Wow. What a false alarm! The problem is not fixed at all.
How could expect a "fix"? All they can do is improve it. You're always going to run into sites that flush the other pages. I've even had reloads and crashes on my iPhone 4 already.
They did improve it a lot. I'm still able to load more than twice the amount of pages I was before.
I'd expect a fix because by jailbreaking the iPad there's a simple solution which solves the page refreshing and it does so flawlessly.
Opened up two pages (Engadget, Macrumors), hop out and go read the WSJ for about a minute, go back to Safari and it's reloading Macrumors. This was after a fresh restore. The problem has not-to any extent- been remedied.
This is really exiting news. I have been annoyed by this problem from day one. Can't wait til 4.0 hits the iPad as well.
Agreed, performance is improved - but that doesn't mean one can load pages indefinitely and expect them to be cached every time. Under normal usage - a handful of tabs at a time - it's much less annoying.
As is the keyboard, maybe? I often find that I hit the n or b key rather than the spacebar when typing fast in landscape keyboard mode, but this seems to be happening slightly less often?
I'd expect a fix because by jailbreaking the iPad there's a simple solution which solves the page refreshing and it does so flawlessly.
Opened up two pages (Engadget, Macrumors), hop out and go read the WSJ for about a minute, go back to Safari and it's reloading Macrumors. This was after a fresh restore. The problem has not-to any extent- been remedied.
For such a "modern" OS, iOS has horrible cache and memory management. Terrifyingly horrific.
Non-jailbroken iOS doesn't utilize virtual memory and it isn't storing cached pages to flash. For a good reason: your flash memory life expectancy would be severely hurt by this.
But at least now Safari doesn't reload tabs just by switching from one to the other.
Trust me, it's not fixed, though it might be improved depending on what kind of sites you browse.