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macrumors 68010
Jul 23, 2011
I can't believe that they didn't have these phones available immediately. Plus why are they tying themselves to ATT in US. WP7/8 phones are nice but marketing is killing them right now.

IMHO they are the next best thing to the iPhone.

Totally agreed.


macrumors 68030
Apr 28, 2003
Isn't this made of plastic? Something so many of you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

And aren't the number of apps extremely low compared to the App Store? Something so many of you can't accept of the Android Play store.

Everyone loves an underdog, and whilst we're all (mostly?) Apple fans here, it's nice to see someone producing good phones and hoping the best for them. Nokia have always made, great, solid hardware.

Personally I wanted the N9 to make it, Meego had a nice swipe thing going on and it didn't require all that guff at the bottom of the screen that Windows does. If they could just make a top tier device that's the same size as the N9 was, but with a 4 inch screen, that would be perfect, because as it stands, in my opinion Nokia are heading in the wrong direction.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2009
As of this posting Nokia is down $.28 almost 10% today.

It's probably because the dumbasses tried to release a device wherein the hardware is not integrated with the software yet. The phone is NOT ready to deliver. Why in the hell would they bother to release a press conference on a device, ONE WEEK prior to Apple's presentation, only to not have their phone ready until late Q4 or early Q5???


macrumors 601
Oct 1, 2010
It's probably because the dumbasses tried to release a device wherein the hardware is not integrated with the software yet. The phone is NOT ready to deliver. Why in the hell would they bother to release a press conference on a device, ONE WEEK prior to Apple's presentation, only to not have their phone ready until late Q4 or early Q5???

My thoughts exactly.

Since the phones aren't ready, tested with ATT yet (not sure why they are tying themselves to ATT). By the time they are ready, people would have moved on.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
I can't believe that they didn't have these phones available immediately. Plus why are they tying themselves to ATT in US. WP7/8 phones are nice but marketing is killing them right now.

IMHO they are the next best thing to the iPhone.

AT&T is the only one pushing the platform. Verizon is only now committing to support WP8 and Sprint is too broke to do a big Windows Phone push at this point.

It is true that Microsoft in general does a piss poor job of promoting Windows phone.


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
My thoughts exactly.

Since the phones aren't ready, tested with ATT yet (not sure why they are tying themselves to ATT). By the time they are ready, people would have moved on.

Well do we know for sure only AT&T are going to get the 920? That wouldnt be very smart either. I heard T-Mobile could be getting the 820 but id rather have the 920, and they do have the Lumia 710 and a couple other Windows phones.


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2009
Can't wait to have one in my hands to feel it for real :). As for WP8, I hope it will be solid ;)...

The more competition, the better for us :D !!

Please make it Mac-friendly too ;)
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2011
It's probably because the dumbasses tried to release a device wherein the hardware is not integrated with the software yet. The phone is NOT ready to deliver. Why in the hell would they bother to release a press conference on a device, ONE WEEK prior to Apple's presentation, only to not have their phone ready until late Q4 or early Q5???

I think you answered your own question. Nokia wanted to get the buzz going on their newest device before Apple had a chance to release the new iPhone. Not that they really expect to steal THAT many sales from Apple, but Nokia would be completely ignored if they released the 920 after the iPhone 5 (or whatever it's called). I think Nokia NEEDS this phone to do well and this was a strategic (if not half-hearted) move on their part.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
I think you answered your own question. Nokia wanted to get the buzz going on their newest device before Apple had a chance to release the new iPhone. Not that they really expect to steal THAT many sales from Apple, but Nokia would be completely ignored if they released the 920 after the iPhone 5 (or whatever it's called). I think Nokia NEEDS this phone to do well and this was a strategic (if not half-hearted) move on their part.

I think that the phones are basically finished, however they have to wait for Microsoft to finish Windows Phone 8.


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2009
I think you answered your own question. Nokia wanted to get the buzz going on their newest device before Apple had a chance to release the new iPhone. Not that they really expect to steal THAT many sales from Apple, but Nokia would be completely ignored if they released the 920 after the iPhone 5 (or whatever it's called). I think Nokia NEEDS this phone to do well and this was a strategic (if not half-hearted) move on their part.

When thinking about it, Apple has equal or even more pressure with the iPhone. Clearly, if this is not a top of the hit, kind of thing, the stock may just go crazy.

As per the Nokia's stock, it is quite unbelievable that the performance of a product launching is more adequate in stock terms, than in actual product terms :eek::confused:....

Moreover over the past couple of days i t seems that the iPhone is also touted as +.5 of a GDP point. How insane is that???

I really wouldn't wanna be working Apple at the moment...


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2009
Love my 800 and the Metro... I mean Modern UI. Maybe it looks stupid on pictures but it works great in practice. Everything gets done really fast like finding the right contact, email whatever.

