9.01 can't be much longer, considering he's been in and out of apple a lot recently.
Huh. Are you talking about the X-Plane story? That was a few months ago.
yeah but still apple probably favors him, like they favor ea and stuff, da got to know when spore would come out
I don't regret the purchase one bit.probably the best $10 I've spent on a game.
If you mean by 'favour' that they trust big name developers more than they do bedroom developers, then yes, why wouldn't they.
So, what's the highest altitude you guys have reached so far? I got up to 40,000 in the Cirrus before I lost patience and went for a nosedive to see how fast i could go.
Did the same thing. has anyone gotten higher than 45,000 feet?So, what's the highest altitude you guys have reached so far? I got up to 40,000 in the Cirrus before I lost patience and went for a nosedive to see how fast i could go.
9.01 is showing up as an available update for me now.
Yes, it does seem more smooth.The frame rate is greatly improved and the controls feel much more smooth after the update.anyone else notice the latter? very impressed, cant wait for more planes now!
Any news if or when the dev plans to add more to this sim? (More planes, extra features).
I'm hoping soon is the answer.
the latest update came out yesterday. Nice additions but I wish there were better instructions for how to use the new tools on their website. I'm no pilot but I love this game and use it more than any other application. Just wish I had more instructions.
Yeah, I've been looking for updates of it every morning when I get up. I go into Byline, check the appstore updates, and I always end up disappointed cuz its not there =]has anybody heard anything from Austin lately regarding updates? It has been awhile. Hopefully he is working on something big (more locations, planes, etc.)