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Minus OLED screen**

If the only main change for the next ipad pros next year was that they severely reduced the bezels and added Face ID and the overall footprint of the ipad was MUCH smaller, would you upgrade?

I’d have to think REAL hard on it considering i already have a current iPad Pro 12.9 thats suiting me just fine and that i only use it for the most basic of things, but if they were able to make the 12.9 feel less bulky, I’d definitely consider it. Imagining the ipad I’m typing on right now where most of it is just the screen tickles me in all the right places
Definitely get Face ID and less bezel iPad Pro. I know the iPad redesign will be coming and I have not bought any new iPad version since iPad 3.
You should research a bit more on a couple things...
Face ID while not perfect is much, much more secure than Touch ID.
But you are correct that wired audio is still a bit better than Bluetooth, but with 4.2 and 5.0, these days I can barely tell any difference (I’m an actual audiophile) my vision is not great, but my hearing of subtle variations and issues with sound is something I use everyday. My main issue with certain Bluetooth (mostly anything before BT 4,) is those devices have some slight humming noises, syncing issues, and distortion compared to wired audio.
But, like I wrote before, BT 4.2 and 5.0 have increased their quality drastically, so much that I can barely tell any difference. Soon BT will be equal or (I dare to say it) superior to wired (not in sound but convenience.)

Also OLED is a technology that looks great but the cons outweigh the pros. The longevity is much shorter than LCD, pixels die faster, and are more prone to damage, the price is way too high still, it isn’t as durable when it comes to water damage, and image retention is still a major issue and super annoying.


I've not noticed any of those problems with amoled on my Samsungs Tab S2's (I have two of them). Ipad Pro screens are great but the amoled is I think even more attractive and sunlight readable.

The volume button on my Ipad Pro 2017 broke after two months and after that I googled it and saw it's an ongoing IPad problem, so I'd like the mechanical construction of all the buttons improved or eliminated and made all electronic. I also don't see how I'd hold a tablet with almost no bezels. The fingerprint detector of the Ipad worked great, far better than the Samsungs, so I was satisfied with that and don't care about face id. You know much more about it than I do. Can a photo of me held in front trigger it? Waterproof is something I'd definitely want, and a very strong screen so I wouldn't have to even worry about a screen protector let alone paying Apple $650 to fix a broken screen! The speakers on mine (I returned it when the button broke) were great but I wouldn't mind if they could be made even better. I miss having the IPad so I'd be looking for an excuse to get another one, but next time the 10.5". Oh yes - my onscreen typing experience with the IPad was terrible, even worse than Android, so I would want a better on screen keyboard with usable editing...or maybe I just wasn't adept at using it...
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The one thing I like about the iphone x is that you're getting an almost plus size viewable screen in a smaller package. for a phone that I use one-handed this is a big thing. That said I am sticking with my 6s plus for the foreseeable future because a) I don't like the notch b) I couldn't care less about face id c) I like touch id.

So carrying this line of thought over to the ipad... since I'm never going to be using it one handed I have no need for it to have a thin bezel, no need for face id, and I really don't want that notch especially on a device that I use in both landscape and portrait mode all time.

Until some app or tool I use has a must have feature only available on a new ipad model then I'll probably stick with. I'm pretty chuffed with specs and power of 2nd Gen 12.9 pro can't see why it wont continue to see me through the next 3-4 years.
How small bezels? And how would you hold a device like that with very small bezels without accidentally touching the screen, or losing grip and dropping it.
Four fingers on the back, fleshy bit of the palms on the side. Friction keeps it in place. Thumbs don't hook over onto any point of the screen for grip at all. They're free to scroll or tap wherever I want. Not going to use the 12.9 one-handed much but still possible by moving the thumb of the holding hand to a point on the side of the iPad, where it naturally falls as if you were doing a thumbs-up gesture. Two points of contact there on the side plus the four fingers on the back hold it quite steady. Again, not touching any point on the front part of the screen at all. No bezels, no problem. Some might squish the iPad a little bit further into the fleshy part of their palm for more grip, resulting in some flesh possibly overhanging a bit and contacting the front surface of the screen. That's where palm rejection could come in. They figured out palm rejection for pen interaction, they can also figure it for bezel-less grips. If you're the type who always holds an iPad with a thumb-on-bezel grip then I can see why a bezel-less would not suit you. But I never hold an iPad that way. My thumbs are always free in the air or on the side of the device, providing grip through friction, not clamping force. Bezel-less would work fine me. I just wouldn't want a notch on a device that for me would be used in landscape mode a majority of the time.
I’ve got a couple friends that swore they were perfectly happy with they’re ‘futureproof’ iPhone 7’s. The very day of the Apple event when the iPhone X was revealed, both of them suddenly had to have it. They’re both proud and boasting owners of $1000 iPhone X’s, crazy if you ask me. I suspect the very same is going to happen when the iPad X comes out, tons of previously thinking ‘futureproof’ iPad owners are just gonna have to have the latest and greatest, regardless of price.
Nope. I have a 10.5" and I'm very happy with it. I plan on using it for at least 4 years.
Having bezels so small won’t be an issue. They won’t be as small as the iPhone X... apple will keep big enough bezels to fit the FaceID camera because the iPad can have half an inch or less of bezels and still look like an IPad Pro X.
It will still be very holdable. The bezels will be almost the same size as the 10.5” side bezels... (I don’t hear complaining there.) Also, there will most likely NOT be a notch... the reason I’m 99% sure of that is Apple doesn’t have to make the iPad exactly as thin on the sides as the iPhone to look like it’s mostly screen, plus they won’t reduce/alter the X notch as they want to keep the phone close to bezeless, changing that would require making the bezels bigger; (taking a big step back and making the whole point of the X moot.)
This doesn’t just come down to guessing *well just a little, (concerning if the iPad will get X treatment this next update at all,) but otherwise it’s common sense that IF IT DOES... it won’t be as dramatic as the X as it can afford the extra cm/mm of more bezel room around the edges and still have an “X” full screen design. ;) :)

