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Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
No, I don't have any CV's. Those are just some random screenshots. I had just gotten sunk so was switching views to other ships still in the game. I much prefer cruisers and in fact, just added the Omaha to my fleet tonight.

World of Warships Screenshot 2020.05.01 -
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
No, I don't have any CV's. Those are just some random screenshots. I had just gotten sunk so was switching views to other ships still in the game. I much prefer cruisers and in fact, just added the Omaha to my fleet tonight.

View attachment 911345

I see. I don't care for the changes to the game play when CV's were added, especially the months of issues and patches to AA that followed their introduction. Still, very nice screen shots. I've never had a multi display setup. I've thought about it before back in the days when I had a separate PC desktop for my Flight Sims. However, I can see the benefit in this application. I'm going to do some more research. I never read much on people using multiple displays in WoW on the WoW forums. I'm intrigued by your post.
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Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
It's pretty simple to enable. In the Nvidia Control Panel under 3D settings is the part for Configure Surround, PhysX. Check the box to 'Span displays with Surround.'


Once you go into the game after that, go to settings and adjust the resolution to the newly discovered really high resolution.

World of Warships Screenshot 2020.05.02 -

It takes a few minutes to adjust to having the split in the middle of your view with the bezels of the monitors, but I got over it quickly enough.



macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
It's pretty simple to enable. In the Nvidia Control Panel under 3D settings is the part for Configure Surround, PhysX. Check the box to 'Span displays with Surround.'

View attachment 911394

Once you go into the game after that, go to settings and adjust the resolution to the newly discovered really high resolution.

View attachment 911395

It takes a few minutes to adjust to having the split in the middle of your view with the bezels of the monitors, but I got over it quickly enough.

View attachment 911396

Nice set up. That is very interesting. I've got an AMD Radeon Pro 580 though. Haven't used a Nvidia Card sine I had my separate PC set up. Thanks for the information though. I appreciate it. ;)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
When playing primarily Random Battles it quickly becomes clear that a substantial number of players don’t have a clue how to play and survive. If I have a shortcoming, it’s that I play very conservative, I mostly operate on the edge of the firing envelope as a battleship, because I can’t trust anyone. Let’s say you are in a 3v3 fight. In many cases if your ship is sticking out ahead of the other two ships, the enemy will all focus fire on the closest ship to kill it and get it out of the picture, especially when that ship is flashing it’s sides. This is not to imply there is no time to be aggressive. There are times when that is a must, but it’s hard to give specific rules.

What else is frustrating that you can’t do much about is when you win your side of the map, while your other half of the team disolves.


