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macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
I just need to know if the GTX 970 can run it well. :)

According to a Google search:

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system.
  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-6700K or AMD equivalent.
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM.
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1070 or AMD equivalent (Vulkan support required)
  • Storage: 12 GB available space.

If anything like Star Citizen, 8Gig VRAM also or go back to just Star Wars Battlefront... :eek:

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macrumors 68040
Oct 23, 2006
It’s coming, 2018! Will it be Mac compatible? I don’t know.
Almost for sure, there won't be a Mac version, as this game is based completely on Vulkan. You know, that new-fangled crossplatform graphics API which Apple chose to ignore.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Almost for sure, there won't be a Mac version, as this game is based completely on Vulkan. You know, that new-fangled crossplatform graphics API which Apple chose to ignore.
Ah, yeah...they are not even trying, but they are working hard on their VR and external GPUs :rolleyes:

So this game won’t run on anything less than a 1070???

Someone explain why a GTX1070 goes for $380 at Walmart, on $1165/on eBay, and $1600 on Amazon?*Version*=1&*entries*=0&ie=UTF8

Never mind, that is some kind of a scam for the Walmart price, which is more like $1100. 1070

I don’t see them selling a lot of this card at that price.

Update: This page say a GTX 970 works. :) Foundations

PC System Analysis for X4: Foundations
X4: Foundations is a demanding game requiring a modern gaming PC in order to operate smoothly. An intel 4th gen i5 CPU and 8GB of system memory should suffice coupled with the popular Nvidia GTX 970 or an AMD equivalent RX 480. For those seeking the optimal experience in this game however a high end GTX 1070 class GPU and an intel i7 or Ryzen 6-core CPU should be prefered.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Sooo... maybe there still is a chance for a Mac version of X4.
I guess the question is besides the premium price of a Mac, what more must you buy to play this game on your Mac?

There was a time when I was willing to pay $2500 for a portable dual platform capable MBP which had the ability to play AAA PC games at low to medium settings. Then they raised the price to $3000 for a MPB equipped with a dedicated graphics card, that broke me. I paid $2000 for my latest Mac and gave up on serious gaming on it. That is really sad because I rely a $1000 PC that runs circles around any Mac I’ve ever owned, at least when it comes to gaming.

So if X4 runs on a Mac will it be at a minimum setting and will it require a $500 external GPU?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Anyone heard anymore about this title? Anticipated release year 2018. I remember with X3 the learning curve, if you tried to figure it out on your own was a cliff. I'll be buying this when if it finally released, and be looking for how to videos. :)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
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macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Is it still single player? Apparantly yes.

No doubt I will buy this. The question is, the learning curve, just how much of a cliff as compared to X3 which was straight up and down? :) Like X3, I’ll have to look for a good video, guide, and a sale! :D

For now at least.

Baby steps! This is a massive undertaking *cough Star Citizen... ;)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
For now at least.

Baby steps! This is a massive undertaking *cough Star Citizen... ;)

It’s released, I just purchased X4 Foundations and apparantly, I’ll be able to use some of my experience with X3 to good use. Now, I’m watching some videos before InstRt it.

I decided to blow off Atlas, basically ARK with a pirate themed wrapper, although it does use a newer version of the Unreal Engine.




macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
After playing X4 for over a week, I’ll call it a mixed bag. Obviously there are significant improvements, such as flying ships from the flight deck, landing on stations and walking around on them. But there are significant X3 qualities that are missing. In reorganizing the Universe, they chopped the number of sectors down significantly. That is really ok, except that they have removed the sector grid system, as far as I can tell.. Where as you used to be able to plot a coordinate and fly precisely to a point in space, as far as I can tell that’s gone. It seems inconceivable that they would pull this.

Secondly the menus and commands to remote ships have taken a hit. Where as before there were actual commands that could be issued from a list, it seems now there are cases where you have to resort to left clicking on a ship on a list or on the map to target it, and then right click on the map, the ship you want it to follow. This is much less polished than its predecessor, and I imagine it has to do with the total package, making large strides in one aspect of the game, but having to reduce capabilities in other parts.

I’m still playing. Btw, I have an i5 processor, with a GeForce 970 graphic card and I’m getting 15-25fps. I’ll be upgrading this card soon.

Anyone else playing? I’d like to hear about it.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
First Impression X4:Foundation Review
X4 is a big improvement over X3 in some ways, but in others it feels like corner have been cut. Being able to fly in ships, land on, and walk around on Space Stations is a huge step forward for the X series of games. The ships are big and beautiful and you can now walk around them on the landing pad. However when you get over the novelty of walking on a space station, you’ll find that the atmosphere is sterile, and most of the station can’t be visited, the shininess wears off quickly as the Trader’s Corner, and Ship Store on each station are identical.

