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macrumors 65816
Aug 30, 2006
Click on boys and look at the banner... she has just stretched it to fix the website! I mean come on dude! And under weddings theres a shot of the bride's arse and shoes

Edit: EWWW OMFG click on home and scroll down to the bottem left photo look to the left of the mans hand. I would delete that photo faster than you can say your balls are showing.


macrumors 65816
Wow, and I thought this was going to be another Ken Rockwell bashing fest. :rolleyes:

Yeah- why is this poor woman trying? The website is horrid, the photos (those that aren't out of focus, have red eye, and are underexposed) have poor composition, and no interest points. I think I'll hire her :rolleyes:


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 28, 2006
Bay Area, California
Wow, and I thought this was going to be another Ken Rockwell bashing fest. :rolleyes:

Yeah- why is this poor woman trying? The website is horrid, the photos (those that aren't out of focus, have red eye, and are underexposed) have poor composition, and no interest points. I think I'll hire her :rolleyes:

You could move into her turf and take over all of her business. :)


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 28, 2006
Bay Area, California
Click on boys and look at the banner... he has just stretched it to fix the website! I mean come on dude! And under weddings theres a shot of the bride's arse and shoes

Edit: EWWW OMFG click on home and scroll down to the bottem left photo look to the left of the mans hand. I would delete that photo faster than you can say your balls are showing.

Woah I didn't even notice that.

Notice the angle of the photo. How creative! What you want me to be more creative? Let me turn my camera 45 degrees and give a fresh perspective! Yeowsers!

I'm not sure whether or not I should laugh or cry.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
and i use the term "pro" loosely...

And so does she. Leave her alone... bigging yourselves up by having a go at someone causing no harm.

Along with going to the theater and scrap-booking, photography is my hobby, and if I can make a little extra money to support my other hobbies, that would be great.

I am a theatre and English teacher.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
And so does she. Leave her alone... bigging yourselves up by having a go at someone causing no harm.

Honestly. First of all, some of this is jpeg compression. So yeah, she's a really bad photographer. Great. At least she doesn't take herself all that seriously. I'm sure she doesn't charge a ton. She also has a real job, and other people have asked her to shoot for them. Based on the look of her flash, I assume she's using a P&S.

[rant]On the other hand, a lot of people on this board have a hoity toity flash website talking their mind blowing photographic skill, thousands of dollars worth of equipment gear, and years of experience in Photoshop (which most of these people haven't even paid for). Then I look at their image galleries, they suck! Yeah, I'm not tons better than some, but at least I'm waiting to actually get really good to post a website soliciting my services. Sorry, even with a D80, 18-700, and pirated install of CS3, one is still not a top quality professional photographer. Oh, I also find it funny when people brag about being self-taught, then demonstrate that they haven't been taught well. There's no shame in a photo class as a community college or tagging along with a real pro for an assignment or two.[/rant]


macrumors 601
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
Well, I won't say anything about the photographs as she's not a pro. But she does say she's a professional English teacher. Dear me.

stephaniefletcher said:
I used to surprise people as they entered a room with my quick flash.

I'm sure you gave them a memorable sight.

stephaniefletcher said:
It was only recently when people began asking me if they could hire me for their special occasion.

What was only recently?

stephaniefletcher said:
I am a theatre and English teacher.

Are you also cold and drafty in winter, with your own box office?


macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2004
Ah, RedTomato that just made me laugh.

I would like to nominate this site for Worst CSS-ish Site EVER! I blame yahoo site creator for puking out the horrible code and the woman for even putting it up there.



macrumors 601
Oct 21, 2004
Mediocrity as an amateur is painful, but forgivable. Mediocrity as a "pro" is Malpractice.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 28, 2006
Bay Area, California
Man alive, some of you need to get a sense of humor and not take this THAT seriously. Just thought it was sorta funny - maybe I am being an a##hole for sharing this but I found it somewhat amusing...maybe I'm just twisted like that :-o

Anywho, no need to get all snippy and self righteous, I am not claiming to be Ansel Adams by any stretch - OTOH, I am not charging anyone for photos

But anyways...


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Her point is that "Photo's aren't about posing, it's about capturing the moment". Whilst this is true, it doesn't mean that you go around taking pictures of absolutely everything you see. :eek:


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Someone must have told this lady, in an idle moment, that she's got "an eye for a photo"... and she's let her imagination run wild. The pictures are awful, like you'd get from someone who'd just been given their first camera and told to take a few shots. But offering her services as a 'pro' doesn't necessarily mean she'll get any customers...

Thank God there are so many bad photographers in the world; it means that a snapper like me can scrape a living. And too many people buy into the manufacturers' claims... that what they need is a new camera or lens or gadget...


macrumors 603
Jan 10, 2006
Maybe she has an interest in photography and has only just started out. We all have to start somewhere. When I started out as a designer looking back my first work was utter crap. With experience comes quality.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
The great thing about the interenet is that it allows people to share their photos with the world. And the worst thing about the interenet... is that it allows people to share their photos with the world. ;)

It's good to get other peoples' opinions about your work... though sometimes it can seem a bit lazy. You can feel like saying "Go away, work on your photography on your own for a few weeks, months, maybe years (well, years in my case: slow learner...), and only THEN give your work a public airing".


macrumors 601
Feb 27, 2005
Maybe she has an interest in photography and has only just started out. We all have to start somewhere. When I started out as a designer looking back my first work was utter crap. With experience comes quality.
Sure, but even then, her photographs show little hope - composition is horrid, she can't really use a P&S by the looks of her focus, and the photographs lack anything that set them apart from the millions of pictures taken by the non interested picture taker.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I wouldn't say this about someone who's photos I didn't like, but these mattery how you look at them......are horrid.

I'm not even trying to prop myself up, either. Even a typical person (a non-photographer) with a small digital camera in hand can take photos better than this lady. She's not even average at a consumer level. This is why I'm shocked to find out that she was paid for her work. I wouldn't mind so much if she just took photos and wanted to share them, but to take money from people for her work? I'm sorry, but those customers got PUNK'D! :eek:


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 28, 2006
Bay Area, California
I wouldn't say this about someone who's photos I didn't like, but these mattery how you look at them......are horrid.

I'm not even trying to prop myself up, either. Even a typical person (a non-photographer) with a small digital camera in hand can take photos better than this lady. She's not even average at a consumer level. This is why I'm shocked to find out that she was paid for her work. I wouldn't mind so much if she just took photos and wanted to share them, but to take money from people for her work? I'm sorry, but those customers got PUNK'D! :eek:

I'm curious about how happy the bride is that had her wedding pictures taken by her. Was there redeye in the wedding portraits? Maybe that was a friend or something...
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