2020 Updated World of Warships Rules To Live By

  • What’s the Rush? Military Intelligence, ie knowing where the enemy is, unless you are a Destroyer zipping to a zone to secure it fast and uncontested, for other ships it is better to move at half speed until you see how the order of battle develops. Everything else in this list is built on this. In WoWs this is applied to the tactical battle. Technically you know the order of Battle because you know how many ships and what types are in your battle. You know where they started, but what you don’t know immediately is there they are going. CVs play a vital role in illuminating the enemy especially early in the game.
  • First seen, first shot- You want to be the first one they see? The one that they all line up their guns on first?
    This has more to do with Battleship and Cruiser tactics. The reality is that DDs are often expected to be first seen so order of battle intelligence can be transmitted to the team. This goes with the previous rule.
  • Use terrain whenever you can- associated with the previous rule. If you watch a ship that for the entire battle is in a position to be shot, their health will be lower than the ship that uses terrain to their advantage.
  • Situational and spacial awareness- There is a learning curve involved. It was important in World of Tanks if you were a WoTs player, but it is much more important in World of Warships, because in WoTs you had terrain, but in WoWs, sometimes you have islands that can partially shield your retreat, but more times than not, you won’t. The nightmare scenario is spending the last 5 minutes of a battle running away, but you can’t get away from a group of ships slowly killing you.
  • Being Alone Is Generally Bad- The last thing you want is to be alone, and have 3 ships pop up who can see you and start shooting. You’ll also be a likely carrier and destroyer target especially driving a Battleship. The key here is not being alone. A primary example is the start of a battle and you zip off by yourself with absolutely no idea where the enemy is headed.
  • View distance- just mentioned for awareness. By the time you are in view distance, you are well within shooting distance. Do you really want a bunch of ships shooting at you? For newbs, the game tells you when you are seen, and there are tier 1 Captain skills that tell you how many ships are pointing their guns at you, and when you are being fired at. The not so obvious problem, that quickly becomes obvious is that by the time you are aware that you are in over your head, it’s probably too late.
  • Numbers Win- There are maybe 2 or 3 tactical battles in addition to individual 1v1 fights on the map in a typical Battle. While there are variables such as ship level and type, and skill of players, based on competent players, whoever has more numbers in any particular tactical fight in one part of the map usually wins that fight. It is pure numbers, who owns most of the bullets being fired. I’ll say as a rule when your team is down by 4 ships, winning becomes unlikely, but not impossible.
  • More numbers- as a lone ship, never drive into a group of the enemy, in other words never voluntarily put yourself in a position where multiple ships are shooting at you. You’re dead, you just don’t realize it in time.
  • Stay on the edge of your firing range- unless you are 1v1 or the group you are with has numbers (number of ships) or level, or perceived advantage in the tactical fight such as the enemy’s health is low compared to yours. This can reduce the number of ships shooting at and hitting you. As you get more experience, you’ll get a better feel for this.
  • Be aware which ships have torpedoes- if they do and you don’t you are at a distinct disadvantage. there is a setting or maybe it’s a mod that when you put your cursor on a ship it will display in the corner of your screen, it’s armaments, including torpedoes.
  • Caution for sitting stationary- wether it be in a smoke screen or behind a rock, you can become an easy target for torpedoes, ship or air launched.
  • Concentrate power- (Focus Fire) Based on equivalent ships, in a 3v3 fight, all 3 ships shooting one enemy ship has the advantage over splitting fire between multiple ships.
  • Flanking the enemy can be good or bad depending.
  • Flanking Good- when you can flank, the enemies attention is divided, you can maintain your distance and you are not being shot at by multiple ships, most applicable if you are a lone ship.
  • Flanking Bad- you are at the edge of the map and suddenly there are a lot of them, they are all firing at you and you can’t maintain your distance as they kill you.
  • Owning Zones- There is a distinct advantage to owning zones early in the game, so if they can be grabbed cheaply, you have gained an advantage, although it can be lost. Some outcomes of battles are determined by this because the side that owns the zones can play defensive stand back and focus on whoever enters the zone pummeling them. However ultimately if your team is good at killing other ships, that will overcome zone ownership.
  • Destroyers- these little bastards can be ball breakers due to one reason, some of them have an obscene number of torpedoes, which IMO is unrealistic, but they were given this capability by Wargaming to be competitive in this game. This is why in a Battleship you don’t ever want to be by yourself if you can help it, you want to be erratic when you become aware of a DD in your vicinity, and you want to be maneuvering to be perpendicular not parallel to them so when 12 torps come your way, you can hopefully avoid most of them.
  • More destroyers- think twice about coming around the corner of an island if you saw a DD on the other side of it. You might be greated by a face full of torpedoes.
  • Know your flanks- This actually came up in a recent battle. I called "Right Flank" saying we were being flanked on the right and someone told me, but that is on the left side of the map!
    When you start a battle your ships are lined up facing the enemy. At the left of your line from your perspective is the left flank and to the right is the right flank. For practical purposes using your base as a reference, you are using the width of the map as the line of battle with the base as your anchor point to avoid confusion. So when you hear a reference about Left Flank or Right Flank, you have to remember which way your ships are pointed, starting at the top of the map or from the bottom of the map. So on the map, if your side starts at the bottom pointing up, the Left Flank and the left side of the map will match. But if you start at the top of the map facing down, your left Flank is on the right side of the map. Just remember where your base is and which way you were facing when the battle started. Instead some people will reference the side of the map (left/right), or use East/West references.
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Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Excellent write up. Lot's of great tips and strategies there.

I had one of my better games in a long time last night. This particular one I stayed back a lot farther than I usually do helping to cover the CV's and BB's with air protection. I was in the Omaha.

