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I contacted Apple about the problem and they told me in a reply to check basic things like to make sure I am connected to the Internet and that my software is up to date, which is ridiculous. Of course it's up to date and I'm always on the Internet. I've got two AppleTV units and they both have the same problem and I've tried just about every suggestion I've read on the Internet. It was also clear the lady that answered has never heard of this problem so there is clearly no communication between the support team members at Apple what-so-ever. I sincerely doubt they are working on any kind of a software fix for this problem as they clearly do not believe there is a problem other than someone not being logged into the Internet.

I'm guessing either AppleTV doesn't like my NetGear 802.11 Draft N router or some security setting on it (connects to it fine, though it gets a better signal than my 802.11N Airport Express, but using that didn't solve it either so maybe not, although it had to be plugged into the Net Gear router via ethernet to try it since none of my desktops have Wifi to configure the Airport Express otherwise) or there really is a defect in a large number of AppleTV units.

I even tried resetting to factory on the unit and NOT using a connection to my Mac (which works fine with iTunes), but instead just trying to connect to iTunes directly from AppleTV and renting a movie. It would NOT log-in to iTunes. It gave an error stating the ID/password wasn't recognized. If I sync the AppleTV to my Mac, it'll automatically log-in to iTunes (well in preferences, at least it indicates it's connected), but it then says it's not authorized to play existing content and when it asks for a password to get new content, it says it doesn't recognize it once again.

The problem is beyond frustrating and I've got TWO AppleTV units and they both have the same problem so taking these things back for exchanges doesn't seem like a likely solution. I'd just get another one that acts up. If there's some setting somewhere creating the problem, I sure as heck can't find it. I mean how hard is it for Apple to get their AppleTV units to enter a password correctly? The AppleTV can clearly connect to the Internet and the iTunes store (I can browse the movie/tv show lists and watch previews), but it simply won't accept a VALID id/password from the AppleTV unit itself and despite iTunes stating on-screen that it's "authorizing" the two AppleTV units, it clearly does not since neither one can play DRM content or buy/rent tv shows or movies.
Can I make a suggestion? If I was in your shoes I would take my Apple TV to an Apple Store if one is neaer you, set up an appointment, and fire up your Apple TV in the store. See if you can connect over their wifi, and if everything works, then you know it's your wifi system. I had to do this with mine, and figured out my problem was with my wifi.
It's my understanding that if you cannot access you iTunes account from your Apple TV, you need to modify your account information from your computer.

The database fields in your iTunes account in which your "State" is recorded was either not originally a dropdown field, or had some other indexing scheme.

I suggest you reselect your state/all information in your iTunes account that are driven off dropdowns.
I tried reentering my address data. I tried changing my password. I even tried changing my AppleID. Same error. I can't even access YouTube. It says it can't find any content. Yet, if I access YouTube using my new iPod Touch, it works fine on the same Wifi network. I tried setting up a 2ND Wifi network using an Apple 802.11N Airport Express I recently got for streaming audio. Same thing. It'll access movie trailers, the movie rental listings and previews and Podcasts just fine with either Wifi network, but you cannot 'sign on' to iTunes directly from the AppleTV. It will sign on when the mac upstairs does it for it (when syncing) and this even worked for the new AppleID (as long as I'm logged into the iTunes store from within iTunes on the Mac). However, it will not enter the password for it to buy/rent so it doesn't matter much. I have no idea why YouTube won't work period.

I've tried turning off the Firewall on the Mac. I've tried setting up the Airport Express Network without security. I've tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing the Mac. I've tried syncing to my PC running iTunes instead. Still no joy. It constantly says it cannot find the AppleID or password I enter. It's like the logon function of the AppleTV is just plain broken. Yet it will logon with a password to the Wifi network itself (either one).

As a side note, my testing shows that using 5GHz 802.11N, I get a meager 1-2MB/sec transfer rates to either AppleTV. Using 2.4GHz, I get 4-5MB/sec rates on the Airport Express and 5-7MB/sec rates if I use the NetGear 802.1N 2.4GHz network. I guess the 5GHz band isn't always better. Neither Wifi remotely approaches theoretical speeds (which would be around 35MB/sec).

