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macrumors 6502
Oct 1, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
Re: Re: Re: The facts are the facts.

Hey, above ^^^^^^^ Chill out.....Go back and re-read that post, he was joking, in other words, HE WAS JOKING:confused:


macrumors 68020
Oct 28, 2001
Greensboro, NC
Originally posted by Billy_ca

99% of people run their notebook off of A/C, not battery, because battery life is so crappy.

first of all, i get damn near 3 hours on my iBook at all times. I do not run 99% of the time on AC, otherwise I would have bought a DESKTOP system.

And as far as 9lbs goes. Thats alot of weight for a notebook. Its not an issue of being a "girlyman" or whatnot, its an issue of lugging the piece of **** everywhere you go. Spend a week on the go with a 9lb laptop, then switch to a powerbook or iBook for a week and you'll understand.

As far as I'm concerned you can have your 3GHz CPUS, because when it comes down to it, it can't run OS X. Thats the deal breaker for me. I didn't switch to Mac because it had faster hardware, I switched because the OS, the bundled software, and the hardware provided work so seamlessly and stably that its was asinine for me to choose otherwise.


macrumors 6502
Oct 1, 2002
Phoenix, AZ

As far as I'm concerned you can have your 3GHz CPUS, because when it comes down to it, it can't run OS X. Thats the deal breaker for me. I didn't switch to Mac because it had faster hardware, I switched because the OS, the bundled software, and the hardware provided work so seamlessly and stably that its was asinine for me to choose otherwise.

Amen Brother, Mac hardware leaves a lot to be desired, but OS X is rock solid and worth the GHz hit.


macrumors 68020
Oct 28, 2001
Greensboro, NC
Re: The facts are the facts.

Originally posted by peter2002

4. X-Book runs KaZaA, Direct Connect, iMesh, Win MX. PowerBook can't unless you pay $200 to run one of those slow, buggy emulation programs.

The facts are the facts. You can run or insult all you like, but you can't hide from the truth.



the same damn reasons i DONT want a PC EVER AGAIN!!! total crap for software that spies on everything you do, encourages lamer pirates, and makes your 642GHz machine perform like a 486. no thank you.


macrumors 6502
Jul 16, 2002
New Zealand
Re: The facts are the facts.

Originally posted by peter2002
Well, you don't have to be a computer genius or a Phd to figure this one out. Any bubble boy can understand this math.

1. X-Book is a minimum 2-3.5 times faster. Since it is faster, I don't need a 5 hour battery when I can get the job done in 2 hours. I would rather spend my time to kick back and read a book, listen to music, or spend time with my family.

2. X-Book is $500-$1,500 cheaper depending on configurations.

3. X-Book can burn DVDs.

4. X-Book runs KaZaA, Direct Connect, iMesh, Win MX. PowerBook can't unless you pay $200 to run one of those slow, buggy emulation programs.

PowerBook is better for editing photos, making brochures, magazines, or editing videos, but not much else.

The facts are the facts. You can run or insult all you like, but you can't hide from the truth.


1. A faster computer doesn't make you all of a sudden more productive. Real-time effects does, can you do that using which of your fabulous pieces of software?

2. As always you get what you pay for..

3. You've managed to contradict yourself a couple of times so far, firstly you say i can do anything in two hours, ok so you can edit a movie and burn it to DVD in 2 hours, right....:confused:

4. Why don't you buy stuff...

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
I have a hard time finding a PC that has a firewire port, has a 15+ inch screen, a 4 hour+ battery life (max.) and doesn't weigh your portable TV.

Oh, and my iBook has a flexible handle. :D

As for speed issues, when was the last time you erased your iBook/Powerbook Hard Drive and started from zero? I did earlier today and reinstalled 10.1 on my iBook 466, and speed is a much less great issue. I would probably put what sparkley said as my signature

>the same damn reasons i DONT want a PC EVER AGAIN!!! total crap for software that spies on everything you do, encourages lamer pirates, and makes your 642GHz machine perform like a 486. no thank you.

but I'm supporting Disturbed right now. :)

As for all the flamepiss posts, I had to report one in another thread, which I think got edited some way through this post, because of either car analogies, or personal issues. I don't give a sh** who started it, but posts like that do not belong here.

The other thread was Apple Inc. Rumors > [Apple layoffs or something]. :rolleyes:


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Re: Re: The facts are the facts.

