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macrumors G4
Original poster
Mar 29, 2008
Had just finished playing Osmos. Gorgeous game. Exited to the Home screen, and suddenly the screen flashed completely blue for a second, and then went black. It will NOT turn on at all. Holding down home+power doesn't work. Nothing works!


Guess it's a trip to the Geniuses for me... A sad day indeed! :( :(

RIP 64GB WiFi iPad.
Yes, and yes. Tried holding the Home button while plugging it in etc etc. VERY familiar with iDevices. It simply will not power on anymore after that blue screen crash. :(
Yesterday I had a similar situation, I don't know why it often system halted and unable to work.
Are you using Windows or OSX? Is it recognised as a device at all?

I guess iTunes doesn't open, but what if you open iPhoto? Or look in Devices under Windows, say?
Are you using Windows or OSX? Is it recognised as a device at all?

I guess iTunes doesn't open, but what if you open iPhoto? Or look in Devices under Windows, say?

Using a Mac. Nothing happens when I plug it in. It's like it's out of battery (which of course it wasn't - it was 100% just before I loaded Osmos and played for 10 minutes). It's *literally* as if someone removed the battery. Deader than a dodo.
And I really don't like the fact that my data and TONS of personal information is on my iPad and there's nothing I can do to retrieve it at this point. Grrr... :mad:
Hey ho. Take it to the store and they'll put a new one in your happy little hands.

Gotchas: how recently did you sync it/back it up? And will your Apple store be in stock with 64s?

[edit] I see that's occurred to you. Bummer. *goes and syncs his iPad juuuuust in case*
Hey ho. Take it to the store and they'll put a new one in your happy little hands.

Gotchas: how recently did you sync it/back it up? And will your Apple store be in stock with 64s?

Backed up just this evening, so no big deal there. No idea if my Apple store has any 64s in stock. Guess I'll find out, eh? Again, not worried about data loss EXCEPT that the flash memory is probably intact, and anyone could access my emails etc if it magically started working...
Well I think people at the Apple store will send it in to Apple for repair and Apple will wipe its memory before they put it up for sale on the refurb store, don't you think?
Well I think people at the Apple store will send it in to Apple for repair and Apple will wipe its memory before they put it up for sale on the refurb store, don't you think?

Yes, in theory that's how it would work, of course. But still, not a good feeling...
I hope they will be able to replace it, i think the 64GB ones are the least sold, hopefully they will have some!
Yes, as stated earlier, it will not power on at any point, no matter what I do:

e.g. holding down power/home, holding down home while plugging into computer etc etc.

It really is dead. Have an appointment at the Apple Store in the morning. I should get some sleep and stop stressing. Thanks, guys. :)
That's horrible ! I hope your issue is resolved QUICKLY. I don't have an Apple store in my location and must be wait ever so patiently for Apple to repair my iPad from a different issue.... Days and days that Apple takes.
That's horrible ! I hope your issue is resolved QUICKLY. I don't have an Apple store in my location and must be wait ever so patiently for Apple to repair my iPad from a different issue.... Days and days that Apple takes.

Ugh no fun... hope you get yours back soon.. I definitely miss mine already, and it's only been dead an hour!!!
Same thing happened.. Well, not exactly the same, it stopped responding, but I luckily managed to get it back.

I've put it in the wallchafger for a couple of hours (well, I checked every 5 minutes. Who could left a iPad which froze on you alone for more than a couple of minutes...), but eventually it reacted oN home+power and I could get it to dfu.
William, I'm honestly sorry that this situation occurred for you and hope that your Apple Store has some 64GBs in stock.

However, I do have to make a point: The EXACT same thing happened to me (screen flashed blue for like... 3 seconds, and then completely dead screen... black). I was able to revive it at first by Home+Wake button, being familiar with the iDevices, but it didn't work and the display, once on the home screen, did exactly the same thing. I plugged it into my MBP and synced it up and got it working again. It was devastating since I had no jailbreak or hack of any sort on the device. I know that yours is just unable to restart at all, so it may be a different problem.

Apparently, this issue is not that uncommon, but happens to only a few. I googled "iPad blue screen" when it happened to me and this was sure enough a small problem that had been in existence already, but of course rarely (my occurrence was back in early June). I honestly don't understand what the problem is, but the issue was fixed for me, so I didn't make a big deal out of it. I hope the same will go for you in your visit to the Apple Store later this morning. Best of regards and don't worry. ;)
I did see another thread on the Apple forums that mentioned this blue-screen weirdness, but none of them had said it left their iPad permanently unresponsive. I left my iPad plugged in since it died, and this morning it's still unresponsive in any way, shape, or form.

I'm leaving for the Apple Store shortly, so hopefully they can resolve it immediately for me. Will update later. :)
Well I think people at the Apple store will send it in to Apple for repair and Apple will wipe its memory before they put it up for sale on the refurb store, don't you think?

You'd think, but then I bought a refurb wireless keyboard and it pops up on my desktop as 'Brendan McSomething's' Keyboard (can't remember the exact name without connecting it.
Oh boy... what a day...

