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Hipstamatic? Is that Camera+, ProCamera or Camera Plus Pro? ;)

Sorry, I'm not a Hipstamatic fan. It produces factastic pictures, but I prefer to do the post processing and keep my original photo intact. Not snap a picture and hope you got a good one.

Anyway, I doubt that it answers the question being raised here. Neither does Instagram which someone else mentioned.
I have purchased Camera+, largely due to $0.99 promo price. Aside from missing video recording feature (which is solely needed), it seems about on par with ProCamera (which I have not tried) for 1/3 the price.

That said, new Camera+'s UI is almost a shameful clone of ProCamera, although to be fair, ProCamera borrowed some of earlier Camera+'s UI elements. And I dislike how quiet the company was during its absence.

That said, I like Camera+. It's fast, easy to use, and attractive. I wish Camera+ would add following ProCamera features (but not enough to pay 3 times the price):
  • Video recording: I want to remove Apple's Camera app from my main home screen.
  • Adjustable anti-shake: the default is a bit too restrictive.
  • Although built-in scenes are sufficient in most cases, they are not adjustable. I want to adjust exposure, color temperature, etc.
  • Lightbox: I actually like the fact that photos are saved in lightbox instead of Photo Albums, but it gets crowded fast. I should be able to to sort, move, and create rolls.
That said, new Camera+'s UI is almost a shameful clone of ProCamera, although to be fair, ProCamera borrowed some of earlier Camera+'s UI elements. And I dislike how quiet the company was during its absence.

1. The UI of ProCamera is the shameful clone of Camera+. Period. Camera+ uses the same UI in 2.0 as it did in 1.0 with only the slightest changes, it is ProCamera in 3.0 that simply ran the xerox machine on Camera+ while it was missing from the App Store.

2. The company was quiet during its absence for one single reason: Apple. Tap Tap Tap screwed up BIG TIME by taking a #1 selling App that was making them hundreds of thousands of dollars A MONTH, acknowledging that Apple forbids them from turning the volume button and then turning around and adding it as a secret feature. They were banned, rightly, from the store for that and started losing unreal amounts of money instantly. Being very vocal about their efforts to be allowed back into the App Store would only turn sentiment against Apple for keeping them out, and Steve Jobs can hold a grudge. By being silent and taking their punishment "like a man" they got back into the App Store just in time for Christmas and already they are #3 on the overall paid app list. The fault on Tap Tap Tap was trying to cheat Apple rules, not that they were quiet which likely was necessary to get back into the store.

3. I agree they need to add video to the app if only to allow it to completely replace the built in Camera app.
I was a user of proCamera and very much enjoy their ?hard grayscale? effect.....

Until I read this thread and found Camera+ is interesting... So I just downloaded the app for $0.99 (i've already bought too many apps..... for camera I had pro camera, camera plus, hipsmatic, etc)..... The most interesting part of Camera+ is the photographer with her b**bs :D
And I dislike how quiet the company was during its absence.

That part bothers me a lot, too. I really want to try Camera+, but I don't know if I can trust the company.

I know we're only talking 99 cents for the download. But they admit having made hundreds of thousands of dollars off the first version of their app, then they went completely silent even when their customers were begging for support.
That part bothers me a lot, too. I really want to try Camera+, but I don't know if I can trust the company.

I know we're only talking 99 cents for the download. But they admit having made hundreds of thousands of dollars off the first version of their app, then they went completely silent even when their customers were begging for support.

Does anyone think that Apple may have told them to keep quiet about it or risk loosing their developer license?

I doubt TAP TAP TAP went silent on their own terms. They make other apps, including Digg, and it doesn't seem like it's in their best interest to go on radio silence. I bet it has more to do with Apple pressuring them.

That being said, some of the reviews on the app store are pretty funny...a bunch of people complaining that the volume control feature was taken out. Guess they don't know...just the way Apple wants it.
I use Camera Plus Pro and love it except for start up over the other 2. With the recent update, it now allows zoom function while shooting video and can shoot pictures as fast as you want. It now also makes copies of edited photos and does not touch the original. With grid squares, anti-shake, camera and video zoom all in one...I have no problems and love it. There are more features as well.

The only thing that bothers me is start up...5 sec to shoot the first picture, after that it is shoot as fast as you want.

Every thing stays in quick roll until you are ready to sink with camera roll, I like this feature. There is also a new secure storage folder to pass code lock those private moments that everyone seems to want to carry around.

I highly recommend Camera Plus Pro:)
Okay, I've bought the app and also bought in app purchase for I love analog FX.

Once I tried this app, it become the default for me when taking photograph. I think it is better than ProCamera and better than Apple's original. I love it for several reasons:
- Stabilizer - helps with stabilizing my hand... I didn't find it too sensitive like some people said
- Flash - it has a feature of keeping the flash on and it is better than only taking a picture with flash on when the shoot made
- The FXs.... Has a lot of option start from basic like mode selection up to its other effects... Lomo is nice compared to others and I love several other type of effect as well... It makes it simple to edit rather than going to photoshop... I am not taking award winning photograph and most of the photos end in facebook or only to view at my MBP, so it's enough...
- Tap to focus and tap for exposure.... at the same time

Some minus aspects:
- The change from camera to lightbox sometimes lagging on my iphone 4.... or the button was sometimes too sensitive... I've tried to change from camera to lightbox several times with the button not being hit (although I am sure that I have tap it at the right spot)
- Lightbox lag a bit compared to native app
- Effect and save option took some time to complete.... It would be better if it can be done faster

However, the minuses are minor while the pros are major.... So overall I think it is a very good app and I would like to delete all other photography app such as hipsmatic, pro camera, camera bag and camera plus as this one already exceed the others quite by far.

For $2.00 investment (the app + I love analog), it is a very good investment and makes me feel like I had wasting money with other camera apps....
.... So overall I think it is a very good app and I would like to delete all other photography app such as hipsmatic, pro camera, camera bag and camera plus as this one already exceed the others quite by far.

For $2.00 investment (the app + I love analog), it is a very good investment and makes me feel like I had wasting money with other camera apps....

I hear you, bro. I feel like I've spent enough on photo apps to buy the iPhone all over again. (I'm not going to count it up just in case this is really true.)

But many of these apps I really love. Of the three mentioned here, I've used ProCamera the most, since I only got Camera+ since its return last week to the app store. But I use at least a dozen photo apps on a regular basis, and a few others for special purposes. Each has its own strengths and capabilities. If you browse the iPhoneography blogs you find that these really good photographers often just start with the basic camera app and then dig into their bag of post-processing tools to bring the image to life.

Anyway, I don't regret the money I've spent. This is the most fun I've had with a tech gadget for a long time.
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