I ended up sinking 4 ships (best ever I think I had was 5 in a game). 3 of those ships were DD's trying to make an end run on the CV's by coming in wide on both flanks. Thankfully, I was able steam from the center at 35 knots and take out one, then steam across to the opposite flank and take out the other two. This was all late game too. I ended up not surviving to the end and was sunk with about 90 seconds left by bombers. Our side lost too, but of the whole lot of them, I ended up at the top of the team stats for the game.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Excellent write up. Lot's of great tips and strategies there.

I had one of my better games in a long time last night. This particular one I stayed back a lot farther than I usually do helping to cover the CV's and BB's with air protection. I was in the Omaha.

I ended up sinking 4 ships (best ever I think I had was 5 in a game). 3 of those ships were DD's trying to make an end run on the CV's by coming in wide on both flanks. Thankfully, I was able steam from the center at 35 knots and take out one, then steam across to the opposite flank and take out the other two. This was all late game too. I ended up not surviving to the end and was sunk with about 90 seconds left by bombers. Our side lost too, but of the whole lot of them, I ended up at the top of the team stats for the game.
Makes you feel good when that happens. :)


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Whew, boy!

In a battle this afternoon I ended up going broadside with a BB and winning, barely. It was getting late game and again I was on one side of the map and we ended up heavy there, so I started to the other side where 1 of our 2 CV's were so I could help provide some cover. Good thing too because as I was getting there a DD was going after that CV. I was able to take it out with a 'lucky shot' by hitting his magazine and blowing him up. The CV took a couple of torp's though survived.

Then a BB appeared from behind an island homing in on the CV so I came about to draw his fire, and it worked. I think we were about 10 km apart passing one another so I launched some torp's and then came about to get my port side torp's ready to fire. By this point, we were broadside about 5 km apart when I launched the other torp's and was just hammering him with HE as fast as I could.

Several of my fish hit him as the HE rained fire down upon him and he went from maybe 60% to being sunk.

Of course, my ship (Omaha) wasn't doing so well by this point. She was on fire badly and I lost steering and I was down to about 10 % to 15 % and figured the fire would be my end. But someone else landed a hit on me and I went down.

But I helped save the CV to the finish and our side won.

Taking a CL broadside against a BB and winning was pretty cool.


macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
When playing primarily Random Battles it quickly becomes clear that a substantial number of players don’t have a clue how to play and survive. If I have a shortcoming, it’s that I play very conservative, I mostly operate on the edge of the firing envelope as a battleship, because I can’t trust anyone. Let’s say you are in a 3v3 fight. In many cases if your ship is sticking out ahead of the other two ships, the enemy will all focus fire on the closest ship to kill it and get it out of the picture, especially when that ship is flashing it’s sides. This is not to imply there is no time to be aggressive. There are times when that is a must, but it’s hard to give specific rules.

What else is frustrating that you can’t do much about is when you win your side of the map, while your other half of the team disolves.

