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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 26, 2016
So as the title says, I literally just got my new laptop and I am still on the return window. I only got to used it once and didn’t realize there’s an m3 coming out today. Would you return it to get the new m3? Planning to get the same spec. I have a 32GB 2TB m2 Max. I would also clarify that I got a free $150 apple gift card education program from the m2 max when I purchased it due to back to school program. Should I bother getting the m3?
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macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2012
Generally, my motto is "If you have to ask, it's probably not something you need." If you're in a line of business that requires such a demanding workflow/powerful computer, you should know what you need. What do you/will you be using the Mac for? That may help us answer your question better. How much did you pay for yours, and are you willing to pay more for what you get with the M3? (Thought I read in another thread that RAM and/or storage cost increased.)
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macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2022
Would you return it to get the new m3?
Yes of course, why wouldn't you want the more modern hardware.

I got a free $150 apple gift card education program from the m2 max when I purchased it due to back to school program.
The back to school thing is unfortunately over so you can't make use of that if you buy the M3 model now. If you return the M2 model they won't fully refund it, they'll keep the $150 for the gift card. But you could call them and ask if you can exchange the M2 model for the new one and keep the gift card that way. I don't think that works but you can ask.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I would definitely return it for an M3, considering how expensive they are if you can buy the latest model they offer.
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macrumors regular
Feb 20, 2017
even tho i loved my macbook air 15inc m2, i return it today because it makes no sense for me to spend the same and have an older chip (even tho i dont even use it but still)


Dec 9, 2018
even tho i loved my macbook air 15inc m2, i return it today because it makes no sense for me to spend the same and have an older chip (even tho i dont even use it but still)
Just out of curiosity: what are you getting instead, that is assuming you're replacing it with another Mac :-D


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
So as the title says, I literally just got my new laptop and I am still on the return window. I only got to used it once and didn’t realize there’s an m3 coming out today. Would you return it to get the new m3? Planning to get the same spec. I have a 32GB 2TB m2 Max. I would also clarify that I got a free $150 apple gift card education program from the m2 max when I purchased it due to back to school program. Should I bother getting the m3?
Do what works best for you... if it were me, yes, I'd return it.

You'll gain the new architecture & better speed. You'll lose the $150 discount (but you'll keep the gift card); and you'll have the hassle of returning/transferring. IMO those are minor drawbacks.
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macrumors 68040
Feb 10, 2008
If you paid near full price for the M2, no technical reason not to return it unless you are concerned about the durability or quirks in the new model. I've had problems with every Apple computer that I purchased on release day. The M2 seems to have been a solid machine. I think the M3s may be $100 less money, but if you got a healthy discount on the M2, that you won't on the M3, you may want to think about it. In fact you may want to return the M2 and then pick up a now discounted M2 :)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 27, 2005
I'm 37 days into my m2pro. I did just call apple to see what they could do, because why not? They said they can make an exception to 30 days sometimes; but 37 days is outside. I can accept that and I'm not sad - there's not really anything in the new machine that I would even notice (I never take my screen above 50% brightness, I never come close to draining the battery, I rarely if ever tax the processor, and I prefer silver as a colour). So honestly I'm good here.

But if I had bought a laptop less than 30 days ago I'd still give it a go.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2022
I mean, if losing the $150 discount isn't a huge deal to you, I don't really see why not. For what it's worth, they're both fine machines though.

Ray Traced Apple Silicon

macrumors newbie
Sep 15, 2023
Bought a M2Pro & today is 14th day of return policy. After event last night I called Apple. They extended my return to 30 days. I ordered the new one & will be returning the current one when the M3pro arrives.
Slightly out of topic, but those guys DO care about customer satisfaction. Something something customer loyalty and brand value, I guess. Well deserved, that is.

Ray Traced Apple Silicon

macrumors newbie
Sep 15, 2023
According to Apple's numbers, the cpu is %50 faster, and the gpu %20. There's also ray tracing, dynamic caching and mesh shading. Only you can decide if you believe Apple's numbers or not (and if you do, to what extent), but if you ask me, that's a solid upgrade for 0 dollars. I'd totally return M2 Max for M3 Max.


macrumors 6502
Aug 23, 2015
Absolutely yes. Why wouldn't you want the latest machine with its improvements for the same money?

Johnny Steps

macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2011
I'm stuck on debating this decision right now. Apple offered an extension on the return window for my purchase, but I can't help but feel conflicted with decreased performance cores and memory bandwidth on the M3 Pro model versus the M2 Pro model. Plus the obvious hassle of returning the computer, apple care, and I had done a trade-in.
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