Apparently many people are under the impression that a picture at 12 MP is better quality than 10 MP.
Apparently. Quality is in the optics. The MP rating only designates how large that image can become before degradation of quality. Other factors affect image quality as well, but trying to simplify.
For instance a 6.1MP image would most likley produce a higher quality 8x10 photo than a 3.0MP image. Assuming the specs were the same in every other way. More dots per inch the longer the quality of the image lasts as it gets larger. If you were printing 4x6 pictures for a photo album, you would most likely not notice the difference.
Same principle applies to a computer. If all your doing is browsing the net, cropping some pictures, and writing the latest term paper, then why would it matter if you had a 24" iMac CD2 2.8 w/ 8800GS or a 24" iMac C2D 3.06 w/ ATI 4850? Just because it came out? That's foolish. Most people would not do that. Espcially when most people know that whenever an electronics purchase is made, it's outdated in 6 months, maybe less.