2020 Updated World of Warships Rules To Live By

  • What’s the Rush? Military Intelligence, ie knowing where the enemy is, unless you are a Destroyer zipping to a zone to secure it fast and uncontested, for other ships it is better to move at half speed until you see how the order of battle develops. Everything else in this list is built on this. In WoWs this is applied to the tactical battle. Technically you know the order of Battle because you know how many ships and what types are in your battle. You know where they started, but what you don’t know immediately is there they are going. CVs play a vital role in illuminating the enemy especially early in the game.
  • First seen, first shot- You want to be the first one they see? The one that they all line up their guns on first?
    This has more to do with Battleship and Cruiser tactics. The reality is that DDs are often expected to be first seen so order of battle intelligence can be transmitted to the team. This goes with the previous rule.
  • Use terrain whenever you can- associated with the previous rule. If you watch a ship that for the entire battle is in a position to be shot, their health will be lower than the ship that uses terrain to their advantage.
  • Situational and spacial awareness- There is a learning curve involved. It was important in World of Tanks if you were a WoTs player, but it is much more important in World of Warships, because in WoTs you had terrain, but in WoWs, sometimes you have islands that can partially shield your retreat, but more times than not, you won’t. The nightmare scenario is spending the last 5 minutes of a battle running away, but you can’t get away from a group of ships slowly killing you.
  • Being Alone Is Generally Bad- The last thing you want is to be alone, and have 3 ships pop up who can see you and start shooting. You’ll also be a likely carrier and destroyer target especially driving a Battleship. The key here is not being alone. A primary example is the start of a battle and you zip off by yourself with absolutely no idea where the enemy is headed.
  • View distance- just mentioned for awareness. By the time you are in view distance, you are well within shooting distance. Do you really want a bunch of ships shooting at you? For newbs, the game tells you when you are seen, and there are tier 1 Captain skills that tell you how many ships are pointing their guns at you, and when you are being fired at. The not so obvious problem, that quickly becomes obvious is that by the time you are aware that you are in over your head, it’s probably too late.
  • Numbers Win- There are maybe 2 or 3 tactical battles in addition to individual 1v1 fights on the map in a typical Battle. While there are variables such as ship level and type, and skill of players, based on competent players, whoever has more numbers in any particular tactical fight in one part of the map usually wins that fight. It is pure numbers, who owns most of the bullets being fired. I’ll say as a rule when your team is down by 4 ships, winning becomes unlikely, but not impossible.
  • More numbers- as a lone ship, never drive into a group of the enemy, in other words never voluntarily put yourself in a position where multiple ships are shooting at you. You’re dead, you just don’t realize it in time.
  • Stay on the edge of your firing range- unless you are 1v1 or the group you are with has numbers (number of ships) or level, or perceived advantage in the tactical fight such as the enemy’s health is low compared to yours. This can reduce the number of ships shooting at and hitting you. As you get more experience, you’ll get a better feel for this.
  • Be aware which ships have torpedoes- if they do and you don’t you are at a distinct disadvantage. there is a setting or maybe it’s a mod that when you put your cursor on a ship it will display in the corner of your screen, it’s armaments, including torpedoes.
  • Caution for sitting stationary- wether it be in a smoke screen or behind a rock, you can become an easy target for torpedoes, ship or air launched.
  • Concentrate power- (Focus Fire) Based on equivalent ships, in a 3v3 fight, all 3 ships shooting one enemy ship has the advantage over splitting fire between multiple ships.
  • Flanking the enemy can be good or bad depending.
  • Flanking Good- when you can flank, the enemies attention is divided, you can maintain your distance and you are not being shot at by multiple ships, most applicable if you are a lone ship.
  • Flanking Bad- you are at the edge of the map and suddenly there are a lot of them, they are all firing at you and you can’t maintain your distance as they kill you.
  • Owning Zones- There is a distinct advantage to owning zones early in the game, so if they can be grabbed cheaply, you have gained an advantage, although it can be lost. Some outcomes of battles are determined by this because the side that owns the zones can play defensive stand back and focus on whoever enters the zone pummeling them. However ultimately if your team is good at killing other ships, that will overcome zone ownership.
  • Destroyers- these little bastards can be ball breakers due to one reason, some of them have an obscene number of torpedoes, which IMO is unrealistic, but they were given this capability by Wargaming to be competitive in this game. This is why in a Battleship you don’t ever want to be by yourself if you can help it, you want to be erratic when you become aware of a DD in your vicinity, and you want to be maneuvering to be perpendicular not parallel to them so when 12 torps come your way, you can hopefully avoid most of them.
  • More destroyers- think twice about coming around the corner of an island if you saw a DD on the other side of it. You might be greated by a face full of torpedoes.
  • Know your flanks- This actually came up in a recent battle. I called "Right Flank" saying we were being flanked on the right and someone told me, but that is on the left side of the map!
    When you start a battle your ships are lined up facing the enemy. At the left of your line from your perspective is the left flank and to the right is the right flank. For practical purposes using your base as a reference, you are using the width of the map as the line of battle with the base as your anchor point to avoid confusion. So when you hear a reference about Left Flank or Right Flank, you have to remember which way your ships are pointed, starting at the top of the map or from the bottom of the map. So on the map, if your side starts at the bottom pointing up, the Left Flank and the left side of the map will match. But if you start at the top of the map facing down, your left Flank is on the right side of the map. Just remember where your base is and which way you were facing when the battle started. Instead some people will reference the side of the map (left/right), or use East/West references.

