I understand your reasoning man, but that's RIAA math. That assumes everyone who has unlocked an iPhone would have given in and switched to AT&T/O2/etc if it weren't for the ability to unlock.
Let's say there are 1 million unlocked iPhones floating about. I don't think there is a fraction of those people who would have subscribed to AT&T etc just to use the iPhone but I will HUMOR you and just throw out 100,000 to be generous. So let's say that's 100,000 x $240 lost = $24million. That's alot of change yeah. But how about those other 900,000 ? That's $80 x 900,000 = $72million of income extra for Apple it would not have HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR THE HACKERS TO UNLOCK.
And again, I think I'm being generous saying there are even 100,000 out there who didn't switch because an unlock became available.
I see your point that we can't automatically assume that the 1/3 of the phones out there would've been purchased without the unlocks available.
But I think Apple is trying to keep the iPhone from being a commodity by keeping it limited to a few select carriers (looks like only one carrier per country) while at the same time maximizing profits. Look at how many people have been forced to switch to AT&T just because they wanted the hottest phone around. If iPhone were as ubiquitous as the Blackberry, I don't think ANY company would pay Apple $240 per 2 year contract because then the company wouldn't have a handset advantage over the other companies.
Companies are willing to pay that extra $240 (or whatever they pay over there in Europe) to Apple because they know they can get switchers then get you hook, line and sinker with other fees such as data plans, texting, international texting fees, going over your minutes fees, etc...
Does Apple mind hackers cracking the iphone? Probably. Apple wants to protect the exclusivity they've promised to their partners. But I bet when they've made enough profit to get back all the R&D spent in developing the 1st gen iPhone they're not gonna mind as much. I bet after their exclusive 5 year deal with AT&T (and others around the workd), Apple will UNLEASH the iPhone and iPhone Nano or what other spin off product they make and they're not going to be so concerned with thwarting hackers.
Anyway, back to ZiPhone.
ZiPhone command line interface rocks. I haven't had problems with it. 2.0 just doesn't work with my 1.1.2 OTB, week 50. I'm using Vista.
This will do until SDK comes out and official Apps are released.