As far as I know X4 has the edge over Elite Dangerous in this regard, at least you can walk on a station, although my impression from playing ED a year ago, ED has the edge on dogfighting ship to ship combat. And the ability to manage fleets of ships, gives X4 the overall advantage, and I like the combination of jump gates, accelerators, and highways.

So X4 offers more than ED where you can’t leave your ship on a Station. It’s a move in the right direction, considering the Elephant Star Citizen, X4 opens the door, but then let’s you down, walking around the sterile spaces on a space station with nothing to do but exchange two words with a vendor gets old fast. Oh, you can exchange two words with your crew members too. ;)

The Space Station is a gathering intelligent species where you would expect to be a source of role playing interaction for immersion. Where is the space bar? Where are the mysterious people asking favors over drinks? How about renting a bed, or even a companion for the night? :) Now it can be argued this is not what the game is about, but if you want to be immersed in a galaxy, there needs to be at least some social RP elements.

Now as far as cutting corners I imagine to manage the size of the game, the sector grid system appears to be missing. This seems inconceivable that this would have been chopped as precise coordinates seems like it would be important. How do you build a space station for someone? Place it over there, in that direction? It’s been a while since I’ve played X3, but the command system, the way you give your fleet orders to carry out seems to have been nerfed. There is a section on default behavior, but there is no interface for direct commands. So if you want one ship to follow another, you left click in the ship on the map or in a list, and then right click on the ship you want it to follow. Why not have a follow commad?

And besides, imo, default behavior should be if you have no active command you would hold position or dock at the nearest station. An active command would be Auto mine or auto trade or follow, protect, etc, something you ordered a ship to do. Maybe it is nit picky, but it is a misnomer to call those types of things, default behavior.

It has been argued by some players that you can make too much money in this game. Valid critique? It depends on what you want to do. It starts off slow if you take missions, although there is a relatively quick, somewhat risky way to jump start your income. That is by harvesting crystals, with your laser equipped ship (not mining persay), and in several hours you can produce $1-2 million in crystals that can be sold at the Trader’s Corner in most stations. Soon after that you’ll have purchased a medium sized mining vessel set to harvest silicon, and the money will start rolling in. Currently I have 4 automining ships, I went to bed with $17m, left the game running over night and woke up with $28m this morning. Now this does not preclude you from mining yourself if that what interests you, but this kind of income flow allows you to concentrate on other things like building stations, taking over sectors, training marines to capture ships, etc.

Now how satisfactory will the end game be based on what I’ve described? I’m not there yet, so I’ll report back later. :)

One other thing, there is no character creation at all. My understanding is that two of the starts create male characters, and the Explorer start creates a female, but you can’t alter your appearance and in fact have no idea what you look like. As far as I know, there is no ability to take selfies in front of your ship or see yourself in third person mode. That dissapointed me.

If you want to know the details of how make money fast in this game by crystal hunting in the Xenon sectors, give a shout. :D


macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2019
X4: Foundations is how I imagine Brian Cox imagines space. It’s big and impressive, because Brian Cox can grasp those two concepts just fine.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
X4: Foundations is how I imagine Brian Cox imagines space. It’s big and impressive, because Brian Cox can grasp those two concepts just fine.

I gave up on X4:Foundations because while it was a step forward in some aspects, it was a big step backwards in others as compared to X3.

Both have vertical learning curves, but when I played X3 in it’s later life, I benefited from many tutorials and an online friend who was an X3 nut. :)

And X4 has an invasion mechanic, where friendly sectors get incursions by Xenons and that became too much work to have to be constantly fighting them off. X4 also has the ability to ride in ships and land on stations first person, but those are extremely limited in scope. In your ship, you can only sit in the cockpit while your crew members disappear into the guts of the ship to relax and on stations, basically walk around the hanger deck and some adjoining rooms.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2014
First Impression X4:Foundation Review
X4 is a big improvement over X3 in some ways, but in others it feels like corner have been cut. Being able to fly in ships, land on, and walk around on Space Stations is a huge step forward for the X series of games. The ships are big and beautiful and you can now walk around them on the landing pad. However when you get over the novelty of walking on a space station, you’ll find that the atmosphere is sterile, and most of the station can’t be visited, the shininess wears off quickly as the Trader’s Corner, and Ship Store on each station are identical.

As far as I know X4 has the edge over Elite Dangerous in this regard, at least you can walk on a station, although my impression from playing ED a year ago, ED has the edge on dogfighting ship to ship combat. And the ability to manage fleets of ships, gives X4 the overall advantage, and I like the combination of jump gates, accelerators, and highways.

