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That is possibly the funniest thing I've seen all year. Wouldn't mind one though...

Back on topic, if your friend was referring to me, they'd be half-right. Now watch everyone back away from me. :D

Agreed... I wouldn't mind that Sigma lens. It would look pretty funny on my D40x body though. Actually, I take that back. Considering the size of that lens I think it looks equally awkward on any body.

I could joke along with you regarding your reply to the OP's original point, but I can't do it. It's just sad that such generalizations still exist. Someone else said that maybe the OP and friend are young and don't have the benefit of life experience, and this may be a valid point. It's just a shame that they generalize so much considering they're young. Growing up today should make one more accepting, not less so.
why is it that most art + design schools have a dramatically higher percentage of gay/lesbian/bisexual students than liberal arts schools?

while i am trying to find some hard factual numbers to support this, having lived through my undergraduate education at RISD, i can assure you that there are a LOT of gay/lesbian/bi students there. i would estimate something like 20% to 25%.

why is that? why does art + design draw those of a certain sexual orientation? or maybe its the same percentage at any school but art school tends to be more open about it? i have been puzzled by this since day one.
and here i thought that this was going to be a thread on portraits, whether one preferred to shoot males or females.
why is it that most art + design schools have a dramatically higher percentage of gay/lesbian/bisexual students than liberal arts schools?

while i am trying to find some hard factual numbers to support this, having lived through my undergraduate education at RISD, i can assure you that there are a LOT of gay/lesbian/bi students there. i would estimate something like 20% to 25%.

why is that? why does art + design draw those of a certain sexual orientation? or maybe its the same percentage at any school but art school tends to be more open about it? i have been puzzled by this since day one.

I don't think there's a reason. I think it's just how things shake up, and the stereotype is even greater in the theatre community. In terms of theatre, what some people say is that the gay community has been involved in theatre for hundreds of years because it used to be that men played both men and women, and therefore, on stage, men had to kiss men.

But I'm not sure I buy that.
This friend of yours obviously doesn't get out much. :rolleyes:

It's a dopey comment to make in the first place... like saying "Being an accountant is a straight thing" and I find it offensive anyone would want to clarify such an idiotic question.

The reason why art attracts gay people is probably because they are not afraid to express themselves and refuse to live by the stereotypical rules the straight community has set for themselves (eg: guys like to watch sports and are detached people and girls can do anything and are naturally maternal), no wonder there are so many F****** up heterosexuals in the world.
Anything artistic is 'gay'... I hate this way of thinking as it's totally cliche.
Um except not. Look at many of the biggest artists that come most easily to mind. I'd bet that the vast majority of folks (not in that given field) would be able to come up with loads more male artists than female. And no, not all of them are/ were gay. :rolleyes:
I could joke along with you regarding your reply to the OP's original point, but I can't do it. It's just sad that such generalizations still exist. Someone else said that maybe the OP and friend are young and don't have the benefit of life experience, and this may be a valid point. It's just a shame that they generalize so much considering they're young. Growing up today should make one more accepting, not less so.

Okay, I'll put this in a bit of perspective for you. I'm 16, I'm bi (someone's bound to tell me I'm too young to know this) and I have the most supportive social collective anyone could ask for. Young people are very accepting given the circles of adolescents you look at. In the UK we have a social class known as "chavs" which I'd assume are the UK version of "white trash". Well, that's the equivalent a few Californians told me anyway. These are the ignorant people who shun everything they don't have the faintest clue about and the OP's statement is something you're highly likely to hear from them. If you base your point around these people then you'd be absolutely correct, however, the majority of teenagers/young adults are more mature and accepting than you're giving us credit for. :)
I think various careers appear to have a higher percentage of gay people. Fashion is one that first comes to mind. Acting is another. However, maybe it is a false read because those people are publicly visible. Let's face it, gay sheet rockers probably would not draw much attention. Yet, I cannot think of any of my gay friends being involved in stereotypical gay careers. They are stock brokers, hospital administrators, doctors, lawyers, carpenters, mid-level managers, cooks...

I suspect people end up in careers that suits their abilities (hopefully) and interests. I think it is time we lose the need to identify people as gay. We do not tag someone as a 'backdoor man', or a 'carnivorous woman'. Well....maybe a little.
I mean really, who cares? If someone is so narrow, closed minded, and ignorant, than it's on their own head.

It's like the old "rumor" of "OMG if that gay person touches me, I'll get AIDS" thing that was the saying back in the early-mid 90's. Sheesh. My finance's uncle was gay and passed away from AIDS but he didn't "give it to everybody" nor was he "weird". Even though she barely got to know him before he passed away, he was pretty cool and after he found out he had it, he told his partner and anyone else he'd been with.

Most people that go out and say remarks like that of the OP's person just don't understand anything about gay society. I have friends that are gay, so what? They don't hit on me or make passes. Yes, they are photographers but it's not like they took up that profession because "gay people are more likely to be photographers".

The reason why art attracts gay people is probably because they are not afraid to express themselves and refuse to live by the stereotypical rules the straight community has set for themselves.....

That, and some enjoy being different and being seen as such. What artist wants to be grouped with the atypical, anyway?
The funny thing is, every photographer I know personally is straight - and most of them are married (as am I).

I'm guessing the thread starter and his friend are high school kids? It just seems like one of those sweeping statements people with no experience in the world make on a regular basis - like some of my daughter's friends. :p

You get the same sweeping statements with regards to fashion and other areas. How can we possibly survive without stereotyping someone? Heaven forbid that my interest in photography arises simply because, I like photography...
That, and some enjoy being different and being seen as such. What artist wants to be grouped with the atypical, anyway?

Or maybe it's because they're better at being paid extremely well for doing something they do best...
Um except not. Look at many of the biggest artists that come most easily to mind. I'd bet that the vast majority of folks (not in that given field) would be able to come up with loads more male artists than female. And no, not all of them are/ were gay. :rolleyes:

I agree and just to dust off my Art History (knowledge/books) much of the male artists were into womanizing behind the scenes and placed them on the canvas in similar ways (maybe the same on film but I'm also a painting major so someone can fill in the blanks for me). So my preference follows like this: I prefer to be able to function at some point the next day, so more of a smile is nice but the thoughts are just as grand :D
As for the OP's Q: I wonder just why is it that when someone, say this girlfriend of yours, makes that comment she thinks of sex with two males but when a male says the same thing he also see's the same thing. The real question should be why are they seeing sex even though that person has all their clothes on :cool: Silly thought…I think that is going on my website in the am :p
Sorry, it's just that someone had said something to me about photographers today. She seemed to think that photography was a 'gay' thing.

I'm personally not and so it caught me off guard. Maybe she's right, maybe she's wrong. And obviously no one should feel obligated to say something, I'm just curious as to what people will say...

Uh, okay... Photography isn't related to sexuality at all.

But this thread isn't really appropriate (despite it's 'photography' context,) for the Photography forum, it belongs in the 'Community Discussion' forum.
Sounds to me like she may be a republican.
Haha. As liberal as I am, that's incredibly hypocritical. I hope you're being sarcastic.

Anyhow, I act, I'm an avid photographer, and I'm friends (and no more than friends) with more gals than guys. Oh, I'm also outspoken about LGBT rights and have done work for a Lesbian politician.

I apparently am very infected with teh ghey.(™)
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