Oh boy... what a day...
So I went to the Apple Store with my dead unit in hand, and the "Genius" I spoke with said he'd never seen such a thing before, and exchanged it for me without hesitation. I made it all the way home, thinking my new one was perfect until I started to use it. It was clear, on any light color background, that there's a "divot" in the glass. A tiny one to be sure, but one nonetheless. Not a dead/stuck pixel, not a speck of dust, but a divot. You could feel it with your finger..
So.... I went all the way back to the store, and exchanged it a second time. The Genius was very apologetic, and gave me a "new" 64GB WiFi iPad. This one had a nice speck of dust/gunk right in the center of the screen, which the Genius noticed straight away when I showed him it.
So.... he goes to the back and gets me a THIRD unit, and guess what? IT ALSO had a nice piece of crap behind the glass.
At this point, the Genius is VERY apologetic. Truly, if I could have my original WiFi 64GB iPad back at this stage, I'd be so happy (if it turned on, of course....).
So, he says to me, "Look. These have all been refurbished units, so what I'll do is I'll return your launch unit and sell a brand new one to you." I agree, of course, but ask him if he wouldn't mind swapping me for a 3G iPad in the process (figured what the hell?). He said, "No problem!"
So I get my new 3G iPad and turn it on in the store, and guess what? A nice, brown, glinting piece of dust in the middle.
At this point, I'm starting to question the meaning of life.
I get it exchanged once more, and now I'm at home on my iPad that I'm scared to really use in case I discover something else terrifying.
Now, for those of you shaking your head, it's hard to fault someone when they're right there in the store and they're faced with something like this. I mean, I went through a lot of crap. My first, launch iPad had no issues at all. So why should the week 18, week 20, week 26 etc that I tried have any issues?
The 3G iPad I have right now is a week 27. It has a tiny speck of dust in the corner (that I've noticed SO far...), so I'm OK with that (well, not "OK" but I'm accepting it considering all this nonsense...).
Anyway, I wish this had gone better. I truly do. The Genius gave me some iKlear solution ($29.95 value) as an apology, but really, this was a total hassle. What's going on with the big A's quality control...?
By the way, for those who complain about light bleeding, I seriously don't think it's possible to get a light-bleed free unit. All the iPads I've tested (including the one I now have) exhibit SOME form of bleed, some worse than others. Just something to deal with, I suppose.