Basically, I'm saying that my iPod Touch works fine with the Wifi network here (well, you can't log on directly to Yahoo Mail from Safari with it; it says something similar like it can't find the ID and/or password) yet the built-in Mail program set to use Yahoo Mail works just fine as does YouTube. Other surfing appears to work fine. Remote Buddy works fine on it over the local network, etc. All non-DRM material (my converted CD music collection; my photos, etc.) all stream fine to both AppleTV units over the Wifi network. All iTunes access from either my Mac or PC using the same router work fine (i.e. there are no blocks on it to the iTunes store). So, I find it hard to believe it's my Wifi network.

The nearest Apple Store is about 65 miles away. I may have to go there, I guess.
You've definitely got me stumped.

I remember, on setup post take 2, having read about the address dropdown problems, so I first fixed them using my iMac (which is why I recommended it as a possible solution). When I fired up Take 2, I recall that the Apple TV asked for my account & password, and I entered them, and that (as they say) was that.

Sorry. At least enjoy the drive. :(
I didn't have time to drive up there today (had to get taxes filed and then spent a few hours clearing viruses and other nasties and setting up some new protective software on a PC for a friend). But when I did get home, I read about the software update for AppleTV (actually read the articles on my iPod Touch in the living room while streaming music to the AppleTV unit there using Signal (I've got Remote Buddy also) to control it via the same iPod Touch.

I went downstairs (where the other AppleTV is that's connected to my home theater... I'm not screwing around with my high-end audio one since it's only being used to stream music right now and there's no TV there anyway; I set it up downstairs originally). I checked for an update and sure enough, it found one. It took 5 minutes to download and a couple more to install.

And.... Still doesn't work for DRM stuff or You Tube. :(

I'm convinced this must have something to do with my router (I mean YouTube not working tells me something is getting blocked somewhere, even though it works fine on the wired computers). That NetGear router has 802.11N and so does my new Airport Express, but since no computer here has Wifi on it (two desktops), I can't seem to configure the Airport Express to act like a router temporarily (normally it's running a 2nd B/G/N network so I can keep my N and G devices apart) to connect directly to the cable modem and see if that would work (can't configure it while connected since it has only one ethernet port). I tried pre-configuring the Airport Express, plugging it in and then restarting it. Even though I get a green light, AppleTV says it can't find the Internet (something isn't configuring properly in Airport Express).

I looked at the NetGear router settings again and saw a NAT filtering setting that gave me some hope (after turning it from secure to open, the AppleTv did at least say "accessing iTunes store" when I tried to log in, but then gave the same can't find id/password error again. There's about two more things I can try on the router and that's about it. I've got an older B/G Net Gear router I could try also, I suppose. Ah, my backup of my AAC iTunes library over Gigabit to the PC's 3rd hard drive just finished so I'll try the other two settings now).
While my other computers are wifi, due to the way my equipment is set up, it's easier for me to plug the Apple TV into the Airport extreme, bypassing its WIFI issues entirely.

Possible for you as a test (in case you haven't already tried)?
It's possible if I move my hifi rack out and unplug everything and use my 2nd computer monitor to connect it (i.e. no spare video cables around here). I guess I'll have to remove it anyway if I want to take it to an Apple store.

I did manage to get the Airport Express to connect straight to the Internet today (i.e. act like a wireless router). It seems my cable modem needed to be reset for it to accept a new Mac address (figured it out when I tried out my old B/G Netgear router as it wouldn't even work with the Internet until I spoofed the Mac address of my newer router. Well, the Apple stuff can't easily spoof so then it dawned on me to try resetting the cable modem and then it worked fine. It did NOT solve the AppleTV issues, though (either router) so I'm convinced whatever the problem is, it's with the AppleTV units themselves. The local Best Buy must have gotten a bad batch as I bought two from there on 2 different days, but they're both from the same store. It's still beyond me, however, how they can work for EVERYTHING *but* a password confirmation and YouTube (which doesn't work at all on either one for anything; it says it can't find any content. My iPod Touch and my PowerMac and my PC all handle YouTube just fine on any of those routers).

