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  1. HoldenCLF

    iOS 18 does not let me charge iPhone 13PM past 80% with Optimized Battery Charging on.

    There’s a bug in iOS 18 and my iPhone 13 pro max that when I leave my phone to charge overnight with Optimized Battery Charging on, it only charges to 80% by morning. The problem is that it stays like this indefinitely, and I can’t get it to charge past 80% at my location. Back in iOS 17, my...
  2. A

    Out of warranty battery replacement at higher than 80%?

    What is Apple’s policy on replacing batteries out of warranty before they show an alert in the menu bar? I was told by AppleCare over the phone (twice) that if I’m paying out of pocket they will replace a degraded battery even if it’s not down to 80% yet and showing the warning. Mine is at 84%...
  3. M

    No device charging visible in options. Air M3.

    New Macbook Air M3, 14.6.1. Device charging works fine but why is it not displayed on the graph?
  4. N

    iPhone 16 Pro iPhone 12 Pro to 16 Pro or replace the battery?

    I'm going on vacation in a few months and I want to take some nice photos and I'm noticing blurryness and glare from my camera lenses on my iPhone 12 Pro. I know the jump will be massive and my battery currently is at 81% total health so it dies frequently should I upgrade or just replace the...
  5. D

    Largest Genuine Apple Charger iPhone Pro Max ?

    Hi, I am looking to purchase a genuine Apple charger that is the fastest possible option. I had been using my 140W MBP USB-C to Lighting but I’m almost certain that it is causing the battery health to rapidly decrease. I like the fast charge I get from it but not if it’s going to damage my...
  6. bigjnyc

    iPhone 15 Pro Max iPhone 15 owners, what is your cycle count and battery health?

    So I just noticed my battery health dropped to 99% today after it had been holding steady at 100% (nooooooooooo) So I was curious to see what you guys had as cycle counts and health ***For the "stop obsessing about battery crowd"... Yes i know relax yourselves this is just for pure curiousity...
  7. L

    Help with Battery - Mac Air early 2015

    Ok so I'll start this by saying I know nothing about Mac or Apple as a whole so your advice would really come in handy. I've had this early 2015 Mac Air and started using it in 2020, almost every day. Until a month ago I knew nothing about battery cycles and only when I saw, 3 weeks ago, that my...
  8. Y

    MacBook Air battery keeps charging after 100%

    Hi guys, thanks in advance for any ideas. Just hooked a MacBook Air M2 to an external display through Thunderbolt 3. The monitor´s Thunderbolt happens to charge the MacBook Air as well, but after getting to 100% charge, the macOS upper right battery icon keeps displaying a ray (which I...
  9. osamaorabi

    iPhone XS The battery decreases by one percent every minute and 43 seconds

    I recently changed the battery on my iPhone XS and the battery is dropping 1% every 1 minute and 43 seconds while I'm on the phone. Is this good or is the battery faulty?
  10. P

    15" MBP Mid 2014 repeat rebooting on power after battery change

    For a few years the battery on my MacBook Pro 11,2 (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014, model number A1398, OS Catalina 10.15.7) showed as 100% full and needing a service - but it wouldn't run at all without a power connection. The battery wasn't at all bloated. I recently replaced the battery - the new...
  11. osamaorabi

    iPhone XS iPhone shows lightning bolt on battery but doesn't charge

    I just changed my iPhone battery. I charged the phone. I put the phone on the charger and it was at 24% and it did not increase. I removed the charger and added it again. Battery percentage increased from 24% to more. What is the problem from my iPhone?
  12. S

    iPad Pro New 2024 uses a lot battery power if not used.

    Hi guys, I am new on the iPad. I bought a new iPadPro WIFI 256GB last week. It is interesting, that without even touching it, within 2 days the battery goes down from 80% to 68%. No, it is not in flight mode. Yes, it has a stable wifi connection (no big deal). No, I haven't installed any...
  13. A

    iPad Pro M4 iPad Pro + Pencil Pro = <2 hours battery life (and other issues)

    I'm hoping that I'm not the only one having these issues with my 4-day-old iPad Pro. The issues seem to be exclusively confined to the Pencil Pro - the device becomes very (and I mean very - to the point it almost becomes uncomfortable to hold) hot after as little as 10 minutes of Pencil use...
  14. T

    Macbook Pro Mid 2015 Shutting Down on Low Battery Instead of Going in Hibernate

    Is it normal for my Macbook Pro to shut down instead of hibernating when the battery reaches 0%? I've actually noticed this issue on the previous MB Pro I had as well (running latest version of Moneterey), same model Mid 2015. I reset the SMC right after the battery died and the Mac shut down...
  15. sqeeezy

    TiBook battery spoof possible?

    My TiBook is running at 667MHz instead of 1GHz because it has no battery installed. I'm capable of building a battery from individual cells but don't have the dead battery anymore, so don't know the pinout and don't have the pcb. An iBook battery pack that I have is 3s2p, the TiBook needs to be...
  16. T

    Macbook Pro 2015 Battery Health

    Hey everyone thank you for reading my post. I recently purchased a used Macbook Pro 2015 - 15.4 inch laptop with a brand new battery installed. Being a novice in caring for this unit I'd like to ask the experts their opinion on how I may get the best use and lifespan from the battery. I mainly...
  17. P

    "battery not charging" with Anker 735

    The battery on my MacBook Air M2 charges fine with the original apple magsafe charger. With a brand new Anker 735 nano ii 65W charger and an Anker USB-C charging cable rated to 100W - the MacBook detects the power source but says "Battery not charging". Anyone know why?
  18. M

    MB 1,1-7,1 A1181 Battery Problem

    The LID Switch FET functions OK, and the laptop DOES WORK with the external power, though Extremely Slow. At MagSafe, "Adapter Sense" line pulses when NO battery in place, the 16.5v line also pulses a few nanoseconds later (on 2 channel o-scope). Pulse width about 5ms every 1/2 second. Stays...
  19. G

    iPad Pro iPad Pro M4 Battery Life

    How is the battery life on your new 11" and 13" iPad Pro M4s? I have heard mixed reviews: - Dave2D has them as equal or slightly lower than the M1s and older generations, at 9 hours and 11 minutes - Toms Guide has the 13" at 13-15 hours (equal to their M3 15" MacBook Air battery life test)...
  20. J

    iPhone 14 Pro Battery Life After One Year

    Had my 14 for just over a year now. Love it, but the battery really takes a hit when I take photos. Almost 1% for every photo, including a quick bit of post-editing (all using native apps). Yesterday, I went out at 11 a.m. at 94%, used Maps a little bit - not for navigating - took 50 photos...