LOL. NO. Adobe has serious problems with high-resolution monitor on any OS. Never mind the fact that your options for high-dpi monitors are very limited in the PC world, even when I'm running multiple 4K monitors with Lightroom there's issues with performance. They clearly have some architectural issues in their apps that cause problems with high-resolution displays.So Adobe APPS run fine on a PC with a high Resolution monitor?
Has anybody Tested Adobe APPS on Bootcamp on a Mac Pro using a hi Res Monitor?
Your statement 95 percent of the Office uses PC's to run Adobe Suite APPS seems very common these days.
I use to work in IT for a large organization and the graphic design Dept ditched all their Macs in favor of PC's
I'm gonna do the same. Build an AMD Threadripper system.
I don't think APPLE switching to ARM is going to slow big corporations dumping their Macs for PC's in Graphic Design.