I mean that suggests the AppleTV units have faulty security protocols or the like on their WiFi cards, yet work for everything else (although they do connect to WPA and WPA2 protected local networks just fine, so it must just be the protocols used over the Net itself?). So why doesn't YouTube work, then? It's not protected. Podcasts work fine. Trailers and Movie Previews work just fine. Streaming my own music library works fine. Syncing photos works fine. I don't get dropping connections or anything normally either. I had one hiccup last night when listening to music for hours and I think it's when the monitor on the Mac turned off or thereabouts; it hiccuped for a split second. And if anything, I get better/faster connections with the NetGear Draft N router than the Airport Express Draft N one (I assume it's better antennas). My iPod Touch works fine on either Wifi network and they both coexist on 2.4GHz together just fine (I tried the 5GHz N network for the AppleTVs and synced a big file to them to see how speeds compared and it only got 1-2 MB/sec (i.e. 8-16Mbit/sec) over 5GHz N (and only 0.5-1 without wide channels), but got 3-4MB/sec with the Express at 2.4 and 5-7MB/sec with the NetGear router at 2.4GHz. Apparently, 5GHz doesn't work well in my house.

I even tried using my PC to connect to the AppleTV instead in case it didn't like my PowerMac or Tiger or something (I tried Leopard for that matter also). No dice on any of them.

If I reset to factory and reregister the units, it'll log them onto the iTunes store automatically, but it won't take the password from the AppleTV and already purchased DRM material won't play regardless (it says NOT AUTHORIZED ON THIS APPLETV) even though iTunes plainly says "Authorizing [AppleTV name] with iTunes Store" when I reauthorize the Mac. Well, apparently not.

Yeah, I guess trying ethernet is about the only option left. If these are bad units, I guess I'll have to keep returning them endlessly until I get a good one. Since I got two bad ones in a row, I have to assume a bad batch went out and I could end up going through dozens of units.... (i..e Best Buy won't test them and I doubt the Apple Store will take back units purchased at Best Buy).
Ok, I finally got around to dragging this thing upstairs and connecting it to my router via ethernet and using my flat screen monitor's component inputs to view the menu interface. No dice. It still REFUSES to accept any form of an iTunes password login or to display YouTube content ("No Content Could Be Found. Try Again Later"). My iPod Touch and computers both play YouTube just fine and can play DRM content synced from iTunes just fine. The problem is clearly in the AppleTV unit. The thing is I have TWO AppleTV units and neither one will work. That seems pretty bizarre that I would get TWO identically defective units, but I got them at the same store (Best Buy) so I suppose there could have been a bad batch. Even so, it seems crazy to me that everything else on the units would work fine EXCEPT getting the Apple iTunes store to take a password and to show YouTube videos (trailers, previews, Podcasts, etc. all work fine).

I guess I'll have to haul this thing down to an Apple Store. I just had a death in the family, so it may be awhile before I can get to it (70+ miles). I'm thinking to try an exchange at Best Buy first while I still can, though and see if that makes any difference (that's only 5 minutes away).
I think I've discovered what to do

I've had this issue also since I bought the ATV a week ago: can't play authorized content, can't log onto Apple Store, can't play YouTube.

I just tried this & now all seems to be well:

1, Logged into the Apple Store in iTunes on my Macbook pro (the main streaming machine for the ATV)

2. Reset my Airport Extreme network to 'no security' (no password)

3. Pressed & held Menu & '-' on the ATV remote for 5 secs to reboot & enter diagnostic mode.

4. Ran the diagnostics to make sure all was OK with the unit. it was.

5. Rebooted.

6. Everything worked fine. All issues including playing purchased TV shows & songs, logging into the Apple Store from ATV, playing Youtube, all worked.

Hope this helps someone else!
I've had this issue also since I bought the ATV a week ago: can't play authorized content, can't log onto Apple Store, can't play YouTube.

I just tried this & now all seems to be well:

1, Logged into the Apple Store in iTunes on my Macbook pro (the main streaming machine for the ATV)

2. Reset my Airport Extreme network to 'no security' (no password)

3. Pressed & held Menu & '-' on the ATV remote for 5 secs to reboot & enter diagnostic mode.

4. Ran the diagnostics to make sure all was OK with the unit. it was.

5. Rebooted.

6. Everything worked fine. All issues including playing purchased TV shows & songs, logging into the Apple Store from ATV, playing Youtube, all worked.

Hope this helps someone else!

I tried running this diagnostic mode and it said my ATV was working OK. I rebooted. It still didn't work. I tried it again with the ethernet cable plugged straight into my cable modem (no router; no security, nothing) and ran it again and then did a factory restore. YouTube still didn't work. It still won't take a name/password. In short, the unit doesn't work right. I packing both ATV units up now and I'm heading to an Apple store. They better make things right....
Ok, I drove all the way to Pittsburgh today with my two AppleTVs so a "genius" could check them out. To make a long drive short, the darn thing works fine there so that means there's a problem somewhere in my house/network.