The biggest problem is of course apps. No, I don't talking numbers here. I'm talking about quality. 3rd party apps are SLOW and UGLY. Maybe that gets better with WP8.

Now, the 920 looks great. Two problems though. Its color and its screen size. Where is the 3.7 or 4 inch high end phone? You know, something similar to the iPhone? 4.5 is too big.


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Love my 800 and the Metro... I mean Modern UI. Maybe it looks stupid on pictures but it works great in practice. Everything gets done really fast like finding the right contact, email whatever.

The biggest problem is of course apps. No, I don't talking numbers here. I'm talking about quality. 3rd party apps are SLOW and UGLY. Maybe that gets better with WP8.

Now, the 920 looks great. Two problems though. Its color and its screen size. Where is the 3.7 or 4 inch high end phone? You know, something similar to the iPhone? 4.5 is too big.

Nobody is making those except for Apple. All the high end phones are 4.3" and above. Even my Wifes HTC Radar is 3.8" (windows 7.5) and that phone came out late last year. Dont think id call it a high end phone.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2006
the OC
How many fart apps and porn apps do you need in a marketplace? Do we really need 127 different "instagramish" filter apps for your camera? If WP8 can provide all of the essential apps, does the difference really matter?

the problem is wp7 hasn't provided users with the quality of apps you see for ios and android. i bought a lumia 800 but quickly stopped using it, because i couldn't find decent alternatives to my favorite iphone apps.

regarding the new lumia lineup, i like the 920. i wish it were a little thinner, but i'm more curious to see what wp8 will be like overall.


macrumors regular
Nov 1, 2011
Really like the look of the 920, and really like the look, utility and customisation of the Live Tiles available on Windows Phone 8.

If the iPhone (5) bombs, I will look to this, not Android. The lack of apps doesn't bother me too much, I think the key ones are still on it - eBay, Amazon, YouBook and FaceTube etc.

And I'm a Microsoft developer so I can probably write my own stuff for it! :cool:


macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2003
All I know is that, in November, it'll be a tough choice between the Lumia 920, GS3, and the iPhone 5. I really like the look of WP8, but I need to see how I can make it work with my mixed setup at home (PCs, Macs, etc). If I can find a good media synchronization flow between iTunes Match, iCloud, Skydrive and the may be my next device.



macrumors 68020
Apr 17, 2010
the iPhone announcement today pushed me closer to a 920, that's for sure. I actually am more grateful for my 4S at this moment than I was yesterday, maybe because I know I won't be spending money this week on an iPhone 5.

I'd really like to get an unlocked 920 and check out that camera! Really glad I didn't sell my 4S in the meantime.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2010
Tel Aviv
Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 officially priced with pre-orders, available in November

Nokia unveiled its Lumia 920 and 820 Windows Phone 8 devices earlier this month, but the company refused to mention pricing, pre-orders, and availability dates. Despite this, Nokia's Russian subsidiary has started to officially take pre-orders for both devices today, with availability slated for Q4 2012. The Lumia 920 is priced at 24,990 rubles ($801) and the Lumia 820 at 19,990 rubles ($640), with both prices reflecting Russia's traditional higher pricing for smartphones.
Nokia Germany and Nokia Italy have also announced pricing, with availability dates in November. Nokia Germany is pricing the Lumia 920 at 649 euros ($836) and the Lumia 820 at 499 euros ($643). Both devices will be available in November. Nokia Italy has priced the Lumia 920 slightly lower at 599 euros ($771), and it says both will be available in mid-November. Russian citizens can pre-order the Lumia 920 and 820 immediately, with the 920 available in yellow, red, white, and black — while the 820 is available in red, white, and black. We have reached out to Nokia for comment on pre-orders and pricing in other markets and we'll update you accordingly.
Update: Nokia says it has no pricing or availability dates to announce for the UK today.


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
This is starting to bother me. I am excited about the 920 but unfortunately I am not a patient person. They are taking too long to announce prices and availability in the US. Samsung is edging closer to getting my business with the S3. /rant


macrumors 6502a
Aug 28, 2007
Im so ready to switch to Windows8..the only thing that holds me back is the limited app availability. :/ I searched through their store and none of my banking apps are on there. They are pretty much the most used apps on my phone.

On the other hand however with the larger screen and im sure a better browser than the iPhone it would be much easier to go to the site directly.


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
Im so ready to switch to Windows8..the only thing that holds me back is the limited app availability. :/ I searched through their store and none of my banking apps are on there. They are pretty much the most used apps on my phone.

On the other hand however with the larger screen and im sure a better browser than the iPhone it would be much easier to go to the site directly.

I'm also expecting many many apps to start popping up after Microsoft releases the SDK to everyone instead of hiding new features.
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