Originally posted Me
I see: 1 Vote for life-time banning please.
Anyone else agree?
Don't bash mac's on a Mac rumors site... You want 100's of people rushing your house? :D
We understand that Intel can pump processors out of the Kazoo.
I'm sure we understand that IBM/Motorola can't.
Bashing us is just wrong.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 1, 2002
Dallas, TX
Hey, I love my Mac too. Apple needs to put a P4 in their machines. They already have Mac OS X.2 running on a P4 in their labs. I don't see why wait delaying such a system. Sure, it may not run AlitiVec apps as fast as it should, but a dual 3GHZ PowerMac, or 2.8 Ghz PowerBook, would outpace any G4 or G5 they plan on releasing in January any day of the week. Apple's plans to go to a G5 in Jan. doesn't make any sense, even to somebody stupid. It is just a waste of everybody time and money.

Woop dee doo. Wow, is all we are going to get in Jan. 2003 is 1.5 Ghz G5 from Apple? Even that wouldn't come close to 3.2-3.4 Ghz P4 Intel plans to release then.

That is problem. Apple's brass has to much pride and are to stupid to dump Motorola and go with a P4 or at the very least an AMD Athlon XP for their CPU.


King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
Pentium 4: Bad idea.

Someone back me up on this, but the P4:
(1) lacks a decent sized L1 Cache,
(2) lacks a L3 cache, and
(3) would fail to give decent support to the Velocity Engine instructions of the G4.

Apple significantly incorporates the VE with their Apps (iMovie, FCP, iTunes, DVD Studio Pro, iCanGoOn...) including Mac OS X. By giving up the necessary L1 Cache you really concede the speed. I do agree that 800MHz vs. 2.8GHz does not make for fair play in the general consumer world, meaning what the average person sees listed on the box, but I don't agree that 800MHz vs. 2.8GHz is a big difference. At most, it may only be a 2x difference, but usually that comes from f**king up your computer with useless crap you'll hardly use. I'd guess, most of the time, it's close competition, but Apple (or someone) has to do a better job of advertising how Mac and PCs truly stack up, and people have to want to look at the stats, not just see them.


macrumors G4
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.
OK, calm down peter2002.
There are some things that are out of Apple's control, like processors.
They don't make them, Moto does.

If you're in doubt that even a mere 1.5 Ghz Power4mini-me won't stand up to a PIV twice it's speed, then you need to take a look at some of the benchmarks.

Yes, the PIV will look faster, but even a single core Power4mini-me will stomp it.

It takes years to develop a processor, and it's out of Apple's hands.

Besides, anyone who knows even a little about processor design knows that the PIV was designed by Intel's marketing commitee and not by their most educated chip deigners


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2002
Alright, lets be honest here. Most of apple's hardware is designed for video editing /graphic work... and no matter what, in the end it all boils down to the software. Sure I can get a PIECE laptop that is "100000% faster" then a mac, but is it going to run Final Cut Pro? NO! So, until you come up with an editing program for PC that WON AN EMMY...AND will render on a 1 inch thick laptop, please post your PIECE laptop on a PC SITE!



macrumors G4
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.
Thank you crocodile-man.

Right now Apple's not selling on speed or hardware, they're selling on software. That's what a lot of (but not all) of the switch ads are targeted at. The iApps.
You name me ANYTHING on the PC platform that even remotely compares to ANY of them and you can pry my PC from my cold dead fingers.




..........still waiting........


oh what's that? You couldn't find any?
Well that's a shame.
Guess I won't be buying a Mac cuz it's slower than PCs then.

I don't f*cking care if Intel comes out with a 5Ghz PVI next year, it's not going to run OSX, it's going to run Pallidinium which is the computer equivilent to a $1500 paperweight.

Fine. Go buy a PC. Be happy with Windoze XP. Trust Microsoft. Update your computer with 57 secuity patches. Play music on a media player that spies on you. Have Microsoft activate DRM without your consent.



macrumors 6502
Jul 16, 2002
New Zealand
Originally posted by crocodile-man
Alright, lets be honest here. Most of apple's hardware is designed for video editing /graphic work... and no matter what, in the end it all boils down to the software. Sure I can get a PIECE laptop that is "100000% faster" then a mac, but is it going to run Final Cut Pro? NO! So, until you come up with an editing program for PC that WON AN EMMY...AND will render on a 1 inch thick laptop, please post your PIECE laptop on a PC SITE!