The thing is that since I tried it connected directly to the cable modem and that didn't work either (YouTube still says no content found and it won't take my password to login to the iTunes store, although previews, trailers, etc. work fine), that suggests that the problem is somehow my Internet connection itself (either the cable modem or my ISP is somehow fudging the signal up somewhere before it can reach YouTube and/or send a secure password to iTunes). Because it CANNOT be my router if I'm NOT USING ONE (i.e. direct ethernet to cable modem connection).

I am willing to entertain the idea that somehow the AppleTV units are not getting a proper DNS server address for YouTube and secure iTunes store (that would explain why it only works for certain things), but that seems a bit odd considering the router tells me the exact DNS servers it's using at any given time and plugging those in doesn't help yet my hardwired PCs and iPod Touch have NO issues connecting to YouTube or viewing DRM material.

Given my AppleTV will NOT even play my own DRM material (e.g. the "Jack Attack" Pixar cartoon they gave me for free when I registered my iPod Touch), that suggests a connection problem to my Mac OR the connection to the iTunes store is once again not working right (since a few mentioned you need an active iTunes store connection in order to authenticate DRM material since it doesn't count as one of your 5 computers) and that authentication is what is not working.

I did tell the AppleTV to remember my password at the store when it DID login so I'll be curious to see if that helps any with that one unit (doubt it).

But as for WHY my ISP connection doesn't work right for AppleTV yet works for everything else under the sun, I can't even hazard a GUESS at this point. I could believe it's something with my router or a lack of port forwarding somewhere or SOMETHING *IF* it only didn't work when connected via a router, but it SHOULD work when plugged straight into the cable modem itself via ethernet, shouldn't it?
Ok, here's a kicker....

I just tried that unit that I left the password in and it's connecting to YouTube fine now.... All password stuff seems to work so far. Now I wish I had them log in BOTH units (although the one upstairs is only used for music streaming at the moment so it doesn't matter right now).

I'm now connecting to my Mac iTunes. I'll have to see if it still functions after my photos, etc. are synced.

I also wonder if perhaps having TWO AppleTVs here on at the same time somehow confused things (as the other one isn't connected right now), although that wouldn't explain why it wouldn't work through the direct cable connection (as nothing else was connected then either). It kind of reminds me of the "blessed" issue MacOSX can have trying to boot an OS9 partition for the first time. So the Apple Store blessed my unit and now it works??? It shows the SAME EXACT Network connection numbers as before! I think maybe I'm living in the Twilight Zone....

Yes, it's still working after syncing with my Mac (although I did NOT register it this time as I was afraid that might screw something up and it's already been registered several times before.
I just connected the OTHER unit that they did not touch at the Apple Store and strangely enough, it's working just fine now too! I'm telling you this is some kind of Twilight Zone mystery because I tried all this before to no avail and now they're acting like they never had a problem to begin with. That unit was even already connected to iTunes when I logged it out and logged it back in again (didn't have to reregister to the computer since it was never factory reset). And not it's not just working on Ethernet either. I switched to wireless and it's working fine there now also with my NetGear router and I never changed a setting. I do wonder if having BOTH units connected at the same time had something to do with it (interference of some kind?), but that wouldn't explain the direct cable modem connection thing as only one was connected then as well. It did assign it different local IP addresses this time (via ethernet) as the wireless ones are "reserved" (to make sure each of my devices and computers are always the same numbers), but then like I said, wireless seems to work now also. It truly is a mystery, IMO.

Well, I know login and YouTube work now. I now need to try renting a movie....
Well, the units seem to be working fine now. I just rented "Balls of Fury" in HD and I was impressed. The picture quality is much better than I imagined it would be even (my projector is 720P native so maybe the 'soft' look some have reported has to do with 1080P flat screen sets scaling?). It looked as good as any of the better HDNet movies I've watched in HD with less artifacting, IMO. I have a 5Mbit Internet connection and the movie was ready to watch in less than 1 minute. I started watching it after about 3 minutes (had to get some sodas, etc.) and it never hiccuped or glitched the entire movie (I never paused it until after the credits started rolling and then noticed the built-in chapter points on the timeline). Dolby Digital sound was fine (same as on DVD or HD channels) on my 6.1 setup. Based on the point where I hit stop during the start of the credits, it looked the movie was running about 3-5 minutes ahead the entire time, but it never had a problem.

