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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 29, 2006
After living with the slowdown caused by winterboard for months, I've finally uninstalled it.

I tried to convince myself it wasn't there for as long as I could but every single app was affected. Launching apps, typing, etc. was all noticeably slower.

So far I haven't found a reliable way to replace AppStore puchased icons so I guess I'll be sticking with the default icons.
I still have categories, a custom dock, custom keyboard sounds and sms bubbles.

Anyone else ditched winterboard in favor of a "it just works" iPhone?

P.S. Anyone who says winterboard doesn't slow you down is lying to themselves.
Categories is the only app that I feel is slow. The rest are fine, or adequate in their loading time that I don't get frustrated.
I've noticed that Winterboard causes SpringBoard to take up a fair bit of memory. This could be causing some of the performance problems that you're referring to.

Oh, and have you considered just replacing the icon in the app's bundle?
The slowdown caused by wonterboard is system wide. Not just app launching. Keyboard responsiveness. Answering calls etc. Also I've read a lot and it seems you cannot replace app store icons without breaking the apps
I have only jailbroken my iPhone to use yellowsnow and to me it seems like the jailbreak itself already slows down my iPhone. But I'm not sure. I have no other 3rd party SW other than Installer and yellowsnow on the device.
I had Winterboard on my old iPhone and it made it incredible slow. The slowness was due to uncompressed graphics used by the theme I had installed.

And let's be honest. The original Apple Theme looks the best anyways.
I have only jailbroken my iPhone to use yellowsnow and to me it seems like the jailbreak itself already slows down my iPhone. But I'm not sure. I have no other 3rd party SW other than Installer and yellowsnow on the device.
I had Winterboard on my old iPhone and it made it incredible slow. The slowness was due to uncompressed graphics used by the theme I had installed.

And let's be honest. The original Apple Theme looks the best anyways.

There's no evidence that jailbreaking causes any performance degradation.

Winterboard, on the other hand, does. It's not just due to "uncompressed graphics" -- there's a performance cost associated with simply having Winterboard installed (even without any themes applied.)
My phone is just as fast jailbroken as it was before the jailbreak. That said, when I had winterboard was much slower. My average RAM used was almost double.
I use SMS for 90% of my phone usage. And from the time i tap the icon to the first key typed is about 3.5 seconds now, down from an average of 10 second with winterboard.

I also have my custom bubbles and keyboard sounds which makes me happy. Oh, and dock too.
I could customize a lot more without WB but I'm fine with this setup. I only wish I could get rid of those page dots without winterboard somehow.

No regrets here at all. The responsiveness is amazing. I used to get frustrated by the lagginess, now I love this phone again just like I used to.
in regards to sms, the only thing i feel that really slowed me down was using a custom keyboard, and that killed me. so i took out the custom keyboard and kept the winterboard, and the responsiveness of the sms was back to almost stock! there may be a little bit of a lag when first pressing the sms icon, but other than that the typing was back to awesome!
I still don't understand the point in wasting all that time just to make the UI uglier and replacing icons. Who cares?!? Some themes should never have hit the net... imho. Otheres are ok, but you spend all that time instead of doing some more productive.
I still don't understand the point in wasting all that time just to make the UI uglier and replacing icons. Who cares?!? Some themes should never have hit the net... imho. Otheres are ok, but you spend all that time instead of doing some more productive.

yah cause you posting here must have felt really productive.
Ok Winterboard DOES NOT slow me down at all and neitehr does sshing..

just becuase you have a bad experiance with winterboard does not mean EVERYBODY is ..

RESTORE you phone and try again.

I love my phone and have absolutly NO PROBLEMS
Ok Winterboard DOES NOT slow me down at all and neitehr does sshing..

just becuase you have a bad experiance with winterboard does not mean EVERYBODY is ..

RESTORE you phone and try again.

I love my phone and have absolutly NO PROBLEMS

I definitely experience a little lagging with winterboard after a while. After I restore and re-jailbreak (and install WB) the lag is gone. It doesn't get bad unless I have a bunch of themes downloaded.
I havnt noticed lag either. Maybe there is, maybe not, but I dont notice it.

The main reason I jailbroke was for themes. They change on my iPhone each week. Keeps it fresh.
Also I've read a lot and it seems you cannot replace app store icons without breaking the apps

What do you mean you can't replace app store icons? I've replaced a lot of my app store apps icons w/o any prolbem. Finding the app I want to replace icons for does require that I open each app directory to find the one I want, though.
Quick question

I too want Winterboard gone and have wanted to SSH theme too but I can't for the life of me find where the wallpaper and springboard dock are located. Does anyone here know?
Quick question

I too want Winterboard gone and have wanted to SSH theme too but I can't for the life of me find where the wallpaper and springboard dock are located. Does anyone here know?

You cannot change the wallpaper via SSH. The dock is located in
or something like that
Ok Winterboard DOES NOT slow me down at all and neitehr does sshing..

just becuase you have a bad experiance with winterboard does not mean EVERYBODY is ..

RESTORE you phone and try again.

I love my phone and have absolutly NO PROBLEMS
winterboard does in fact use up a ton of ram, and I've restored and reinstalled in with every software update and on 2 different iPhones

What do you mean you can't replace app store icons? I've replaced a lot of my app store apps icons w/o any prolbem. Finding the app I want to replace icons for does require that I open each app directory to find the one I want, though.
That's just what I've read on multiple boards. For now the stock icons are fine, I actually like them. I spent a lot of time making custom icons when i was using winterboard and I loved the way it looked, but frankly I just got sick of it. Winterboard is amazing, but while it makes my iPhone look cooler, I like my iPhone less because of the how it slows everything down.
I have only jailbroken my iPhone to use yellowsnow and to me it seems like the jailbreak itself already slows down my iPhone. But I'm not sure. I have no other 3rd party SW other than Installer and yellowsnow on the device.
I had Winterboard on my old iPhone and it made it incredible slow. The slowness was due to uncompressed graphics used by the theme I had installed.

And let's be honest. The original Apple Theme looks the best anyways.

thats strange
after my jailbreak, not only did the phone seem a little snappier, it also seemed to get better reception

also, use one of the memory freeing programs from the appstore
they do great things for system speed
thats strange
after my jailbreak, not only did the phone seem a little snappier, it also seemed to get better reception

also, use one of the memory freeing programs from the appstore
they do great things for system speed

1) Jailbreaking didn't affect your phone's performance or reception. That part was all in the eye of the beholder ;-)

2) The "memory optimization" programs, if I'm not mistaken, work by allocating a ton of memory thereby forcing the OS to evict any inactive pages. This will technically increase the amount of free memory, but it will do so at the cost of requiring those pages to be paged back in when they're needed (thus resulting in a slow-down.)
No slowdown here either, not with 2.2 and the latest Winterboard anyway. BUT my apps do take longer to open up, but they did before Winterboard. That's JB for ya ;)
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