I spent the money and it’s worth it.
I might have if I was getting the 12.9" model, but looking at reviews online, it doesn't really charge significantly faster. I'll probably end up with a faster charger at some point, either by getting a new Mac or from getting a new Anker general purpose charger as it seems like a lot of their newer chargers can do fast charging.
From what I understand, their newest chargers that they recently came out with are all pretty fast: https://www.anker.com/deals/usb-cCareful on the Anker options.... it needs to support 2A at 14.5v which isn’t a common combination.
I’ve an Anker usb-c charger and it’s not compatible with the old 12.9” so I’m doubtful if it’ll work with the 10.5.
Careful on the Anker options.... it needs to support 2A at 14.5v which isn’t a common combination.
I’ve an Anker usb-c charger and it’s not compatible with the old 12.9” so I’m doubtful if it’ll work with the 10.5.
From what I understand, their newest chargers that they recently came out with are all pretty fast: https://www.anker.com/deals/usb-c
What I get confused about is the cables. Do I need to get a special Lightning cable to work with all these fast chargers or will the regular Apple one work?
I know from my experience with RC's that fast charging LiPo's shorten their life. No idea if it's the same witth Li-Ion though. For me not taking the risk.