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quoted for truth. :)

And there's NO possible way this could happen. The controls would take up the entire screen, the battery life would be awful, the graphical demands would be well beyond the iphone's capability, and actually trying to do anything more complicated than moving would be so awkward that you'd be dead in seconds if you actually tried to fight.

Yeah I was kind of getting a flashback to Doom on the iPods after putting that Linux for iPods on it, but seriously someone will put games on the iPhone if it's Blizzard, Apple or some die hard Linux fan boys it will happen.

I wouldn't think WoW could run very well on an iPhone anyway, but if it does it's geekier than WoW on WINE running on a 486 ;)
I can't believe you guys are even speculating on this. This will never, ever, ever happen. You can set the graphics to the lowest settings and lowest resolution, and you'll still need a decently fast G4, or an overclocked G3 with a 128MB+ graphics card, to run the game. So an iPhone will not cut it.

You know I was thinking about this a little overnight. I still think it's at best very, very unlikely to ever see WoW on an iPhone. However, what about this? A widget/iPhone app that allows you to log onto a character and not actually play the game, but to have access to the following:

1. Chat channels
2. Mail
3. Bank
4. Auction House
5. A generic vendor/repairer
6. Various panes such as trade skills, character screen, rep, etc.

Restricting the app to these things would mean you'd need a limited amount of graphics and graphics processing power (basically item icons and some 2D interface UI). I guess you'd have to have your character parked in a capital city to access certain things, and maybe this special app would allow you access to bank, AH, and Mail without having to physically move between them. I'd love to be able to do Arcanite Bar transmutes from the airport, chat with my guildies, and check my auctions when I got off the plane :) As weird as this sounds, an app that gave me these things might actually get me to buy into an iPhone.

I love this idea!! It would be great to plan raids with my guild when I'm not at home and to be able to check auctions and stuff!! Awesome idea!! ;)
Well if they can bring Oblivion to the PSP why not bring WoW to an iPhone...

It would be changed a bit of course but why not?

Though it would be funny to have to take a break from killing and looting to answer the phone... : )
I guess you'd have to have your character parked in a capital city to access certain things, and maybe this special app would allow you access to bank, AH, and Mail without having to physically move between them. I'd love to be able to do Arcanite Bar transmutes from the airport, chat with my guildies, and check my auctions when I got off the plane :) As weird as this sounds, an app that gave me these things might actually get me to buy into an iPhone.

I agree- I would think about getting an iphone for that kind of access. :D
Technically, it's possible.
Cingular's HSPDA network can hit broadband speeds with ease, and latency is becoming less and less of an issue; I've played Guild Wars on my laptop using my phone as a modem. MMORPGs really don't need transfer speed or high bandwidth as much as low latency, though.
The iPhone is rumored to use an xscale PXA3xx processor or two, which is clocked at 1.2ghz. For an ARM cpu, this is a lot. With the right GPU muscle behind it, this thing would be more than capable of running a port of WoW. Of course the engine would have to be dummed down a bit, but that's not hard to do if they were already porting to ARM.
Graphics really aren't a huge issue; my old Dell Axim X50v had an Intel 2700G dedicated GPU with 16mb RAM. It was based on the PowerVR MBX, which was what the Dreamcast used. It was more than capable of displaying gorgeous graphics at 60fps.
Controls would not be an issue. At all. You have icons across your screen for skills and such already, why would you need keyboard shortcuts? Walking could be achieved several ways, like using two fingers to "push" your character in a direction.
The only problem would be battery life, but frankly I don't think Apple would care enough to worry about this if they can push a cellphone onto the market with World of Warcraft.
Haha, there's a proper joke.

1. Hardware. It will NEVER run.
2. Won't ever be playable on a screen the size of a fingernail.
3. Control? I had more than 50 shortcuts on my screen when playing Wow, add in directional controls and... well.. it speaks for itself.
4. Wouldn't want to be playing it unless I had a no-cap EDGE contract.
Haha, there's a proper joke.

1. Hardware. It will NEVER run.
2. Won't ever be playable on a screen the size of a fingernail.
3. Control? I had more than 50 shortcuts on my screen when playing Wow, add in directional controls and... well.. it speaks for itself.
4. Wouldn't want to be playing it unless I had a no-cap EDGE contract.

The only issues I could see are all the controls. I used to play a few years ago, and sitting in bed I couldn't tell you how the heck I open up my log book without hitting L, or my map without hitting M. Stuff like that.. but otherwise it sounds doable!
Read the original rumor quote. I have a feeling it's just the word "wow", not an abbreviation for World of Warcraft. (It makes just as much sense as "wow", although it meaning "World of Warcraft" isn't a completely far-fetched interpretation, either.) It looks almost like the writer of the rumor, not the rumor source itself, is who is assuming "WOW" means World of Warcraft.

Although since it's an unsubstantiated, single-source rumor that claims inside information, I won't put any faith in this rumor at all. Even worse, it's second-hand even to the 'source site'! It's "We received this anonymous submission who said that a friend of a friend told him..." Malarky.
i dought it

I bet it doesnt ,but if it did i would buy the iphone in a second.there would probably be all kinds of hidden fees.Theres no way that thing has enough ram for it either.

If anyone has any questions relating wow go to my site at
guys I like totally just heard from my friend who works at blizzard that they are developing a top top secret (that's right 2 tops) port of SC II for the iPhone! OMGZZZZ
Blizz has said the mobile armory will add more remote features including the ability to participate in guild chat as well as auction house services.
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