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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 20, 2011
I have a jailbroken itouch 4g, software version 4.3.2 and have the following jailbroken apps installed, sbsettings, winterboard, and activator which comes along with sbsettings....

The problem usually occurs during the lock screen, I try to slide the bar to the right and it stops usually a quarter of the way and darts back down. If i lock and unlock 2 times fast or bring down sbsettings then lock/unlock it lets me slide it over.

I have uninstalled sbsettings and the problem still persists, even restored the itouch and sent it back to apple and they said it was fine.....The problem seems to occur more when the itouch is cold or has been locked for ahwile. When the itouch was restored it worked fine for a bit but started to re-occur the unit itself is just over 30 days old...
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