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  1. shadowboi

    Have you already seen Google’s new cringeworthy Android ads?

    Was stalking Reddit today and noticed that Google has been busy pushing the new Android ad campaign. Do they really think image search on AI steroids is the “next big thing”? I mean, they even made a whole landing page ( with “switch from ios” link just to lure iOS users. Do they...
  2. G

    Fitness+ Possible to opt out of Fitness+ and TV+ Ads?

    Is it possible to opt out of getting ads in my settings panel and email for Apple products? I swear these show up ever couple of months and there's no unsubscribe button, and having an advertisement in the settings panel is particularly annoying.
  3. rsdotscot

    Will Apple remove the ads from Shazam?

    Now that Apple owns Shazam, do we think they'll remove the ads from the free iOS app? There aren't any ads in the free macOS app, so I'm hoping they strip them on iOS.
  4. MyopicPaideia

    Ads causing site to jump down to bottom

    This started happening yesterday for me, on both iPad and iPhone. The cycling of ads in the upper right hand side column as well as those in between articles is causing the Safari browser to jump down to the bottom of the page, to the footer. This is extremely annoying - makes the site...
  5. F

    Your Favorite Apple Ads of All Time

    Apple's had many ad campaigns for many products over the years. Which advertisements are your favorite from Apple, Inc and why? I have three favorites tied for the top spot. 1. The new iPad — This Good This is a memorable ad for me. The narrator is saying how the screen is this good. And...