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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
It is on my Steam wishlist, I have ED in my library, but haven't started playing it yet. Is X4 worth the 50USD asking price?
Maybe, if you don’t mind vertical learning curves, the internet for research is a must for this game. I’m still trying to figure out what mods I want to use especially the VRO mod.

Is anyone familiar with this?
Anyone want to be my tutor? ;)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Steam Summer sale started, X4 is 20USD. I picked it up…
I played it, dropped it, started it again, then got distracted, I‘m maybe done with it. I’d like to hear your impression.

My best experience was with X3, with less expectations, played that for a year. Even with significant improvements, with X4 I just don’t feel as immersed in this environment. And I was really annoyed that I felt obligated to deal with Xenon incursions that happen in several sectors continuously.

The ideal environment is one where you feel like you are in an alive vibrant environment. In X4, you land on a station and there is other traffic. There are individuals walking around, there are a couple of places, offices, stores you can visit, but it feels empty and artificial, with mostly nothing going on.

The space ships are the worst. Yes, you can sit in the flight deck, which you could not do in X3, but on the ship you are locked in that space, while you watch your other crew members disappear into the bowels of the ship which continuously irritated me.

And the crew members, expand that to all AI characters in the game, sure ask about a mission and get an answer, but social interaction? Forget it, zero personality, the most shallow representation possible of intelligent humanoid life that you would be interacting with.

So the bottom line as simulations get better, I’m expecting more from them, but they have a long way to go. 😐


macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
Oh I 100% need a flight stick for this, the flight controls require too much brain power, lol.
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