I'm hesitant to even try the 2.1 software as many reported it increases the start time. 1 minute beats 15, for example. If 1 works fine for HD, I don't want to wait 15. It's that simple. According to iTunes, the movie was 2.82GB, so if my calculations are correct, it was averaging around 4.2 Mbit/sec the entire time (seeing as it seemed to stay just a few minutes ahead of where I was) so the movie download in HD almost maxes out my connection (typically tops out around 4.7Mbit on an average day). So, I assume that's why it was ready in under a minute as it was downloading at least in real time. I would be concerned in the future if the server or something along the way slowed it down even a bit, as it would then probably catch up and stutter or something. Hopefully, the connection always holds.

I do wonder about the account side of things. The "genius" at the Apple Store initially said he couldn't find my AppleTV units registered on my account, but didn't comment further, so I don't know if he adjusted something there or not and whether that might be why they suddenly started working (even though I did go through the online register process for both units). That at least seems the most likely explanation at this point. Everything else seems way too Twilight Zone for my liking.
Well, I am happy that the units are working as they should.

If you are currently running 2.0, 2.1 is a massive improvement for reliability. I haven't seen any downsides to 2.1 -- but lots of problems with 2.0.

Glad your rental experience was positive. I've been downloading the rentals and not watching them on the same day, so speed isn't an issue for me.

Thanks for this, however, I am able to sync my iTunes library etc, and I can watch TV show previews and Movie Trailers strait from the itunes store on the AppleTV, just can't buy anything or play anything I've bought on my computer as I can't log in :(

I had this problem and called Apple Tech Support and they were able to help me. I had my Mac hooked up to a regular router and was sharing my internet connection via WiFi. So my Apple TV, was going through the WiFi on my Mac and then through the router. Apparently, this creates some sort of double NAT problem (forgot what NAT stands for). So it appears like you have an internet connection, but you can't login or buy anything (YouTube didn't work for me either).

Plugging the Apple TV directly into the router fixed the problem. So I went out and bought a shiny new wireless router and haven't had a problem since. I love the thing.
Any "non genius" suggestions?

Well, the units seem to be working fine now.... Everything else seems way too Twilight Zone for my liking.

I just unboxed my ATV yesterday and am having exactly the same issues -- won't complete activation, won't play YouTube, and won't play DRM content synced from my Mac.

I called Tech Support this morning and they thought it might be wifi interference. Which seems odd if my MacBook Pro gets a strong signal and my wife's old iBook does just fine. It can play a preview from iTunes store as well so that doesn't make much sense to me.

Any suggestions that don't involve schlepping back to the store to have the unit "blessed" by a so-called Genius?

I just unboxed my ATV yesterday and am having exactly the same issues -- won't complete activation, won't play YouTube, and won't play DRM content synced from my Mac.

I called Tech Support this morning and they thought it might be wifi interference. Which seems odd if my MacBook Pro gets a strong signal and my wife's old iBook does just fine. It can play a preview from iTunes store as well so that doesn't make much sense to me.

Any suggestions that don't involve schlepping back to the store to have the unit "blessed" by a so-called Genius?


They should be able to fix it over the phone. The guy at the Apple store called tech support and I think they fixed the account activation which is as far as I can tell why it wasn't working. He said it wasn't showing up as registered and I think they addressed that but he didn't even realize that's why it started working. He just noticed when they then tried it there it worked fine and when I got it home, BOTH worked fine (and they never even looked at the other one). Ask them on the support line to check if it's registered properly there.
Upgrade to 2.0.2 seems to resolve the issue

I just upgraded to v2.0.2 and was able to authorize the ATV first time. Using exactly the same info that I've been fruitlessly typing in v2.0.

I'm now able to play DRM content and access YouTube. Haven't tried a purchase yet though.
I've had this issue also since I bought the ATV a week ago: can't play authorized content, can't log onto Apple Store, can't play YouTube.

I just tried this & now all seems to be well:

1, Logged into the Apple Store in iTunes on my Macbook pro (the main streaming machine for the ATV)

2. Reset my Airport Extreme network to 'no security' (no password)

3. Pressed & held Menu & '-' on the ATV remote for 5 secs to reboot & enter diagnostic mode.

4. Ran the diagnostics to make sure all was OK with the unit. it was.

5. Rebooted.

6. Everything worked fine. All issues including playing purchased TV shows & songs, logging into the Apple Store from ATV, playing Youtube, all worked.