So I went to the Apple Store with my dead unit in hand, and the "Genius" I spoke with said he'd never seen such a thing before, and exchanged it for me without hesitation. I made it all the way home, thinking my new one was perfect until I started to use it. It was clear, on any light color background, that there's a "divot" in the glass. A tiny one to be sure, but one nonetheless. Not a dead/stuck pixel, not a speck of dust, but a divot. You could feel it with your finger..

So.... I went all the way back to the store, and exchanged it a second time. The Genius was very apologetic, and gave me a "new" 64GB WiFi iPad. This one had a nice speck of dust/gunk right in the center of the screen, which the Genius noticed straight away when I showed him it.

So.... he goes to the back and gets me a THIRD unit, and guess what? IT ALSO had a nice piece of crap behind the glass.

At this point, the Genius is VERY apologetic. Truly, if I could have my original WiFi 64GB iPad back at this stage, I'd be so happy (if it turned on, of course....).

So, he says to me, "Look. These have all been refurbished units, so what I'll do is I'll return your launch unit and sell a brand new one to you." I agree, of course, but ask him if he wouldn't mind swapping me for a 3G iPad in the process (figured what the hell?). He said, "No problem!"

So I get my new 3G iPad and turn it on in the store, and guess what? A nice, brown, glinting piece of dust in the middle.

At this point, I'm starting to question the meaning of life.

I get it exchanged once more, and now I'm at home on my iPad that I'm scared to really use in case I discover something else terrifying.

Now, for those of you shaking your head, it's hard to fault someone when they're right there in the store and they're faced with something like this. I mean, I went through a lot of crap. My first, launch iPad had no issues at all. So why should the week 18, week 20, week 26 etc that I tried have any issues?

The 3G iPad I have right now is a week 27. It has a tiny speck of dust in the corner (that I've noticed SO far...), so I'm OK with that (well, not "OK" but I'm accepting it considering all this nonsense...).

Anyway, I wish this had gone better. I truly do. The Genius gave me some iKlear solution ($29.95 value) as an apology, but really, this was a total hassle. What's going on with the big A's quality control...?

By the way, for those who complain about light bleeding, I seriously don't think it's possible to get a light-bleed free unit. All the iPads I've tested (including the one I now have) exhibit SOME form of bleed, some worse than others. Just something to deal with, I suppose. :)
Oh boy... what a day...

So I went to the Apple Store with my dead unit in hand, and the "Genius" I spoke with said he'd never seen such a thing before, and exchanged it for me without hesitation. I made it all the way home, thinking my new one was perfect until I started to use it. It was clear, on any light color background, that there's a "divot" in the glass. A tiny one to be sure, but one nonetheless. Not a dead/stuck pixel, not a speck of dust, but a divot. You could feel it with your finger..

So.... I went all the way back to the store, and exchanged it a second time. The Genius was very apologetic, and gave me a "new" 64GB WiFi iPad. This one had a nice speck of dust/gunk right in the center of the screen, which the Genius noticed straight away when I showed him it.

So.... he goes to the back and gets me a THIRD unit, and guess what? IT ALSO had a nice piece of crap behind the glass.

At this point, the Genius is VERY apologetic. Truly, if I could have my original WiFi 64GB iPad back at this stage, I'd be so happy (if it turned on, of course....).

So, he says to me, "Look. These have all been refurbished units, so what I'll do is I'll return your launch unit and sell a brand new one to you." I agree, of course, but ask him if he wouldn't mind swapping me for a 3G iPad in the process (figured what the hell?). He said, "No problem!"

So I get my new 3G iPad and turn it on in the store, and guess what? A nice, brown, glinting piece of dust in the middle.

At this point, I'm starting to question the meaning of life.

I get it exchanged once more, and now I'm at home on my iPad that I'm scared to really use in case I discover something else terrifying.

Now, for those of you shaking your head, it's hard to fault someone when they're right there in the store and they're faced with something like this. I mean, I went through a lot of crap. My first, launch iPad had no issues at all. So why should the week 18, week 20, week 26 etc that I tried have any issues?

The 3G iPad I have right now is a week 27. It has a tiny speck of dust in the corner (that I've noticed SO far...), so I'm OK with that (well, not "OK" but I'm accepting it considering all this nonsense...).

Anyway, I wish this had gone better. I truly do. The Genius gave me some iKlear solution ($29.95 value) as an apology, but really, this was a total hassle. What's going on with the big A's quality control...?

By the way, for those who complain about light bleeding, I seriously don't think it's possible to get a light-bleed free unit. All the iPads I've tested (including the one I now have) exhibit SOME form of bleed, some worse than others. Just something to deal with, I suppose. :)

Well that sucks. My iPad should arrive on Tuesday, I hope it doesnt have the problems your describing...

Although I think it should be fine since I am not too picky...
I feel as if I've been lucky. I pre-ordered mine and got it the day before launch in the UK. I've not noticed a thing wrong with it (and it's still working).

I don't suppose there is any way of knowing what proportion of iPads get returned for dust etc...?
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