Very nice. :)
Subs are almost here.

I'm not looking forward to this other than being hopeful they will keep the DD's busy while I engage from the outer limits.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Learned a few things in this video just now.

Speaking of static vs dynamic crosshairs, I’ve been using static for a long time, and feel I’m pretty good, but the caveat is that I almost always aim at full zoom. As a general rule, I use a 10 tick lead for slow battleships and 15 to 17 tick lead for faster ships, even 20 ticks for destroyers.

On the video where the author uses dynamic, I’m wondering how much better that might be. With a ship like the. On the North Carolina, I increase that lead by 5 ticks for all ship types, but that might be a case were knowing she’ll flight time, it might be better with dynamic cross hairs. I’ll have to experiment.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Subs are almost here.

I hate the idea of subs in this game. I watched most of the video and it looks like the sub is traveling at an unrealistic speed underwater. WWII subs were very slow submerged running off batteries. Mobility is a huge issue imo if the goal is to be anything close to realistic warfare.

I wonder if WG has sped them up, which will really make me hate them. :) The other question is how many torps can a sub shoot in a salvo, and how much damage will they do as compared to destroyer torps. As WG has completely gone overboard with salvos of 12 to as many as unfrick’n believable 20 torps, on destroyers, I wonder how far they will go to make subs competitive. Shooting merchant ships is one thing. Shooting at ships designed to kill you is something else.
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Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Speaking of static vs dynamic crosshairs, I’ve been using static for a long time, and feel I’m pretty good, but the caveat is that I almost always aim at full zoom. As a general rule, I use a 10 tick lead for slow battleships and 15 to 17 tick lead for faster ships, even 20 ticks for destroyers.

On the video where the author uses dynamic, I’m wondering how much better that might be. With a ship like the. On the North Carolina, I increase that lead by 5 ticks for all ship types, but that might be a case were knowing she’ll flight time, it might be better with dynamic cross hairs. I’ll have to experiment.

Yeah, I've never used the dynamic crosshairs before either but will try them out. Like you, I follow a similar method for ticks and lead timing.

I hate the idea of subs in this game. I watched most of the video and it looks like the sub is traveling at an unrealistic speed underwater. WWII subs were very slow submerged running off batteries. Mobility is a huge issue imo if the goal is to be anything close to realistic warfare.

I wonder if WG has sped them up, which will really make me hate them. :) The other question is how many torps can a sub shoot in a salvo, and how much damage will they do as compared to destroyer torps. As WG has completely gone overboard with salvos of 12 to as many as unfrick’n believable 20 torps, on destroyers, I wonder how far they will go to make subs competitive. Shooting merchant ships is one thing. Shooting at ships designed to kill you is something else.
I think (hope) that the speed of the sub was just them speeding up the video for the sake of time and not actual gameplay.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Yeah, I've never used the dynamic crosshairs before either but will try them out. Like you, I follow a similar method for ticks and lead timing.

I think (hope) that the speed of the sub was just them speeding up the video for the sake of time and not actual gameplay.
I played a couple of matches this morning with dynamic crosshairs. First I tried a mod crosshairs and it had different numbers on the top of the scale than on the bottom, I was like huh?? It’s possible the top scale was for fast ships and the bottom scale for slow ships, but not sure what info it was giving me. But it included the spider web spokes which I like for angled ships.Then I switched to the standard unmodded dynamic crosshair version with a single horizontal line with a single set of numbers supposed to be representing the second lead for a ship traveling at 30kph. I really like knowing the seconds of shell travel, which comes into play with a scale based on seconds, but there is still a lot of judgement involved, because frequently ships are doing less than their max speed.
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
I played a couple of matches this morning with dynamic crosshairs. First I tried a mod crosshairs and it had different numbers on the top of the scale than on the bottom, I was like huh?? It’s possible the top scale was for fast ships and the bottom scale for slow ships, but not sure what info it was giving me. But it included the spider web spokes which I like for angled ships.Then I switched to the standard unmodded dynamic crosshair version with a single horizontal line with a single set of numbers supposed to be representing the second lead for a ship traveling at 30kph. I really like knowing the seconds of shell travel, which comes into play with a scale based on seconds, but there is still a lot of judgement involved, because frequently ships are doing less than their max speed.