Hope this helps someone else!
Thanks for posting this i was having the exact same problem and was getting mad and I saw this post and tried it and this worked for me
Brand new ATV, latest apple software, reauthorised computer, rebooted ATV box, etc etc, (and yes - i AM connected to the internet!) Yes- this is driving me round the bend too! Ive tried everything on this thread short of phoning apple support, no joy. High end PC, new router 2 months ago, etc etc.

I am not interested in you tube or purchasing movies, BUT I do want to be able to play my own music (purchased from guess who - Apple!) and watch my own photos (yes - sometime it say I cant even look at them!). Odd thing is is only SOME music and SOME photos that it wont let me have. And it completely refuses to recognise my apple id and password (yes - Ive reset them all!).

I can only conclude this device is not ready for prime time - I am reasonably tek savvy - god help anyone who isnt.
I had this problem & the fix is on the previous post. Basically, you need to be logged into the Apple Store on the streaming computer. Make sure you are. Then access the Apple Store from the ATV. It should connect. Once you've connected, you should be able to from then on out.

It apparently requires authentication from your streaming computer first, which then gives the 'OK' to the ATV. Such things as songs that you've downloaded from the store won't play until you've done this.

Good luck!
Brand new ATV, latest apple software, reauthorised computer, rebooted ATV box, etc etc, (and yes - i AM connected to the internet!) Yes- this is driving me round the bend too! Ive tried everything on this thread short of phoning apple support, no joy. High end PC, new router 2 months ago, etc etc.

I am not interested in you tube or purchasing movies, BUT I do want to be able to play my own music (purchased from guess who - Apple!) and watch my own photos (yes - sometime it say I cant even look at them!). Odd thing is is only SOME music and SOME photos that it wont let me have. And it completely refuses to recognise my apple id and password (yes - Ive reset them all!).

I can only conclude this device is not ready for prime time - I am reasonably tek savvy - god help anyone who isnt.

Call Apple Support. Tell them to register your account as the online method isn't taking. It wasn't working at all here for me so I finally drove down to the nearest Apple Store an hour away. They could not figure it it was WORKING there. And I went home thinking it was my setup or ISP or something odd. It then worked here too. The ONLY thing mentioned (and even the 'Genius' didn't realize that was what fixed it at the time) was that when he checked my iTunes account he said he couldn't find my AppleTV registered there (despite the fact at home it told me it was registered, etc., but then I also had an iPod Touch registered and that did work so who knows if that was the reason I could log-in; apparently my AppleTV units were NOT registered even though iTunes appeared to do it).

So I figure once he activated my account there at the store, that fixed the entire problem. He then tested the device and of course it worked at that point which is why he didn't realize that was what fixed it...because he didn't test it FIRST.

Put shortly, I didn't need to drive down there. All I needed was someone at Apple to register the device/account manually on their side and that fixed it for the device itself. WHY their little iTunes activation thing didn't work in the first place, I just don't know (and I have TWO of them and reset and reactivated them several times and it NEVER TOOK). Once that was done, everything has worked as advertised. HD movie rentals take under two minutes to be available to play.

Your case, however, might be different because despite my rental problems, I could always play my own music on the thing. Now when I say MY music, I mean my scanned CD library of almost 400 albums. I do not own ANY iTunes DRM 'protected' music as I refuse to pay for something that might not work at some point down the line in the future. If iTunes doesn't have a song DRM free, I don't buy it. I go get the album or a single or whatever instead and scan it in myself so it's not protected. Plus I can scan it in as Apple Lossless, not having to put up with some 128kbit lossy format (which is what the DRM protected music files are). In any case, all that music that was not protected played fine. If only SOME of your music isn't playing then I'm guessing it's the DRM protected files taht won't play and they won't play because your AppleTV is not currently an AUTHORIZED device. It won't be authorized either until Apple registers it for you since the iTunes method clearly failed just like it did for me.
problemo fixed

Its taken me a while, but eventually I have gotten this problem fixed and the ATV is now working well.

Thanks to everyone who kindly sent advice, but I have to say I tried everything suggested on this and other forums (fora?) to no avail.

In the end, I phoned Apple support in the morning (they are eastern time so thats a bit of an issue out here on the Pacific coast) and the rather nice lady fixed it right away. A download of the upgrade to 2.1 was authorised from her end (previously it would not do this), and after ATV rebooted, everything has worked just fine. She said it was a 'security' issue with the previous version of the software.
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