EMMY...AND will render on a 1 inch thick laptop,

Or in some cases not, I know real-time editing doesn't do everything it certainly speeds up a lot of things for sure.

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
This is why I can't stand getting involved with threads like this, people pissing others off, other just being pissed, and, worst of all, if I may post this, people telling others to...

edvniow is a PC user. And s/he knows how a PC works because she has been using one for a long time. I have been using Macs for a long time, not much different from anyone else. Her point is a little extreme, based on what I said about the avg. computer user.

You take a look at two computers: The Powerbook G4 800MHz and the XBook 2.8GHz. You see right there which is the fastest.


When you sign forms for certain files, bills, other machinery, etc. you look at the small print and pay attention to any details and/or problems with a certain issue with the product/bill. Why not bother looking at the small print of PCs vs. Macs before you purchase one? --I'll go a step further...--

The majority of insurance people I have heard from try to slam you with all this information and make you think you will bypass anything you don't understand and just sign up with them. That's no different than buying a computer. If you don't understand what a Cache does, or how it works, look it up. If you are not sure about how the VE works, look it up. If you want to find out why the P4 constantly gets bashed, look it up. You should find plenty of detailed resources.

crocodile-man, peter, you two fall perfectly into the world of being fooled by the easy-to-understand statistics. What you see is:
GHz = speed, no matter how the chip is designed. What Mac users see is:
GHz doesn't matter, but how the L3 Cache and the Velocity Engine make up for speed.

You have to look at the specs of each model computer. I can emphasize this my damnedest, but Apple needs to get that idea, and so does the avg. PC user. And it's not completely Apple's responsibility to emphasize this, but partly Apple's and partly for PC users to take careful notice in these specs and not be fooled by simple marketing.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2002
stupid troll

Geez, let it die.. the guy is a troll, and he is probably about 10 years old. He has no idea why people buy laptops, he has no idea what a real portable computer is all about. He obviously has never carried a 7+ lb notebook around for a whole day.

I am impressed that he can type 3.5x faster than an 800MHz Powrebook can register though. That is pretty impressive.

sorry, couldn't help myself.

OH, BTW... moving to X86 is the worst posible choice that Apple could ever make (another reason he's only 10 IMHO). Apple lives and dies by the software available to it. If Macs had the same games as PCs, they have 50% market share.
If you move to x86, you BREAK EVERY PIECE OF SOFTWARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE! Some apps could be recompiled, but some are tweaked to use Altivec. You'd have to remap all those algorithms to SSE2 by hand.
Your Mac cards wouldn't work either... don't think your SCSI card or Radeon is going to plug into a PC.
Not only that, but x86 will be dead in two years anyway. The industry is moving to EPIC and x86-64. Boy, wouldn't Apple do well by moving to a radically different architecture while it was in its twilight.
Moving to X86 would be VERY, VERY BAD.


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Originally posted by peter2002
Hey, I love my Mac too. Apple needs to put a P4 in their machines. They already have Mac OS X.2 running on a P4 in their labs. I don't see why wait delaying such a system. Sure, it may not run AlitiVec apps as fast as it should, but a dual 3GHZ PowerMac, or 2.8 Ghz PowerBook, would outpace any G4 or G5 they plan on releasing in January any day of the week. Apple's plans to go to a G5 in Jan. doesn't make any sense, even to somebody stupid. It is just a waste of everybody time and money.

Woop dee doo. Wow, is all we are going to get in Jan. 2003 is 1.5 Ghz G5 from Apple? Even that wouldn't come close to 3.2-3.4 Ghz P4 Intel plans to release then.

That is problem. Apple's brass has to much pride and are to stupid to dump Motorola and go with a P4 or at the very least an AMD Athlon XP for their CPU.

Apple has there own plans of dealing with Intel and AMD,
Oh I have one question.


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macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Speed does not matter. I could have stayed on my P3 500 if I wanted "Speed", but went to a PB 400. That PB was far more useful. My Dual 867 is nice and speedy too, and I can say, its a heck of a lot faster than me. I don't need a brick to get work done.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001

please let us know when you get the XBook... and post it in the appropriate location (general discussion)

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