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I'd certainly be in for one with smaller bezels to give more screen real estate (although I'm quite happy with the screen size on the current 12.9 that I just bought about a month ago).

I would personally not get it though if it had a "notch", and I see absolutely no good reason for FaceID on an iPad Pro, so I'd like to see the home button remain, although I'd like to see it become the haptic "button" that is on the iPhone. I was surprised when I learned it was still a physical button.
I don’t get the idea of taking away the bezels of a tablet. It works on a phone because you grip it on the sides. Tablets get held by the bezel.

And I doubt anyone is holding bezels as tiny as those on an iPhone X.
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How small bezels? And how would you hold a device like that with very small bezels without accidentally touching the screen, or losing grip and dropping it.

Zero bezels would be fine for me. I typically hold mine in landscape with my hands on the back. I never touch the bezels in use.
Zero bezels would be fine for me. I typically hold mine in landscape with my hands on the back. I never touch the bezels in use.
Like I said, it isn't ideal for me, but I ain't in charge of other's money.
I don’t get the idea of taking away the bezels of a tablet. It works on a phone because you grip it on the sides. Tablets get held by the bezel.

And I doubt anyone is holding bezels as tiny as those on an iPhone X.
I agree and cute kitten in the pic! I just got my two kitten twins two days ago!
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Also, if this hypothetical Ipad will NOT have OLED, then it better not have IphX-like prices either, such as adding an extra $400 to the price. Not paying $1400 to $1600 for a single iPad!

No. I have a 10.5” and I wouldn’t want anything smaller (I use the Smart Keyboard 90% of the time and don’t want to see it shrink). There really isn’t that much additional space to be gained by reducing the bezels, and, unlike the iPhone, you really need some sort of non-screen area on the front to use it while holding the device.
On one hand, the bezels on a phone make a much larger percentage of the area vs. a tablet, so not really necessary.

OTOH, you can have "virtual bezels". I'd imagine this is what the iPhone X already does? If not, then my LG G4 does that, where I can go into the settings and set apps to show the Home Touch buttons or not, on an app-by-app basis. The idea is if you're holding it, the virtual bezels are there. If the Ipad is on display, hide the bezels.
Not having a home button would be nice. Sometimes I accidentially hit it when writing on a PDF in Portrait mode.
Also, if this hypothetical Ipad will NOT have OLED, then it better not have IphX-like prices either, such as adding an extra $400 to the price. Not paying $1400 to $1600 for a single iPad!

Why would the price increase by $400 due to less materials being used to achieve the iPhone X’s bezel-less design?
If anything Apple will do what they always do every other iPad release... either bump the price down by $50 or up by $50... not $400.
Their iPad sales would plummet so far Tim Cook and Co. would be pushed out by the board instantly.

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Considering I just replaced my Mini 4 with the 10.5 Pro, I plan to keep the Pro for a couple years. While I love my X and the OLED display, the Pro serves my needs perfectly.
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Not having a home button would be nice. Sometimes I accidentially hit it when writing on a PDF in Portrait mode.

Is it possible for them to get rid of the mechanical volume button? That's the one that I had trouble with and I'm not the only one.
Why would the price increase by $400 due to less materials being used to achieve the iPhone X’s bezel-less design?
If anything Apple will do what they always do every other iPad release... either bump the price down by $50 or up by $50... not $400.
Their iPad sales would plummet so far Tim Cook and Co. would be pushed out by the board instantly.

They've charged more for these types of situations before.
How small bezels? And how would you hold a device like that with very small bezels without accidentally touching the screen, or losing grip and dropping it?
The same way i use the 10.5” without a problem. Think about the next 10.5 and 13” with all 4 bezels the same size like the current 10.5” side bezels. That i mean when i said that
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