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  1. DinBan

    Identify U1600 IC on Apple Airport Extreme A1143 MB053LL/A board 820-2214-A

    Hi All! Need help with Identify of burned IC U1600 on Apple Airport Extreme A1143 MB053LL/A main board 820-2214-A Help please! Just need a Hi resolution picture of U1600 area on main board to identify IC. Maybe some one who own this device now can open it and take picture of main board or...
  2. Avenged110

    Identifying devices connected to my network

    So I've been trying to figure this out but haven't found anything that could explain it to me in a way that I could understand. Forgive me if this should be obvious; I couldn't figure it out. If I have a LAN with some devices connected over Wi-Fi to an AirPort Time Capsule and others to a...
  3. L

    Airport Time Capsule Went Downhill?

    Several years ago, I got a Time Capsule and I like it (the old form factor). Recently, I was researching a graduation gift to get for my nephew (laptop and auto-backup solution). I was surprised to see that on Apple's site, that the current Time Capsule gets pretty lousy reviews from customers...
  4. D

    AirPort - Ethernet port when connected to network wirelessly

    Hi, Sorry if the title doesn't make much sense, but my question (I hope) is quite simple. I have an AirPort Time Capsule (an older model) - it is currently in a upstairs in a room with a DVR which has no wireless capabilities (it needs to be connected via Ethernet). The modem/router from my...
  5. earthwriter

    Dual band Wifi solution recommendation

    We need a recommendation for a reliable dual band wifi solution, wether it's a USB dongle or airport card that fits PCI-E for Mac pro 2006 2.1 now with 8 Core Upgrade running El Capitan. Thanks
  6. Nyte

    Macbook Pro 15 (Late 2008) OS / Hardware question.

    Hello! So I've got this old MBP for dirt cheap, it's got a faulty airport card and speakers, also I need to get a new battery for it. So the question is...should I stick to Sierra on it or just go Mavericks or something, from what I can tell I Sierra runs somewhat sluggish. (It came installed...
  7. B

    Connect Airport Extreme to wireless MiFi hotspot?

    I have a wireless MiFi hotspot with a limit of 4 connections. Its DHCP server will only give out 4 IP numbers. Is it possible to connect an Apple Airport Extreme to the MiFi's wireless network and then use the Airport as a DHCP server? This would let me connect more than 4 devices to the MiFi...
  8. Salumbre

    Are there any Non-Airport, WPA2-compatible wireless options for OS 9?

    Basically, I scored a couple of older 'Books a few days back, and I am in retro heaven. With one caveat: I cannot connect to a modern secured WiFi network using the original Airport software. Something to do with the encryption protocol, I can't remember the details beyond WPA 1 and 2, but I...
  9. G

    Is moving from a 4th gen Airport Extreme to the 6th gen (newest) Airport Extreme worth it?

    Some things: My place is too small to need mesh networking. The only way I'd go to mesh networking is if it offered more features (QoS, VPN, etc) than the Airport Extreme, but Eero, Google Wifi and others seem to be works in progress with features to be added later. I'd rather not spend money...
  10. Giuanniello

    Airport Express firmware update - howto?

    As a matter of accident I saw the light on my AirportExpress blinking orange, the network is working fine, opened Airport Utility and found out there is a firmware update available but when I click on it nothing happens, it doesn't allow me to update it, how can I work around it? I don't mind...
  11. Applebik

    Wi-Fi: No Hardware Installed on MacBook Pro 2015. Need help from Expert Mac Users/Devs

    This question is from a experienced mac user (me) who has literally searched the entire web and still hasn't got the answer. So to start I got a MacBook Pro 2015 on Sierra. Two weeks earlier, one moment the Wi-Fi was working and four hours later there was the no hardware installed problem. I can...
  12. rudychidiac

    How can I disable AppleTV airplay for guest network users?

    Hi guys, I recently enabled "guest network" on my Airport Extreme (Tower model, running version 7.7.8) I connected as a guest to check the limitations and I noticed that Airplaying photos and videos to my Apple TV still works on it. I'd like to disable that, is there a way? I tried searching...
  13. jcbbuller

    Airport Extreme - Application can't be opened. -36

    I don't know if anyone else is having this issue but when I try and open a file on my Airport Extreme I get an "The Application "*Application name" can't be opened. -36. I'm not sure if this is because I updated to Sierra or not, but it started after updated to Sierra. I've tried turning off/on...
  14. S

    Use 1st gen AirPort Express as a wi fi dongle over LAN?

    Hello Everyone, I really did search far and wide, but I don't see anyone having the same issue as me. So, here it is. Situation: I have a router/modem at the home office with a couple of iMacs hooked up to it wirelessly, and also a Mac Pro that doesn't have a wireless module that I want to...
  15. seme332

    Time Machine Backups on Time Capsule

    Hey Guys, I think this problem started when I installed Sierra, but I cannot be 100% sure actually. So I got a 2TB Time Capsule a while ago because I wanted to be able to wirelessly backup my iMac and MacBook. I setup the whole thing and even use it as a router. All of this worked fine on both...
  16. G

    [when] will apple ever launch a powerline network adaptor?

    so the subject header says it all... do you think Apple will ever launch a powerline adaptor... if so when? also any ideas when the next airports/timecapsules are likely to be released? ie an ac airport express? ps I am new here (1st post) so please accept apologies if this is the wrong...
  17. T

    Network Drive Backup

    I have a small company that uses a drive connected to an Airport extreme that everyone shares. Everyone in the office keeps all their files on this drive. (we have both mac & pc users). We need a way to keep this drive backed up without having to manually move the files to another drive. Is...
  18. keysofanxiety

    15" 2012 cMBP - 802.11ac AirPort Upgrade Available?

    Hi all, Hope you're keeping in good spirits. Does anybody know of a tried & tested aftermarket 802.11ac upgrade available for my 15" 2012 non-Retina MacBook Pro? Preferably from a UK seller for cheaper shipping. I enquired with iFixit though they advised that they don't do one. Pretty...
  19. P

    Bridge mode very slow (Airport Extreme)

    Whenever I attempt to make 1 network (roaming network) from my Apple Extreme (downstairs) to my Apple Base Station (upstairs), my internet upstairs operates at ~1mbps (full speed is 100mbps). Not sure why this is happening. Both routers are connected via ethernet. Macbook Air connects fine both...
  20. PapaGino

    Mid 2009 17in Wireless AC upgrade?

    I always been wondering if i could upgrade my macs WIFI. I currently own a 2013 TC and sometimes backups can be dreadfully slow on wireless N. I doubt this is possible since in the photo it doesn't seam like a regular mini PCIe connector at all lol. This image is from iFixit so i dont know what...