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Youtube has working better for me the last few days. I think a lot of it has to do with Youtube's servers and not so much the iPad. The problem certainly isn't my local network or connection speed.
This is because of YouTube's servers. They are up and down.

I posted this a while back in another thread where someone was having a problem near release day.
I posted today, after looking for thus thread. My speeds are fine. My laptop has no trouble with videos. However, I simply can't use YouTube on the ipad. It's so slow that it's useless.
YouTube works great here. Even HD YouTube vids playback smoothly without any probes and I only have a 4mb connection.
MacRumorUser said:
YouTube works great here. Even HD YouTube vids playback smoothly without any probes and I only have a 4mb connection.

i only have 3 mb! Lol. Anyway, YouTube works very well for me Some HD videos def take a bit to load (I go to the standard res version if available in the Atomic Browser) but overall, have no real problems.
On my iPad I have had 30 second YouTube videos take forever to buffer and I have had 10 minute clips without stopping.

I have noticed the same on my laptop, desktop and pretty much everyone else's computer.

I think it has something to do with how YouTube stores its data, really popular videos probably stream faster because they are getting thousands of views per day, but then other videos have to fall back to some other slower method of streaming from a disk. There are so many factors that come into play when streaming video from the internet that it makes it hard to determine what is the problem.
Unless the movie is really small, YouTube becomes unusable for me.

I tried watching a review on a phone and it was 10 minutes long. The movie took like 5 minutes to buffer 30 seconds. I don't even think it was buffering the HD version.

Regardless, on my laptop, everything loads fine even in HD.

I guess all I can do is trade it out, but maybe there are other suggestions?

Is this just a ruse to get a bunch of hits on that HTC video????
Anyone find a fix for this?

I've had the same issue since I bought my iPad on launch day. As someone else said in this thread, it's not just YouTube, it's any large video. Even ones embedded in webpages. A good example is iPad Guided Tour videos on apples site. It takes 5 minutes just to play a 1 minute video. The crappy low res videos seem to play fine for the most part.

Oh, and it's not my network since my Macbook Pro plays these videos just fine.

Also, I'm using a dual band Airport Extreme.
FWIW I can also second that I have problems with YouTube on my iPad. A 3G that came in yesterday, YouTube seemed great at first in the afternoon but has definitely been dropping off since then, now getting through a 10 min video takes triple that, starting and stalling a minute out again. Those same videos have been working fine on YouTube on my mbp, while my iPad has no trouble with web, airvideo app, or video sites like TED.

I use comcast and an apple airport. Hope some fix is figured out soon! :(
I'm using a 3G with WRT54Gs router. I can't seem to get through a single video without it stopping to buffer. :mad:
Same here YouTube is unusable on my iPad since day 1, it streams for a few seconds at full speed and then it stops every time. I have a Hawking HWR54G router on Time Warner cable.
I read a suggestion in another thread that it *could* be a DNS issue. I was having the constant buffering problem with YouTube using a Time Capsule as my router. Unlike many of you though, the problem often appeared on my other computers (some Macs, others running Ubuntu and my Roommate's PC). I changed the DNS settings in the router away from Time Warner's servers to Google's public servers, and and YouTube has been working without undue buffering since. YMMV
Adjust brightness upward or turn auto brightness off


Adjust brightness upward. Likewise, this issue can sometimes be resolved by simply adjusting the iPad’s brightness level upward and off the lowest setting. To do this, tap Settings, then select “Brightness & Wallpaper” from the left-hand pane. Slide the brightness bar upward, then wait 1-2 minutes and check for an improvement in signal strength.*Speculation holds that a power delivery issue associated with the screen brightness affects Wi-Fi.​
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