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Hmm.. got to the final boss, missed the first "hit". Game over. No save points, so have to go back 3 levels to the start of the Chapter. I guess that's one way of extending play time.

Probably the most graphically impressive game on the iPhone. I like the way the camera angle constantly changes too, freshens things up a bit.
Agreed. Game play is very simple. There was mention that there were hidden moves using the accelerometer. Anyone find them? I did not. Story, graphics and soundtrack are very good. There are no sound controls. Even though the effects are not offensive they do get tedious. The game is short. Should go over well with the tweens. It's worth the eight bucks at least.

p.s. RSoccer09 is definitely played the most here. Every phone and pod has it. Too bad there isn't multi player mode—yet.
There was mention that there were hidden moves using the accelerometer. Anyone find them? I did not.

I think you have to keep killing things until the Blue gauge fills up and starts blinking then you can execute a special move either by shaking the iPhone or by tapping on the character.
[...] The Boss fights are even more simplistic - basically it’s one big cut-scene. Big boss appears and this icon appears at certain moments and you have to press the icon very quickly. If you don’t, you get killed. If you do hit the icon at the right moment, it branches to a cut scene where you dodge/fight in some elaborate manner. You have to press the icon about 4-5 times at the right moment to make it through a boss fight. [...]

Ok, so the boss fights are the same as games like Dragon's Lair. Makes for impressive visuals but not really interactive gameplay.
This game is simple, and pretty damn fun actually. Although, it crashed on me at the final boss, and I have to do level 3 over again. :mad:

Cool game. $4.99 would be more fair, but it's still entertaining.
- This game looks and sounds great. It's a good omen of the quality of games to come. (Can't wait to see what id come up with).

- Waaaay too short. Developers need to get out of this "it's a mobile game, 1 hour of gameplay is fine" mentality. Personally, I'd rather pay 20 euros for an iPhone game with depth and variety of gameplay; than 2 or 3 euros for a game that's over in an hour with limited replayability.
i;ve spent too much on apps and games that i dont use, and as nice as this game looks i think i'll pass. i want some real challenging games with depth.
Also agree that Real Soccer 09 is the most re-playable game. I've only tried for 1 trophy yet i've played at least 50 complete games. Hoping for more sports games, football, basketball, hockey, baseball, etc.

I bought Kroll this morning and beat it on Normal in about 20 minutes. Great graphics and even though all you do is press 2 buttons to hit, it's still pretty fun. I still want to play more cause I want to try and beat it on Hard and Insane, but yes it is a very short game.
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