So X4 offers more than ED where you can’t leave your ship on a Station. It’s a move in the right direction, considering the Elephant Star Citizen, X4 opens the door, but then let’s you down, walking around the sterile spaces on a space station with nothing to do but exchange two words with a vendor gets old fast. Oh, you can exchange two words with your crew members too. ;)

The Space Station is a gathering intelligent species where you would expect to be a source of role playing interaction for immersion. Where is the space bar? Where are the mysterious people asking favors over drinks? How about renting a bed, or even a companion for the night? :) Now it can be argued this is not what the game is about, but if you want to be immersed in a galaxy, there needs to be at least some social RP elements.

Now as far as cutting corners I imagine to manage the size of the game, the sector grid system appears to be missing. This seems inconceivable that this would have been chopped as precise coordinates seems like it would be important. How do you build a space station for someone? Place it over there, in that direction? It’s been a while since I’ve played X3, but the command system, the way you give your fleet orders to carry out seems to have been nerfed. There is a section on default behavior, but there is no interface for direct commands. So if you want one ship to follow another, you left click in the ship on the map or in a list, and then right click on the ship you want it to follow. Why not have a follow commad?

And besides, imo, default behavior should be if you have no active command you would hold position or dock at the nearest station. An active command would be Auto mine or auto trade or follow, protect, etc, something you ordered a ship to do. Maybe it is nit picky, but it is a misnomer to call those types of things, default behavior.

It has been argued by some players that you can make too much money in this game. Valid critique? It depends on what you want to do. It starts off slow if you take missions, although there is a relatively quick, somewhat risky way to jump start your income. That is by harvesting crystals, with your laser equipped ship (not mining persay), and in several hours you can produce $1-2 million in crystals that can be sold at the Trader’s Corner in most stations. Soon after that you’ll have purchased a medium sized mining vessel set to harvest silicon, and the money will start rolling in. Currently I have 4 automining ships, I went to bed with $17m, left the game running over night and woke up with $28m this morning. Now this does not preclude you from mining yourself if that what interests you, but this kind of income flow allows you to concentrate on other things like building stations, taking over sectors, training marines to capture ships, etc.

Now how satisfactory will the end game be based on what I’ve described? I’m not there yet, so I’ll report back later. :)

One other thing, there is no character creation at all. My understanding is that two of the starts create male characters, and the Explorer start creates a female, but you can’t alter your appearance and in fact have no idea what you look like. As far as I know, there is no ability to take selfies in front of your ship or see yourself in third person mode. That dissapointed me.

If you want to know the details of how make money fast in this game by crystal hunting in the Xenon sectors, give a shout. :D

Do you have to invest in basically running a company, or can you play the game as a single person/ship exploring,fighting, progressing?
Having AI ships, stations, factories, etc does nothing to me. Do I have to play it as a business simulation?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Do you have to invest in basically running a company, or can you play the game as a single person/ship exploring,fighting, progressing?
Having AI ships, stations, factories, etc does nothing to me. Do I have to play it as a business simulation?
That’s a good question. My opinion it is functionally more like the latter, it is designed to set up trading routes and make money, a lot of money, although you do have a first /third person presence in the game. In X3 there was no flying ships from in the ship, your viewpoint was outside the ship.

For myself manually trading is a grind that would get boring fast if that is all I did. But you can take combat missions, but you might want to bring friends, AI piloted ships that you own. Based on the last time I played Elite Dangerous, (over a year ago) where I found trading to be tedious, but had better dig fighting, X3 and X4 overall offer more, but the learning curve strikes me as a cliff and if you noticed in my posts that I have stopped playing it.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
A year later and X4 foundations is still in beta with a big update 3.0 on the horizon. I want to get back into this game. Anyone playing? What do you think?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I am in shock that I let this thread fall though the cracks. ;)

3 years later is anyone playing, or played? I bought the game, played it, got pretty well established, but then got Xenon fatigue. Those are the pesky alien race that wants to destroy all life in the universe.

Now I’m finding a renewed interest in X4 Foundation. I was a huge fan of X3, but X4 had some issues besides the steep learning curve, were the Xenon, the alien race who want to take over the Universe. In X3 they stayed in their sectors, but in X4 they are constantly invading occupied sectors, the places where you want to set up your trade runs.

Oh, I had a fleet of battleships to take them on, but once I spent significant effort siding my fleet on them, eradicating them in the sector, they’d continually try to reestablish themselves. This is not what I wanted to spend my time on doing so I quit.

But now when I look at my game notes, there is one hell of a lot to get a handle on. :)

The great potential of this game as with X3 was that you can set up trade runs and your ships have the ability to function semi-autonomously and you don’t have to micromanage every little thing.

And for anyone who has played since the beginning, I wonder if I should resurrect a 2019 save game or start from scratch? Maybe the save game won’t even launch…

X4 not even included in this list:
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macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
It is on my Steam wishlist, I have ED in my library, but haven't started playing it yet. Is X4 worth the 50USD asking price?
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