A lot of my apps don't exist on Google Play. So it simpy wouldn't work
As that may be true with some people depending what they use, I personally have not had this problem.
Also due to the way Android OS works allot of apps are not needed like GoodReader comes to mind or any such sort of file sandbox app.
Thus far I have found most of what I need and for the most part they where free or loads cheaper then the iOS versions.
I have quite a few apps for iOS that I collected over the years and can use most of them on my iPad 3.
But I would not let this stop me from switching to another OS if the need arises and would really research the apps I need or think I need before dismissing it as a viable solution to my needs, just like I never let the iOS restrictions stop me from what I needed to do be it via a work around or jailbreaking my devices to get things done.
Just saying don't rush to conclusions so fast.