Personally I’m more interested in the travel time of the shell for the exact reason you stated. Very few ships are at full speed unless they are in retreat. I use the standard crosshairs mainly for this reason.
I hate the idea of subs in this game. I watched most of the video and it looks like the sub is traveling at an unrealistic speed underwater. WWII subs were very slow submerged running off batteries. Mobility is a huge issue imo if the goal is to be anything close to realistic warfare.

I wonder if WG has sped them up, which will really make me hate them. :) The other question is how many torps can a sub shoot in a salvo, and how much damage will they do as compared to destroyer torps. As WG has completely gone overboard with salvos of 12 to as many as unfrick’n believable 20 torps, on destroyers, I wonder how far they will go to make subs competitive. Shooting merchant ships is one thing. Shooting at ships designed to kill you is something else.

My sons have quite a bit of knowledge on the subs. They say there has been some speed adjustments to some during testing as 9.4 approaches.

Regardless, the only positive I see is if players use them to go after CV’s. ?
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I’ve played some more with the dynamic crosshairs and am getting used to them. I may stick with them. I prefer the spiderweb type sites with spokes that help you line up angled ships, but I’ve not found a modded one that only has one number scale on it. I used one which had a number scale on the top and a different scale of numbers on the bottom and could not figure out why, unless they were for different speed ships you were targeting. Here is an example of what I‘m referencing with 2 number scales and I don’t understand those:


Here is a discussion on sights I have going over at the Wargamimg forum:

Personally I’m more interested in the travel time of the shell for the exact reason you stated. Very few ships are at full speed unless they are in retreat. I use the standard crosshairs mainly for this reason.

My sons have quite a bit of knowledge on the subs. They say there has been some speed adjustments to some during testing as 9.4 approaches.

Regardless, the only positive I see is if players use them to go after CV’s. ?
I’d like to know what speed they go underwater.
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
I’ve played some more with the dynamic crosshairs and am getting used to them. I may stick with them. I prefer the spiderweb type sites with spokes that help you line up angled ships, but I’ve not found a modded one that only has one number scale on it. I used one which had a number scale on the top and a different scale of numbers on the bottom and could not figure out why, unless they were for different speed ships you were targeting. Here is an example of what I‘m referencing with 2 number scales and I don’t understand those:

Here is a discussion on sights I have going over at the Wargamimg forum:

I’d like to know what speed they go underwater.

I’ll inquire.........
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
I’ve played some more with the dynamic crosshairs and am getting used to them. I may stick with them. I prefer the spiderweb type sites with spokes that help you line up angled ships, but I’ve not found a modded one that only has one number scale on it. I used one which had a number scale on the top and a different scale of numbers on the bottom and could not figure out why, unless they were for different speed ships you were targeting. Here is an example of what I‘m referencing with 2 number scales and I don’t understand those:

Here is a discussion on sights I have going over at the Wargamimg forum:

I’d like to know what speed they go underwater.

It’s been decided that 8kts is too slow, and the solution will be a “Special Mode” for each sub. That’s all I could pry out of my oldest.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
It’s been decided that 8kts is too slow, and the solution will be a “Special Mode” for each sub. That’s all I could pry out of my oldest.
That is the issue in a nutshell with subs in this game. They are going to have to give them sprint ability for game balancing, then I’ll hate them. :) If DD drivers don’t make them a priority, then they will be a huge pain in the ass if they are not detectable by average ships, nor can be attacked by average ships, a F**king Nightmare. ??
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
In the Aslain's modpack, select nomogram "modern" dynamic sight, along with "Assistant" in the list (on that modpack). This dynamic sight produces a 10, 20, 30, 40 speed tick. All you have to do is take a guess at what speed the ship is going and lead by whatever tick you choose. It's pretty darn accurate and what you don't have to do is be looking at seconds of shell flight time. Someone asked if this is cheating. Hmm, it's a pretty darn good aiming assistant!
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