fairly small - with silver bands on the stoppers, and silver filigreed supports at their base, - which I have spent more than the past year paying off - and which are positively begging for something (alcoholic but exquisite) to be poured into their elegant depths with which to baptise them.
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I want to buy a bottle of vodka for a coworker but I don't know a thing about vodka. They don't look expensive at all. I settled on Belvedere.

What does one need to know when buying vodka? I suppose it's the drinker's drinking habits, perhaps? Do people general drink it straight like scotch so price matters? Or if most mix it, then price is less important? Any advice?
I want to buy a bottle of vodka for a coworker but I don't know a thing about vodka. They don't look expensive at all. I settled on Belvedere.

What does one need to know when buying vodka? I suppose it's the drinker's drinking habits, perhaps? Do people general drink it straight like scotch so price matters? Or if most mix it, then price is less important? Any advice?

Is the co-worker someone who appreciates his (or her) drink, or just someone who drinks it? In other words, are the they sort of person who notices the difference between brands of vodka? And, does this individual actually like - or drink - vodka? Is this their drink of choice?

Well, I'm not a vodka specialist but in general, in western Europe, vodka is often drunk by women with a mixer; these are women who would have been socialised into thinking that somehow drinking a beer was unladylike. (My mother used to drink vodka). It is also a drink that is consumed by people who don't much care for the the taste of alcohol, as most vodkas sold in the west take on the taste of whatever they are mixed with. Hence, the slice of lemon in a vodka is more than mere decoration. However, for such people, even though they use a mixer with their drink, the really cheaper brands will probably not suffice - they will know the difference in taste, and there are some really nasty cheap brands available.

Eastern Europe, and Russia, are different again. There, vodka is drunk neat, - beer is a warm-up for wimps before you get on to the real stuff - and is very much a male pursuit. Vodka is (sometimes) consumed to get absolutely hammered, and is a feature of meals, especially towards the end of the meal. In some of those societies, you are not viewed as a real man if you disdain vodka.

Slivovitz occupies a similar spot in the ecology of alcohol in the Balkans. When observing elections, in the rears immediately after the Balkan war, I recall being offered it in polling stations across the Balkans at 11.00 in the morning, and the look of stupefied disbelief on the faces of my hosts when I declined to join them.

Vodka in Eastern Europe, Russia, and across the former Soviet Union comes in a wide variety of flavours (pepper, cherry, lemon and other flavoured vodkas are not unusual, and there is the famous Polish bison grass - Zubrowka - vodka), quality, and price. Even the most remote village shop on a hill in a village in rural Kyrgyzstan will have a choice of up to twelve vodkas. The cheap ones are, well, cheap. Some of the more expensive ones are more mellow and smoother on the palate.

My advice to you would be to get a good quality version of one of the well known brands.
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